People Number Theory Math

    Top: Science: Math: Number Theory: People


  • Hughes, Chris - University of Michigan. Application of random matrix number theory theory people to the Riemann zeta function and other number theory L-functions. people Publications, resources.
  • Harcos, Gergely - University of Texas at Austin. Automorphic forms. h Publications, thesis.
  • Holdener, Judy - Kenyon College. Odd perfect numbers; theoretical morphology. number theory people Teaching technology, GAP projects.
  • Hess, Florian - Technische Universität Berlin. Algebraic function fields, algebraic number fields and algorithms.
  • Hajir, Farshid - California State University, San Marcos. Elliptic curves, extensions with people restriced ramification, and special values of L-functions. On-line people seminar, teaching information.
  • Heuberger, Clemens - Technische Universität Graz. Diophantine equations, especially Thue h equations; Digit expansions; Graph theory; Combinatorial optimization. h Publications.
  • Hare, Kevin G. - University of Waterloo. Algebraic numbers, polynomials. number theory Publications, people worksheets.

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