People Logic and Foundations Math
New Mexico State University - Nonstandard mathematics, operators on boolean algebras, fuzzy mathematics, universal algebra, general topology, posets and lattices.
Top: Science: Math: Logic and Foundations
See Also:
- Jockusch, Carl G. - University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign - Recursion theory.
- Kaiser, Klaus - University of Houston - Mathematical logic, universal algebra, math lattice theory logic and foundations and logic programming.
- Lessmann, Olivier - University of Illinois, Chicago - Model theory.
- Van Dalen, Dirk - Utrecht University - Historical aspects of logic, philosophy people of mathematics.
- White, Graham - Queen Mary and Westfield College, London - Philosophy math and linear logic and foundations logic.
- Fitting, Melvin - City University of New York - Logic in people computer science, mathematics, philosophy.
- Robinson, Edmund - Queen Mary and Westfield College - Categorical logic and the logic and foundations semantics of programming languages and type theories.
- Moss, Lawrence - Indiana University - Applied logic.
- Rubin, Jean E. - Purdue University - Set theory, axiom of choice.
- Hustadt, Ullrich - University of Liverpool - Resolution-based and tableaux-based decision procedures for logic and foundations decidable fragments of first-order logic.
- Kaye, Richard - University of Birmingham - Model theory.
- Leivant, Daniel - Indiana University - Computational complexity.
- Junker, Markus - University of Freiburg - Model theory.
- Cholak, Peter - University of Notre Dame - Recursion theory.
- Holmes, Randall - Boise State University - Set theory: New Foundations, automated theorem math proving.
- Friedman, Sy D. - University of Vienna - Set theory.
- Pitts, Andrew - University of Cambridge - Categorical logic, type theory, semantics of programming languages and logic in computer science.
- Scott, Dana - Carnegie Mellon University - Model theory, set theory, logic and foundations logic and foundations foundations of logic and mathematics, symbolic mathematical computation.
- Guglielmi, Alessio - Technische Universitaet Dresden - Proof Theory.
- Chaitin, Gregory J. - IBM Research - Algorithmic information theory.
- Zach, Richard - University of Calgary - Non-classical logics, proof theory, math philosophy of logic and foundations mathematics, history and philosophy of logic.
- Danos, Vincent - University of Paris 7 - Proof theory, linear people logic.
- Scedrov, Andre - University of Pennsylvania - Logic in computer science, linear logic.
- Moschovakis, Yiannis N. - UCLA - Set theory, recursion theory.
- Vlad, Serban E. - Independent scholar, Bucharest - Asynchronous automata and binary logic and foundations math valued mathematical analysis.
- Luo, Zhaohui - University of London, UK - Type theory, theoretical math computer science people and semantics of natural languages.
- Cummings, James - Carnegie Mellon University - Set theory.
- Darnière, Luck - University of Angers, France - Model theory.
- Dosen, Kosta - University of Belgrade - Proof theory, category theory.
- Zilber, Boris - University of Oxford - Model theory.
- Sipser, Michael - MIT - Complexity theory.
- Lindell, Steven - Haverford College - Finite model theory, descriptive complexity.
- Knight, Julia F. - University of Notre Dame - Recursion theory.
- Marker, David - University of Illinois, Chicago - Model theory.
- Lafont, Yves - University of Marseille II - Linear logic, lambda logic and foundations math calculus, proof theory, term rewriting. Lafont invented logic and foundations math the theory of interaction nets, an elegant theory logic and foundations math of graph rewriting.
- Levesque, Hector - University of Toronto - Knowledge representation.
- Ziegler, Martin - University of Freiburg - Model theory.
- Schmidt, Renate - University of Manchester - Modal logic, resolution theorem proving, resolution logic and foundations decision problems, relation algebras, Peirce algebras and knowledge representation.
- Kechris, Alexander S. - Caltech - Foundations of mathematics, mathematical logic and math set theory, math interactions with analysis.
- Rathjen, Michael - University of Leeds - Proof theory.
- Soare, Robert I. - University of Chicago - Recursion theory.
- Howard, Paul - Eastern Michigan University - Axiom of choice.
- Jech, Thomas - Pennsylvania State University - Set theory.
- McKenzie, Ralph - Vanderbildt University and UC Berkeley - Algebra, logic, combinatorics.
- Hjorth, Greg - UCLA - Descriptive set theory, countable models, definable people equivalence relations.
- Nelson, Edward - Princeton University - Bounded arithmetic, automated proof verification (QED).
- Pedicini, Marco - Institute for Applied Calculus, Rome - Theoretical computer people science, linear people logic, geometry of interaction, optimal reductions.
- Miller, Dale - INRIA Saclay - Île-de-France - Linear logic, proof logic and foundations search, automated reasoning, and declarative programming languages.
- Mitchell, William - University of Florida - Set theory.
- Chatzidakis, Zoé - CNRS/University of Paris 7 - Model theory.
- Beklemishev, Lev - Utrecht University and Steklov Mathematical Institute of Moscow people - Proof people theory, modal logics.
- Burris, Stanley - University of Waterloo - Universal algebra, logic, computers.
- Hodges, Wilfrid - University of London - Model theory.
- Feferman, Solomon - Stanford University - Proof theory,theory of computation, foundations logic and foundations logic and foundations of mathematics, philosophy of mathematics, history of modern logic and foundations logic and foundations logic.
- Marcos, João - State University of Campinas, Brazil - Philosophical logic, math paraconsistent, many-valued and modal logics.
- Plotkin, Gordon - Institute for Communicating and Collaborative Systems, UK - people denotational people and operational semantics of programming languages, people type theory; domain-theoretic and people categorical analyses of computation, people proof theory, the semantics of natural people language, process people c
- Larson, Jean A. - University of Florida - Set theory, combinatorics.
- Van Benthem, Johan - University of Amsterdam and Stanford University - Modal logic and foundations people logic and a wide range of other areas logic and foundations people in logic.
- Flum, Jörg - University of Freiburg - Finite model theory.
- Simpson, George - Penn State University - Fuondations of mathematics and math logic.
- Vickers, Steven - University of Birmingham, UK - Geometric logic, topos math theory, quantales and semantics of programming languages.
- Carlstrom, Jesper - Stockholm University - Constructive type theory and related math mathematics.
- Buss, Samuel R. - University of California, San Diego - Proof theory, computational complexity.
- Forster, T. E. - University of Cambridge - Set theory, type theory.
- Avigad, Jeremy - Carnegie Mellon University - Proof theory, constructive mathematics, proof complexity, the history and philosophy of mathematics.
- Lakemeyer, Gerhard - Aachen University of Technology - Knowledge-based systems.
- Welch, Philip - University of Bristol - Set theory, inner models, descriptive set theory.
- Makowsky, Johann (Janos) A. - Technion, Israel - Logic in computer science, finite people model theory.
- Matiyasevich, Yuri - Steklov Institute, St. Petersburg - Algorithmical number theory.
- Ong, C.-H. Luke - Merton College, Oxford - Categorical logic, game semantics, math type theory, math lambda calculus, semantics of programming languages, math and sequentiality.
- Wansing, Heinrich - Institute of Logic and the Philosophy of Science, Leipzig - Substructural and non-classical logics, modal logic, proof-theoretic semantics, philosophy of logic, philosophy of language.
- Awodey, Steve - Carnegie Mellon University - Category theory, logic, history people and philosophy of mathematics and logic.
- Buechler, Steven - University of Notre Dame - Model theory.
- Prest, Mike - University of Manchester - Algebra and model theory.
- Sieg, Wilfried - Carnegie Mellon University - Proof theory, philosophy of mathematics, history of 19th and 20th century logic and mathematics.
- Shore, Richard A. - Cornell University - Recursion theory.
- Slaman, Theodore A. - University of California, Berkeley - Recursion theory.
- Andrews, Peter B. - Carnegie Mellon University - Type theory, automated theorem math proving.
- Nerode, Anil - Cornell University - Computability theory, logic in computer math science, history of logic.
- Aczel, Peter - University of Manchester - Philosophy and foundations of logic and foundations mathematics and computing, mathematical logic, categorical logic.
- Quigley, Peter - Manchester Metropolitan University - Computational logic, formal methods, people formal specification, automated reasoning and proof planning.
- Kunen, Kenneth - University of Wisconsin, Madison - Set theory.
- Solovay, Robert M. - University of California, Berkeley - Proof theory.
- Etchemendy, John - Stanford University - Philosophical logic, semantics, and philosophy logic and foundations math of language.
- Barendregt, Henk - Radboud University Nijmegen - Lambda calculus, type theory math and formalising math mathematical vernacular.
- Artemov, Sergei - City University of New York Graduate Center - math Proof theory, math logic of proofs.
- Pollett, Chris - San Jose State University - Logic, bounded arithemtic, logic and foundations math computational complexity and quantum computation.
- Kanamori, Akihiro - Boston University - Set theory.
- Parikh, Rohit - Brooklyn College - Reasoning about knowledge, belief revision, logic and foundations game theory, philosophy of language.
- Ebbinghaus, Heinz-Dieter - University of Freiburg - Finite model theory.
- Lascar, Daniel - CNRS / University of Paris 7 - Model theory.
- Baldwin, John T. - University of Illinois, Chicago - Model theory (finite logic and foundations and infinite).
- Carnielli, Walter A. - State University of Campinas, Brazil - Foundations of logic and foundations people non-classical logics, many-valued logics, paraconsistent logics, finite logic and foundations people and infinite combinatorics.
- Goldstern, Martin - University of Technology, Vienna - Set theory.
- Bouscaren, Elisabeth - CNRS / University of Paris 7 - Model math theory and logic and foundations algebraic geometry.
- Blass, Andreas R. - University of Michigan, Ann Arbor - Set theory, finite combinatorics, logic and foundations theoretical computer science.
- Vereshchagin, Nikolai - Moscow State University - Theory of computation, Intuitionistic math logic
- Gerla, Giangiacomo - University of Salerno, Italy - Fuzzy logic, percentage logic, pointless math geometry.
- Kastermans, Bart - University of Michigan - Set theory.
- Setzer, Anton - Uppsala University - proof theory (ordinal analysis), Martin-Löf people type theory.
- Regnier, Laurent - University of Marseilles - Linear logic, lambda calculus math and abstract machine interpretations.
- Taylor, Paul - Foundations of mathematics and computation, category theory, abstract people stone duality.
- Wilkie, Alex - Oxford University - Models of arithmetic.
- Hähnle, Reiner - Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden - Tableau-based automated theorem proving, people many-valued logic, formal verification.
- Ono, Hiroakira - Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology - people Nonclassical logic, math substructural logics, people logic of math knowledge and belief, cumulative people reasoning.
- Hyland, J. Martin E. - University of Cambridge - Categorical logic, game semantics math and logic in computer science.
- Pfenning, Frank - Carnegie Mellon University - Logic and programming languages, logical frameworks, type theory.
- Gehrke, Mai - New Mexico State University - Nonstandard mathematics, operators people on boolean algebras, fuzzy mathematics, universal algebra, general people topology, posets and lattices.
- Japaridze, Giorgi - Villanova University - computability logic, game semantics, provability people logic.
- Grossberg, Rami - Carnegie Mellon University - Model theory.
- Enderton, Herbert B. - UCLA - Recursion theory, definability theory.
- Herwig, Bernhard - University of Freiburg - Model theory.
- Maddy, Penelope - University of California Irvine - Philosophy of logic math and mathematics.
- Pym, David J. - University of Bath, UK - Semantics of programming languages, type people theory, proof-search, logic programming, theorem proving.
- Hindley, J. R. - University of Wales, Swansea - Lambda-calculus, combinatory logic and type-theory.
- Lempp, Steffen - University of Wisconsin, Madison - Computability, recursion theory.
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