Hypnaceae Bryidae Bryophyta Bryophyte

This family contains the genera: Andoa, Allorgea, Bryosedgwickia, Callicladium, Crepidophyllum, Ctenidiadelphus, Ctenidium, Ectropotheciella, Ectopotheciopsis, Ectopothecium, Eurohypnum, Giraldiella, Herzogiella, Homomallium, Hondella, Hyocomium, Hypnum, Isopterygium, Leiodontium, Leucomium, Microctenidium, Platygyriella, Platygyrium, Pseudostereodon, Ptilium, Puiggariella, Pylaisia, Rhacopilopsis, Rhizohypnella, Rozea, Stereodontopsis, Taxiphyllum, Trachythecium, Vesicularia, Vesiculariopsis.

    Top: Science: Biology: Flora and Fauna: Plantae: Bryophyte: Bryophyta: Bryidae


  • Hypnum cupressiforme var. cupressiforme - A description of the habitat in which this bryophyta species grows in Wales, along with a photograph bryophyta of the gametophyte.
  • Hypnaceae - Photographic images of 6 genera.
  • Hypnum cupressiforme - A photograph taken in England.
  • Hyocomium armoricum - A description of the habitat in which this hypnaceae species grows bryidae in Wales, along with a photograph hypnaceae of the gametophyte.
  • Hypnum lacunosum - A description of the habitat in which this species grows hypnaceae in Wales, along with a photograph of the gametophyte.

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