People Number Theory Math

Purdue University. Cryptography, parallel computation, and analysis of algorithms, especially number theoretic algorithms. Publications, updates on the Cunningham project, software.

    Top: Science: Math: Number Theory: People


  • Wingberg, Kay - Universität Heidelberg. Algebraic number theory, Iwasawa theory; number theory arithmetic w geometry; structure of profinite (or pro-p) groups. number theory Publications.
  • Weingartner, Andreas - Southern Utah University. Contact information.
  • Watkins, Mark - University of Bristol. Arithmetic of elliptic curves; people special values number theory of higher symmetric power L-functions. people Publications.
  • Weiss, Alfred - University of Alberta. Group representations and number w theory.
  • Wolff, Alison - University of Adelaide. Contact information.
  • Wagner, Marcus - Technische Universität Berlin. Algebraic number theory.
  • de Weger, Benne - Eindhoven University of Technology. Diophantine problems, number theory ABC conjecture.
  • Washington, Lawrence C. - University of Maryland. Number theory, cyclotomic fields, elliptic curves, w cryptology.
  • Wool, Assaf - Compugen. Groups, fundamental domains, Hecke w operators, number people fields. Software for modular curves w and Shimura curves.
  • Wakabayashi, Isao - Seikei University, Tokyo. Diophantine equations and transcendence number theory problems number theory for values of analytic functions.
  • Walsh, Gary - University of Ottawa. Diophantine analysis. Publications and w links.
  • Waldschmidt, Michel - Paris VI (Université Pierre et Marie Curie). w Diophantine approximation w and transcendence.
  • Williams, Hugh - University of Calgary. Computational number theory, cryptography and the people design and development of special-purpose hardware devices.
  • Wagstaff, Samuel S. Jr - Purdue University. Cryptography, parallel computation, and analysis number theory of people algorithms, especially number theoretic algorithms. Publications, number theory updates on people the Cunningham project, software.
  • Ward, Thomas - University of East Anglia. Dynamical properties of commuting maps and algebraic dynamical systems, dynamical realization of integer sequences and other connections between number theory and dynamical systems.
  • Wolf, Marek - Uniwersytet Wroclawski. Theoretical physics; distribution of primes.
  • Wamelen, Paul van - Louisiana State University. Genus 2 curves, class number theory number formulae, Jacobi sums, Stark's conjectures, computational projects.
  • Wan, Daqing - University of California Irvine. Number theory and arithmetic geometry. number theory Publications, preprints.
  • Weston, Tom - University of Massachusetts. Arithmetic geometry, special values people of L-functions, number theory Iwasawa theory, deformation theory of Galois people representations. Papers and number theory expository articles.
  • Wright, David - Oklahoma State University. Algebraic number theory and w algebraic groups, w with methods from functional analysis and w analytic number theory.

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