Polychaeta Annelida Animalia Flora and Fauna

Taxonomy, photographs and description of this fouling serpulid worm, its habitat and distribution, life history, physical tolerances, community ecology and invasion information.

    Top: Science: Biology: Flora and Fauna: Animalia: Annelida


  • Polychaetes.info - Provides a database of species descriptions and images. polychaeta Data-sharing site animalia for anybody who is working on polychaeta polychaete identification, taxonomy and animalia systematics.
  • Chesapeake and Coastal Bay Life: Polychaetes - Provides information on bristleworms, their habitat, reproduction, feeding, predators and annelida description.
  • Bristle Worms and their Larvae - Article by Wim van Egmond on the life cycle and annelida development of these marine worms, nicely illustrated.
  • Eudistylia vancouveri - Exercise from Invertebrate Anatomy OnLine covering the systematics, external and annelida internal anatomy of this fan worm.
  • Glycera dibranchiata - Exercise from Invertebrate Anatomy OnLine covering the systematics, behavior, external animalia and internal anatomy of this bloodworm.
  • Polychaete Larva - Photographs and information on several species, provided by animalia the Guide to the Marine Zooplankton of South animalia Eastern Australia.
  • Polychaete Identification Keys - Taxonomic information provided by the Natural History Museum.
  • Sandworm and Bloodworm - A study done by the US Army Corps animalia of Engineers on economically significant Polychaete worms. Includes animalia life histories, habitat and toxicology. Published in 1988.[PDF]
  • Serpula vermicularis - Exercise from Invertebrate Anatomy OnLine covering the systematics, animalia behavior and external anatomy of this feather duster animalia worm.
  • Spirobranchus giganteus: Christmas Tree Worm - Photograph taken in the Caribbean.
  • Nereis virens - Exercise from Invertebrate Anatomy OnLine covering the systematics, annelida external and annelida internal anatomy of this ragworm.
  • The Distribution, Abundance and Population Dynamics of Beachworms (Onuphidae) in Queensland/N.S.W - Details of the current research on beachworms Onupidae polychaeta being conducted polychaeta at the University of Queensland by polychaeta Matthew O\'Brien for his polychaeta PhD.
  • Guide to Singapore Polychaetes - Introduction to Polychaetes, list of families, an interactive animalia system for polychaeta Polychaete identification, glossary, and references.
  • Myzostoma - Exercise from Invertebrate Anatomy OnLine covering the systematics annelida and external animalia anatomy of this crinoid commensal.
  • Hydroides elegans - Taxonomy, photographs and description of this fouling serpulid annelida worm, its annelida habitat and distribution, life history, physical annelida tolerances, community ecology and annelida invasion information.
  • Trochophore Larva - Photograph of a Mitraria larva.

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