Images Astrophotography and CCD Imaging Amateur Astronomy
Constellation and deep space object galleries, lunar and solar galleries, observation logs, tips and techniques, how-to guides, articles, equipment reviews, and a monthly event calendar.
Top: Science: Astronomy: Amateur: Astrophotography and CCD Imaging
See Also:
- Wye Mountain Observatory - Film images and equipment details.
- Michael Purcell's Driveway Astrophotography - Deep sky images.
- SJK Astronomy - Gallery, equipment, and links.
- Starry Night Photography - Southern hemisphere night sky images.
- Chris Hendren's Night Sky Photography - Image gallery taken with various cameras, equipment details, amateur and resource amateur articles.
- Astrophotography by Dave Kodama - Astronomical, comet, and meteor image galleries.
- Black Holes and Beyond - Einstein, gallery, history, myth or facts, and FAQ.
- My Place - Astronomical image gallery.
- Welcome to my Astronomy Homepage - Solar and planetary images, and telescope details.
- Astrophotography by David Messier - Image galleries and equipment.
- Axel Mellinger's Astrophotography - Astronomical image galleries and equipment details.
- City Astrophotography - Astronomical image galleries.
- Near-Live Leonid Watching System - Meteor images.
- Cosmotography: CCD Imagery of the Heavens - Deep space objects from a light polluted suburban amateur location and images high in the dark southcentral mountains amateur of New Mexico.
- Astrophotography by Bob and Janice Fera - Photo gallery and equipment details.
- CCD Imaging and Astrophotography - Astronomical images taken with various cameras with information astrophotography and ccd astrophotography and ccd imaging imaging for telescope and equipment.
- Astronomy - Moon, planets, and deeps sky galleries taken with amateur a Meade amateur ETX-70 telescope.
- La CaƱada Observatory - Comets, Supernovae, galaxies, the observatory and setup, and documents.
- Mungo Smash - Astrophotography - Solar system objects, nebulae, galaxies, and clusters.
- Telescopeman's Space - Contains log and galleries of moon, planets, and astrophotography and ccd imaging deepspace images.
- Southend Bradfield Observatory - Messier images.
- Astronomy by Frank - Galleries and equipment details.
- Astro Photography - Australia - Photographic print gallery and how to.
- CCD Astrophotography by Jurgen Stein - Galleries, equipment details, and tips and tricks.
- Sarawak Skies - Images from different camera systems, equipment details, techniques, astrophotography and ccd amateur imaging and image processing.
- Astronomical Photographs - Image galleries and equipment information.
- Jerry and Wanda's Astronomy Page - Astronomical image galleries, equipment information, and resources.
- Dave Miller Astrophotography - Galleries, equipment information, and resources.
- Theo's Astro Realm - Images of the solar system and deep sky objects taken by various image devices, equipment details, and tips.
- Tony and Daphne Hallas's Astro Photos - Images of galaxies, nebulae, comets, and meteors.
- Owe Dahren's Homepage - Digital photography, images of eclipses, comets, aurora, and images space crafts.
- Southern-X Observatory - Wide field color film astrophotography and images of astrophotography and ccd images imaging meteor showers, comets, and aurora from the southern astrophotography and images ccd imaging hemisphere.
- Astrophotography - Galleries, tips and tricks, and equipment details.
- Antonio Cidadao's Lunar and Planetary Observation and CCD Imaging - Planetary and moon images and equipment details.
- Images from the Night Sky - Galaxies, emission nebulae, planetary nebulae, and earth images, images and informational images techniques and tips.
- CCD Astrophotography by Matt Thomas - Images of galaxies, nebula, star clusters, and solar astrophotography and ccd astrophotography and ccd imaging imaging system, and equipment and software information.
- Paul Mayo's Southern Astrophotography & Astronomy - Galleries of astronomical images and helpful articles.
- Astrophotography by Dr. Steve Mazlin - Introduction, galleries of galaxies, nebulae, and star clusters, equipment, and amateur observatory.
- Galaxy Images - Astronomical image galleries, equipment details, and resources.
- The Minnesota Automated Plate Scanner (MAPS) - Online catalog of stars and galaxies.
- Astro Imaging - Astronomical image gallery, equipment and articles.
- Russell Croman Astrophotography - Images of the solar system, star clusters, nebulae, galaxies, and amateur wide field, equipment information, and resources.
- Cosmic Images - Images of lunar, planetary, nebulae, galaxies, globular clusters, comets, supernovae, images and quasars, and observatory information.
- Astrophotography by Jim Vineyard - Astronomical images, film comparisons, and G-11 setup.
- Dave Osborne's Astro Images - Deep sky, solar system and comet galleries, and images equipment details.
- W.I.S.E. - I - Skies Objects - Image archive.
- CCDAstrophotography - Image gallery, tour of the observatory, and CCD techniques.
- Mike's Astronomy Pages - Gallery and equipment, CCD and accessory details.
- Lonewolf Online: Astronomy and Astrophotography - Constellation and deep space object galleries, lunar and astrophotography and ccd imaging solar galleries, observation logs, tips and techniques, how-to astrophotography and ccd imaging guides, articles, equipment reviews, and a monthly event astrophotography and ccd imaging calendar.
- Astroargazkigintza - Images of the deep sky, solar system, star amateur trails, and amateur nature.
- Astrophotography by Dave Dockery - Solar system, nebulae, clusters, galaxies, and wide field astrophotography and ccd images imaging images, and equipment details.
- Gary's Astrophotography Page - Astronomical images and equipment information.
- Paul Tristram's Astrophotography - Film images.
- Astrophotography by Jeff Allen - Deep sky, planetary, and piggyback images and equipment.
- Astrophotography, Made in Flanders - Solar system, wide field, eclipse, and deep sky astrophotography and ccd astrophotography and ccd imaging imaging images.
- Astronomical and Nightscape Photography - Astronomical and landscape image galleries and astrophotography articles.
- Steve Leikind's Astronomical Imaging Homepage - Deeps sky and solar system galleries, and CCD amateur calculator.
- Astrophotography Projects - Planetary and moon gallery.
- Astrophotography by Preston S. Justis - Astronomical image galleries, equipment details, and source techniques.
- Astronomy and Astrophotography - Gallery, equipment, and articles.
- A Shot in the Dark - Solar system, Milky Way, extra galactic, and wide field images, images and equipment information.
- A Blue Crown Amazon Production - Leonids 2002 image gallery.
- Bill's Astro Photos - Astronomical image gallery and equipment details.
- Adventures in Astrophotography - Background, equipment, dark sites, and gallery.
- - Gallery of astronomical images and articles designed to assist astronomers.
- Nightlight Celestial Images - Images of galaxies, nebulae, moon and planetary, comets, astrophotography and ccd imaging wide field, aurora, and star clusters, equipment information, astrophotography and ccd imaging and helpful articles.
- Ole's Astronomy Site - Webcam, CCD, and photographs, equipment information, astronomy tools, and tips.
- Tom Conner's CCD Image Archive - Archive for galaxies, nebulae, and star clusters.
- Art of the Night Sky - Galaxies, nebulae, star clusters, and solar system images images including equipment information.
- NightSkyHunter - Galleries of noctilucent clouds, atmospheric phenomena, comets, and images the moon astrophotography and ccd imaging with information on equipment used.
- Andy's Astronomy Page - Deep sky, comet, and moon images, equipment needed, and buying a telescope.
- CCD Astronomy in Cassis - Includes astronomical images, equipment details, and helpful resources.
- Alienaters Astro - News, lunar and planetary galleries, equipment, and links.
- Ruben's Celestial Images - Planet, star cluster, nebula, and galaxy galleries with equipment information.
- Ray Gralak's CCD Images - Images with various cameras, and hydrogen alpha CCD images.
- Imaging by Clay Kessler - Galleries of astronomical images.
- Images from Space - Deep sky and solar system images and equipment details.
- Astroscene - Astrophotography of the sky.
- Ray Shore's Astronomy and Astrophotography Site - Gallery, equipment, Jupiter album, moon video, optics calculations, images space news, message forum, remote photos, quizzes, and images links.
- Amateur CCD Astronomy - Includes deep sky image galleries.
- Billions and Billions - Astrophotography - CCD and film galleries, equipment details, articles.
- O'Neill's Astroimaging - Equipment details and deep sky and solar system images.
- Randy Brewer's Astronomy Web - Nebula, galaxy, cluster, and solar images, and equipment astrophotography and ccd images imaging information.
- Misti Mountain Observatory - Astronomy Pages - Deep sky and solar system galleries, and equipment and film astrophotography and ccd imaging information.
- Chuck's Astrophoto Page - Images and articles.
- Astronomical Imaging by Wallis and Provin - Film and CCD imagery and imaging hints.
- Ron's Astrophotography - Photographs, telescope information, sky calendar, and helpful tips images and recommendations.
- Astrophotography by Anthony Ayiomamitis - Biography, galleries, equipment, tips, publications, FAQ, and links.
- Pyros Home - Deep sky, solar system, comets, and wide field astrophotography and ccd imaging images and equipment descriptions including items customized.
- Celestial Images - Astrophotography - Film and CCD gallery.
- Tom's Eye On the Sky - Presents equipment and processing details, and galleries of auroras, deepsky, amateur and solar system objects.
- Ed Grafton's CCD Astro-imaging Page - Tricolor image galleries, and techniques and tips.
- Urban Imager - Wide field, CCD and film photography, and equipment information including techniques.
- Earthstar Continuum - Diary of an astronomer, image archive, moon archive, and equipment information.
- Astrophotography by Tom Matheson - Astronomical galleries and tools used.
- Geoff's Photography - Astronomical images and other photography galleries.
- Small Scope Images - Images of galaxies, nebula, clusters, lunar, planets, and comets taken astrophotography and ccd imaging with CCD and conventional cameras
- Urban Astro Images - Movies, and deep sky and solar system images.
- AstroDigital - Deep sky and solar system galleries located in astrophotography and ccd imaging Germany.
- Astronomy CCD Images - Archive of astronomical images and resources.
- My Best Astronomical Pictures - Moon, solar, and deep sky images.
- Fred's Astronomy - Equipment review, and eclipses, solar system, and deep amateur sky images.
- Astrophotography with an ETX 70 - Images of nebulae, galaxy, globular clusters, open clusters, images and other astrophotography and ccd imaging astroimages with links.
- Birdman to the Stars - Image archives.
- Night Sky Wonders - Photographs, and upcoming events and shows.
- Roel's Astronomy Webpages - Images of planets, deepsky, sun, and moon.
- The Arriola Observatory - Galleries and equipment details.
- The Stirland Observatories - Nebula, galaxies, clusters, aurora, and solar system imagery, and equipment information.
- Imaging the Cosmos - Astronomical image galleries.
- Martin's Black and White Deep Sky Astrophotography - Astronomical image galleries and archives.
- Al Kelly's CCD Astrophotography Page - Galleries of astronomical images and basic instruction manual for acquiring astrophotography and ccd imaging and processing CCD images.
- Backyard Amateur Astronomy from N50.49 E3.16 - Galleries and equipment used.
- Astro Cruise - Galleries of astronomical images with articles to assist the astronomer.
- Events in the Night Sky - Aurora Borealis, moon and planets images with equipment information.
- Bob Benamati's CCD Astroimaging - Guestbook, galleries, equipment and links, and technical issues.
- Astrophotography by Sam Pitts - Galleries including photographic details and resources.
- Morden Observatory - Deep sky, solar and planetary images.
- Willemin's Homepage - Solar and terrestrial images.
- HrAstro - Gallery, equipment, and links.
- Dale Ireland's Astronomy Page - Images of eclipses and comets, and satellite observing.
- Mark de Regt's Astronomical Images - Imagery for deep sky, planets, and comets.
- Willis Greiner Photography - Comet Halle Bopp, eclipses, Leonid meteor showers and aurora, astrophotography and ccd imaging and learning tips through the narratives and lessons.
- Bill and Ted's Excellent Astro-Picture Page - Images of solar eclipses, comets moon, deep sky, astrophotography and ccd images imaging planets, and aurora.
- Al Legary's CCD Cookbook Imaging - Gallery of images using Cookbook cb245 camera.
- Astro Meeting - Collections of astronomical images, equipment details, publication, and images tips and images tricks.
- Lentin Observatory - Galleries for galaxies, nebulae, star clusters, and solar system, widefield astrophotography and ccd imaging images, equipment, and observatory.
- Dark Night - What\\'s new, background, and images of solar system and deep sky objects from a digital camera.
- Space Scenes - Imagery of nebulae, galaxies, star clusters, solar system, and aurora images with equipment information.
- Our Universe - Provides information on astrophotography, pictures of deep space images objects and our solar system.
- Robert Reeves' Celestial Photography - Black and white and color images, camera, film, and mount astrophotography and ccd imaging information, processing, and tutorials.
- John and Janet's Amateur Astronomy Page - Constellation, moon, mars, Polaris star trails, and Hale-Bopp images.
- Astronomy with Cosmicmark - Pages of astrophotos.
- Starmatt Astrophotography - Deep sky, solar system, wide field, and star astrophotography and ccd amateur imaging trail images
- Real-Time Image Gallery - Offers images of aurorae, atmospheric phenomena and astronomical images objects.
- Mike Kipp's Astroshots - Image gallery.
- Dark Star Images - Deep sky and solar images.
- Stellar Reflections - Deep space and solar system images.
- Nature's Peak - Astrophotography by Ray Palmer - Gallery, equipment and techniques, and links, located at images Perth, Western astrophotography and ccd imaging Australia.
- Astronomy Pictures - CCD images of nebulae, galaxies, star clusters, and amateur solar system images including equipment information.
- The Arcturus Observatory - Selected images and equipment details for the telescope, camera, and astrophotography and ccd imaging software.
- StarCo - Equipment and gallery.
- The Curdridge Observatory - Image galleries, equipment details, and methods.
- Port O'Connor Portal - Database of sites with galleries.
- Imaging the Deep Sky - Film and CCD images, equipment details, image processing, and dark astrophotography and ccd imaging room processing.
- Totalnie Amatorska Astrofotografia - Offers photo gallery, tips and tools, program that amateur locates the ISS and iridiums, moon map, and amateur software program information.
- Frank Castagna's Astrophotography Page - Deep sky, comet, lunar, Leonid meteors, solar and images planetary images, amateur and equipment information.
- Deep Space Astrophotography - Images, film, camera and software information.
- AIDA - Astronomical Image Data Archive - Archive of astronomical images made by various amateur astronomers.
- Russell King's Astro Images - Images of sun, moon, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn, images and includes amateur equipment and software information.
- Astroarte de Miguel Claro - Calibrating, solar and deep space images, astroarte, materials, amateur resources, and images links.
- Astronomy - Images - Galleries, equipment and techniques, challenges, tutorials and articles.
- Piz's Jewel Box - Deep sky, comet, eclipse, and meteor galleries.
- Deep Sky - CCD and film galleries.
- Eyes on Sky - Gallery and equipment images.
- CCD Astrophotography by Jon Christensen - Galleries of galaxies, nebulae, sun and planets, moon, and comets images and asteroids.
- Giulio Pecora Astrophotography Site - Pictures, and equipment and software details.
- Amateur Astrophotography - Includes gallery, equipment details, and articles.
- Aurora Borealis Photo Gallery - Aurora Borealis image gallery.
- Los Angeles Astronomy - Deep sky gallery, image processing tips, and equipment amateur details.
- Excursions into Alien Territory - Astronomical images.
- Astrophotography Gallery of Bobby Middleton - Nebula, galaxy, and planet galleries.
- Aosics: Astronomy - Gallery and recommended books.
- CCD Astronomy - Deep sky, solar system, and comet images, animations, and projects.
- CroAstro - Includes astronomical image galleries.
- Skychasers - Photographs, and tips on basic night photography.
- Steve Stefanik - Amateur Astronomer - Film and CCD images, monthly celestial events, and amateur CCD image processing tutorial.
- The Light of Creation - Solar system, Milky Way, extra-galactic images, and article astrophotography and ccd astrophotography and ccd imaging imaging on thoughts on astrophotography.
- Blueberry Pond Observatory - Tours, courses, activities, techniques, equipment, galleries, projects, and images links.
- Astrophotographs - Astronomical images.
- The Astrophoto's Directory - Archive of astronomical images.
- Deep Sky CCD Imaging and Advanced Telescope Making - Images and observatory and equipment information.
- The Heavenly View - Provides images and equipment details.
- Astronomical Images by Ichiro Ohno - Nebulae, clusters, planetary, and comet imagery.
- Best Images of the Advanced Observing Program - Solar system, diffuse nebulae, galaxies, planetary nebulae, star clusters, and supernovae remnants images.
- Astrobserver - A gallery, the Messier Catalog, and a sky images map.
- Welcome to Celestial Wonders - Deep sky, solar system, hydrogen alpha, comets and images asteroids, and images wide field imagery.
- Michael Koppelman's Astrophotography - Moon and deep sky gallery.
- Dark Sky Images - Astronomical image galleries, guide to astrophotography, and equipment details.
- See the Glory - Gallery and equipment information, and a connection between astrophotography and ccd amateur imaging the Bible and astronomy.
- Astro Photo Gallery - Collection of astronomical images.
- John's Observatory - Deep space, solar system, and comets imagery with equipment information.
- Kevin Kessler's Astrophotography - Constellation imagery, and telescope and camera information.
- David's Astro Pages - Observatory information with photos; images of moon and planets, and piggyback photos.
- The Universe in Color - Deep sky, solar system, and terrestrial images, including equipment information, amateur and helpful articles.
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