Radio Observatories Astronomy
This category lists sites especially for astronomical radio observatories of institutions.
Top: Science: Astronomy: Observatories
See Also:
- Deep Space Network - Features, antennas, services, technology, science, publications, history, education, astronomy gallery, and observatories links.
- Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Center - General information, history, events, public information, multimedia, news, astronomy and calendar.
- The Very Small Array - New results, papers, data, and images.
- Jodrell Bank Observatory - History, equipment information, general astronomy, education, observing facilities, astronomy and research.
- Australia Telescope National facility - Narrabri - Information for public and observers, schedules, databases, site astronomy information, and documentation.
- Australia Telescope National Facility - General information, news, equipment information, schedules, documentation, archives, radio resources, and radio links.
- Istituto di Radioastronomia - General information, library, slide archive, archives, journals, observing times, projects, reports, and links.
- Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe - General information, technical data, data archive, user support, radio and documents radio and reports
- The Effelsberg 100-m Radio Telescope - Information for observers including proposals, system information, news, radio and schedule, radio and public outreach.
- Caltech Astronomy - Introduction to OVRO - Facilities and instruments information, general information, images, and links.
- The Very Long Baseline Array - Tools for operators, analysts, astronomers, recorded technician, and radio site technician, observatories data quality information, general public information, radio and images.
- Atacama Large Millimeter Array - General information, library, project book, pictures and videos, astronomy and news observatories and events.
- Arecibo Observatory - Users guide, calendar, proposals, schedules, newsletter, publications, programs, radio operations, technical radio information, and general public information.
- Metsähovi Radio Observatory - General information, projects, publications, image gallery, and related observatories sites.
- The Mount Pleasant Radio Observatory - Facility and equipment information, and projects.
- The Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory - General information on facility and equipment, introduction to subject, images, observatories and individual links to individual equipment and instrumentation.
- National Centre for Radio Astrophysics - Facilities and equipment information, images, library, and research observatories opportunities.
- Five College Radio Astronomy Observatory - General information, observer information, research, instrumentation, education, and astronomy image gallery.
- National Radio Astronomy Observatory - Current events, public outreach, very large array, VLA astronomy expansion project, and very long baseline array.
- Submillimeter Array - General information, facility and equipment information, proposals, resources, observatories publications, and radio links.
- Institut de RadioAstronomie Millimétrique - Facilities, equipment information, events and news, calendar, publications, recent results, radio and news.
- Onsala Space Observatory - Tours, facilities and instrument information, library, and seminars.
- Caltech Submillimeter Observatory - General information, recent results, publications, proposals, observer information, radio and instrumentation.
- The KOSMA 3m Submillimeter Telescope - Information on the equipment, research projects, observation results, astronomy documentation, image radio gallery, and schedule.
- Big Ear Memorial Website - Includes design and building, about the designer and builder, articles, beginners' guide, and links.
- Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope - Students, research, local information, staff, and links.
- Berkeley Illinois Maryland Association - A consortium consisting of a radio astronomy laboratory, radio a laboratory for astronomical imaging, and a laboratory radio for millimeter-wave astronomy.
- Joint Astronomy Centre - General information, facility description, applying for time, observing astronomy information, archive, observatories user documentation, and developments.
- Very Large Array - Information for astronomers, operators, analysts, and teachers and students, image gallery, FAQ, current observation highlights, tours, and newsletters.
- The University of Calgary Radio Astronomy Laboratory - Projects, people, facility and equipment information, graduate level radio course project report, and links.
- Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory - Public outreach and education, observing facility and equipment information, and major activities.
- Ceduna Radio Observatory - General information, basic guide, site and facility information, observing guide, and schedule.
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