Brassicas Vegetables Horticulture Agriculture

Factsheet from the NSW Department of Primary Industries covering soil types, varieties, establishment, cultivation, pests and diseases, quality control, harvesting and marketing.

    Top: Science: Agriculture: Horticulture: Vegetables


  • Primefacts: Cabbage Growing - Factsheet from the NSW Department of Primary Industries covering soil types, varieties, establishment, cultivation, pests and diseases, quality control, harvesting and marketing.[PDF]
  • Kohl Rabi - Factsheet on this crop, with market information, culture details, harvesting and post-harvest practices.
  • Nematode Management in Crucifers - Information on general IPM considerations, symptoms, damage, field diagnosis and sampling, general management considerations and chemical control.
  • Cabbage Maggot - Life cycle and control options for the cabbage maggot, a horticulture pest of cruciferous crops such as canola, mustard, cabbage, cauliflower horticulture and broccoli.
  • Turnips - Factsheet on this root crop, with market information, brassicas culture details, harvest and post-harvest handling.
  • The History of Cabbage - University of Saskatchewan - Short account of the development of this vegetable.
  • Fungal Diseases of Cruciferous Crops - OMAFRA - Details on brassica diseases from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture.

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