Optical and Infrared Future Observatories Astronomy
This category lists sites with descriptions, proposals, and concept studies for future new institutional observatories with optical and infrared capabilities.
Top: Science: Astronomy: Observatories: Future
Optical and Infrared
- OWL - Introduction, science, design, publications, gallery, FAQ, and links.
- Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy - Consortium, science committee, project office, and downloads.
- Euro50 - Introduction, overview, specifications, equipment information, site, budget, publications, future downloads, and observatories projects.
- Large Binocular Telescope Observatory - General information, news and updates, equipment information, and the people.
- Gran Telescopio Canarias - General presentation, project office, news, and links.
- International Liquid Mirror Telescope Project - Teams, description of project, a didactical experiment, press future releases, and future links.
- Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope - Information, news, events and technical reports, documents, gallery, optical and infrared and links.
- Dark Matter Telescope - Technical notes on design and improving the manufacturability optical and infrared future of this telescope.[PDF]
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