People Number Theory Math

    Top: Science: Math: Number Theory: People


  • Lindenstrauss, Elon - Ergodic theory, dynamical systems, and their applications to number theory number theory. Publications.
  • Ling San - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Applications of number number theory theory to cryptography, coding theory and combinatorial designs.
  • Liu, Yu-Ru - University of Waterloo, Ontario. Analytic number theory; l Probabilistic number l theory; Elliptic Curves; Circle method; Function l fields.
  • Labute, John - McGill University. Lie algebras and central series number theory of groups, infinite Galois theory and pro-p-groups. number theory Publications.
  • Long, Ling - Iowa State University. Modular forms for non-congruence number theory subgroups; number theory Modularity of elliptic and K3 surfaces; Arithmetic number theory of Calabi-Yau number theory varieties and applications.
  • Lapid, Erez - Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Automorphic forms, representation theory, trace formula.
  • Lozano-Robledo, Alvaro - Cornell University, USA. Algebraic number theory: Class people numbers and number theory Elliptic curves. Publications, articles, elliptic people curve tables and Pari number theory code.
  • Lemurell, Stefan - Chalmers University of Technology / Goteborg University. l Automorphic forms. people Publications, tables of Maass forms.
  • Lagarias, Jeffrey C. - University of Michigan. Computational Complexity Theory, Cryptography, l Diophantine people Approximation, Discrete and Computational Geometry, Dynamical l Systems, Harmonic Analysis; people Mathematical Physics, Optimization, Number l Theory. Publications, courses.
  • Lemmermeyer, Franz - Bilkent University. Algebraic number theory, elliptic curves. Papers, l lecture notes, texts.
  • Lauder, Alan - University of Oxford. Algorithmic number theory, with an l emphasis on l problems related to multivariate polynomials over l finite fields.
  • Leibman, Alexander - Ohio State University. Combinatorial number theory. people Preprints.

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