People Number Theory Math

University of Pisa. Algebraic number theory: ideal class groups for cyclotomic fields, and K-theory of the rings of integers of an abelian number field.

    Top: Science: Math: Number Theory: People


  • Choie, YoungJu - Pohang University of Science and Technology. Arithmetic people of modular number theory forms. List of publications, Korean/English.
  • Cohen, Stephen - University of Glasgow. Number theory, algebea, combinatorics.
  • Chi, Wen-Chen - National Taiwan Normal University. Number theory, Arithmetic people algebraic geometry.
  • Connell, Ian - McGill University. Arithmetic of elliptic curves. Links to APECS software and Elliptic Curve Handbook.
  • Croot, Ernest - Georgia Institute of Technology. Combinatorial number theory.
  • Cooper, Shaun - Massey University. Special functions, number theory, combinatorics.
  • Calegari, Frank - Harvard University. Includes publications, work in progress, and mathematical links.
  • Clarke, Francis - University of Wales Swansea. K-theory, c Bernoulli numbers, Stirling numbers.
  • Cremona, John - University of Nottingham. Number theory, elliptic curves. Tables number theory and software.
  • Coleman, Robert - University of California at Berkeley. Arithmetic of modular forms. Preprints and lecture notes.
  • Childs, Lindsay - SUNY Albany. Algebra and number theory, especially number theory relative number theory Galois module theory.
  • Cogdell, James - Ohio State University. Analytic number theory, L-functions. Preprints.
  • Chang, Sungkong - Armstrong Atlantic State University. Arithmetic of elliptic c curves; arithmetic of Jacobian varieties/abelian varieties; modular curves; c theory of complex multiplication; algebraic number theory. c Thesis, publications.
  • Charles, Denis Xavier - University of Wisconsin-Madison. Computational number theory.
  • Choi, Kwok Kwong Stephen - Simon Fraser University. Diophantine analysis.
  • Cohen, Henri - Mathematics professor at the University Bordeaux I, France. c Modular forms number theory and computational number theory. Publications, software.
  • Costello, Patrick - Eastern Kentucky University. Computational number theory including number theory amicable numbers, Smith numbers, factorization, and primality testing. number theory Quadratic forms over the rationals and quadratic number number theory fields.
  • Cusick, Thomas - State University of New York at Buffalo. number theory Cryptography, number theory, Diophantine approximation.
  • Campbell, Geoff - Researcher at LaTrobe University, Australia, with over two number theory dozen number theory research papers in number theory.
  • Chapman, Robin - University of Exeter. Number theory, algebra, combinatorics and problem people solving. Papers, lecture notes and survey articles.
  • Cutter, Pamela - Kalamazoo College. Publications.
  • Calkin, Neil - Associate professor at Clemson University, with interests in combinatorial and c probabilistic methods, particularly in number theory.
  • Conrey, Brian - American Institute of Mathematics / Oklahoma State University / University of Bristol. Analytic number theory, especially the analytic theory of L-functions. Publications, L-function resources.
  • Chan, Tsz Ho - Case Western Reserve University. Analytic number theory: distribution of people primes and pair correlation of zeros of the Riemann zeta people function; elementary and combinatorial number theory.
  • Conrad, Brian - University of Michigan. Contact and teaching information.
  • Tretkoff, Paula Cohen - Texas A+M University. Number theory and geometry, classical and number theory non-commutative.
  • Cosgrave, John - St. Patrick\\'s College, Dublin. Computational number theory, primes and number theory factoring.
  • Coleman, Mark - UMIST. Analytic number theory with special interest in the "geometric" distribution of ideals in number fields.
  • Cornacchia, Pietro - University of Pisa. Algebraic number theory: ideal class c groups for cyclotomic fields, and K-theory of the rings of c integers of an abelian number field.
  • Conrad, Marc - University of Luton. Computational number theory, SIMATH.
  • Consani, Katia - University of Toronto. Arithmetic geometry, number theory, non-commutative geometry.
  • Caldwell, Chris - University of Tennessee at Martin. Number theory, c especially primality c conditions. Prime pages, links and c other resources.
  • Cochrane, Todd - Kansas State University. Exponential sums.
  • Cobelli, Cristian - Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy. people Analytic number theory. Publications.
  • Coghlan, Francis - University of Manchester. Diophantine equations, elliptic people curves.
  • Cojocaru, Alina Carmen - Arithmetic geometry with techniques from analytic number theory. Preprints and other links.
  • Coates, John H. - University of Cambridge. Interests in number theory, arithmetical algebraic geometry, people and Iwasawa theory.
  • Chan, Heng Huat - National University of Singapore. Analytic number theory, basic hypergeometric number theory series, elliptic functions, modular forms and modular equations, applications of number theory modular equations, Ramanujan.
  • Cornelissen, Gunther - University of Utrecht. Arithmetical algebraic geometry, in c particular global people function fields (moduli-problems, automorphic forms); non-archimedean c uniformization, group actions in people positive characteristic; diophantine sets.
  • Chinta, Gautam - City College of New York. Number theory, automorphic forms, number theory L-functions.
  • Campbell, Garikai - Swarthmore College. List of links to selected papers, lectures, and professional mathematics organizations.
  • Chai, Ching-Li - University of Pennsylvania. Arithmetic algebraic geometry.
  • Cornut, Christophe - Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Université Paris 7 number theory Denis Diderot. Arithmetic of elliptic curves; Complex number theory multiplication, Heegner and CM points; Kolyvagin conjectures and congruences.
  • Chen, Imin - Simon Fraser University. elliptic curves, Galois representations, people automorphic forms.
  • Casselman, Bill - Automorphic forms, the representation theory of Coxeter groups and reductive groups over non-Archimedean local fields.
  • Conrad, Keith - University of Connecticut. Analytic and algebraic number c theory. Research and expository papers.
  • Chen, William - Macquarie University. The theory of irregularities of point distribution.
  • Chinburg, Ted - University of Pennsylvania. Number theory, arithmetic geometry.
  • Chahal, Jasbir S. - Brigham Young University. Contact information.
  • Cardon, David - Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Contains curriculum vitae c with a c list of publications and conferences attended.
  • Cai, Jin-Yi - University of Wisconsin, Madison. Contains curriculum vitae and number theory recent research papers in postscript and pdf format.

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