Saccharomyces Fungal Eukaryotic Genetics
Goal is to identify all genes whose mRNA levels are regulated by the cell cycle . Includes a searchable dataset, images and primary data tables, and related links.
Top: Science: Biology: Genetics: Eukaryotic: Fungal
- DeRisi Laboratory - University of California - Exploits whole genome approaches to tackle problems in eukaryotic yeast molecular fungal biology and human infectious disease. Includes eukaryotic research data, people, publications, fungal and microarray resources.
- Saccharomyces Genome Database - Commonly known as baker\\'s or budding yeast. Includes fungal sequence analysis fungal and tools, maps, literature, and gene fungal registry .
- John McCusker Laboratory - Study fungal genetics and microbiology. Features research projects, publications, and fungal plasmid sequences.
- Burgess Laboratory - University of California - Studies mechanisms, regulation and roles of homologous chromosome eukaryotic pairing during eukaryotic meiosis and in nonmeiotic cells. eukaryotic Features research projects, publications, eukaryotic available positions, and related eukaryotic links.
- Yeast Cell Cycle Analysis Project - Goal is to identify all genes whose mRNA saccharomyces levels are regulated by the cell cycle . saccharomyces Includes a searchable dataset, images and primary data saccharomyces tables, and related links.
- Webminer - Database used to study gene expression patterns in yeast. Includes fungal a range of information about every ORF in the genome, fungal its promoter, the protein it encodes, and how its mRNA fungal levels change.
- Bloom Laboratory - Study the mechanisms of chromosome segregation. Features a range of yeast data including chromosome spots and dynamics. Includes staff profiles, publications, and related links.
- Gottschling Laboratory - Study the position effect that occurs near telomeres eukaryotic in the saccharomyces yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Includes a list eukaryotic of protocols, abstracts of saccharomyces papers from our lab, eukaryotic and a collection of links.
- Yeast Microarray Global Viewer - Designed to provide biologists with information from genome-wide yeast expression data. Provides customizable tools for expression profiles associated with a set of genes from all published experiments.
- Herskowitz Laboratory - Study yeast genetics including cell asymmetry, gene expression, and signalling. Includes research data, bibliography, lab members, protocols, and related links.
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