People Number Theory Math

    Top: Science: Math: Number Theory: People


  • Rudnick, Zeev - Tel-Aviv University. Number theory; quantum chaos.
  • Richert, Hans-Egon - Obituary from Universitaet Ulm.
  • Rouse, Jeremy - University of Wisconsin-Madison. Number theory, with particular people interest in people elliptic curves and modular forms; Combinatorics. people Publications.
  • Rohrlich, David - Boston University. Number theory. Preprints, errata.
  • Rio, Anna - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Galois representations, elliptic curves, number theory modular forms.
  • Rose, Harvey - University of Bristol. Problems concerning small classes number theory of recursive functions; Number theory of elliptic curves. number theory Publications, teaching material.
  • Rubinstein, Michael - University of Waterloo. Experimental number theory. Publications, software r for L-functions, tables of modular polynomials.
  • Rubin, Karl - University of California, Irvine. Arithmetic algebraic geometry. number theory number theory Publications, lecture notes.
  • Robinson, Margaret M. - Mount Holyoke. Igusa local zeta functions.

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