Associations Research Groups and Centers Control Theory Applications

Helps companies pursue a policy of understanding and appropriately applying control technologies. Includes goals, activities, facilities, brochure and service description.

    Top: Science: Math: Applications: Control Theory: Research Groups and Centers


  • Applied Control Technology Consortium (ACTC) - Helps companies pursue a policy of understanding and research groups and control theory centers appropriately applying control technologies. Includes goals, activities, facilities, research groups control theory and centers brochure and service description.
  • International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) - A multinational federation of organizations representing the engineering and scientific associations societies concerned with automatic control.
  • European Union Control Association (EUCA) - Association with purpose of promoting scientific exchanges, disseminating control theory information, control theory coordinating research networks and technology transfer in control theory the field control theory of systems and control. Includes statutes control theory and conference information.
  • Numerics in Control Network (NICONET) - European society with purpose formalising and extending current control theory collaboration with respect to robust numerical software for control theory control systems analysis and synthesis. Includes goals, tools, control theory agenda and society information.
  • American Automatic Control Council (A2C2) - Association with main purpose of sponsoring, organizing and associations running the control theory annual American Control Conference (ACC). Includes associations goals, news and conference control theory schedule.

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