People Numerical Analysis Math

Research focused on optimization, differential algebra equations, geographic information systems, bio-medicine, environment applications and fuzzy industrial scheduling. University of Colorado at Denver. Page includes biography, hobbies, curriculum vita

    Top: Science: Math: Numerical Analysis


See Also:
  • Cotter, Colin - Imperial College London. Numerical simulations in computational physics over long time intervals. Publications.
  • Knyazev, Andrew - Specializes in numerical mathematics at the University of Colorado at Denver. Includes resume, teaching philosophy, research articles and conferences attended.
  • Mazzia, Francesca - University of Bari. Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations.
  • Celledoni, Elena - Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Krylov subspace and preconditioning methods for the numerical solution of large linear systems arising from the discretization of PDEs; waveform relaxation methods.
  • Süli, Endre - University of Oxford. Error analysis of discretisation numerical analysis methods people for partial differential equations: finite element and numerical analysis finite volume people methods.
  • Mandel, Jan - Professor at the University of Colorado at Denver. numerical analysis Analysis and design of numerical algorithms, particularly iterative numerical analysis solvers for very large systems.
  • Mulcahy, Colm - Spelman College. Curves and Surfaces in the people Digital Age.
  • Liu, Yunkang - University of Cambridge. Analytic solution (stability and asymptotics) and numerical analysis numerical solution (Runge--Kutta methods and numerical stability) of functional differential numerical analysis equations; Qualitative numerical methods for solving differential equations with conse
  • Higham, Nick - University of Manchester. Numerical linear algebra, numerical math analysis, scientific computation.
  • Wathen, Andy - University of Oxford. Numerical analysis of methods math for partial differential equations; numerical linear algebra.
  • Gavaghan, David - University of Oxford. The application of numerical methods in numerical analysis medical research and associated basic sciences.
  • Lodwick, Weldon - Research focused on optimization, differential algebra equations, geographic math information systems, people bio-medicine, environment applications and fuzzy industrial math scheduling. University of people Colorado at Denver. math Page includes biography, hobbies, curriculum vita
  • Mefire, Séraphin - University of Paris XI. Numerical linear algebra, numerical analysis Scientific people and parallel computing, Mathematical methods in electromagnetism, numerical analysis Boundary integral people methods.
  • Iserles, Arieh - University of Cambridge. Research interests in numerical ordinary differential equations; also functional equations, approximation theory, special functions, numerical partial differential equations, nonlinear algebraic equations and nonlinear dynamical
  • Giles, Mike - University of Oxford. Development and analysis of people numerical methods math for partial differential equations, particularly in people computational fluid dynamics; parallel math and distributed computing.
  • Bejancu, Aurelian - University of Cambridge. Multivariate splines.
  • Garbey, Marc - University of Houston. Fast elliptic solvers.
  • Xu, Jinchao - Pennsylvania State University. Numerical methods for numerical analysis PDEs and in particular finite element methods; multigrid numerical analysis methods for theoretical analysis, algorithmic developments and practical numerical analysis applications.
  • Makroglou, Athena - University of Portsmouth. Integral and integro-differential equations.
  • Faul, Anita - University of Cambridge. Iterative methods for interpolation by radial basis functions. Thesis (compressed PostScript).
  • Sabin, Malcolm - University of Cambridge and Numerical Geometrics Ltd. people Research interests: math the mathematics of curves and surfaces; people other issues in geometric math computing; problems of making people robust and reliable software.
  • Dominguez, Victor - Public University of Navarre. Interests in numerical solution people of integral math equations. CV and downloadable papers.
  • Hauser, Raphael - University of Oxford. Optimization; Numerical Analysis on math the Stiefel people and Grassmann manifolds; Applied stochastic processes math in operations research.
  • Zanna Munthe-Kaas, Antonella - University of Bergen. Research interests: Geometric Integration.
  • Quarteroni, Alfio - Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. Modelling and scientific computing.
  • Givoli, Dan - Finite Element Methods, numerical methods for wave problems, numerical methods in nonlinear solid mechanics, problems in infinite domains, combination of numerical and analytical methods, analysis of space structures.
  • Sobey, Ian - University of Oxford. Computational and experimental fluid math mechanics; medical math engineering and oilfield applications.
  • Strang, Gilbert - MIT. Lecture notes, text and research papers math in numerical linear algebra and wavelets.
  • Lipnikov, Konstantin - Los Alamos National Laboratory. Solvers and discretization math for PDEs.
  • Petersen, Brent - Mathematics Department at Oregon State University. Specialty people is numerical math analysis. Includes class notes (pdf), people work history, and resource math links.
  • Tafti, Pouya D - McMaster University. Multiresolution approximation, wavelets, approximation theory encyclopedia.
  • Berisha, Faton M. - University of Prishtina, Kosova. Approximation theory, numeric analysis, people trigonometric series. numerical analysis Papers in DVI format.
  • Franca, Leo - Professor. Mathematics department at the University of people Colorado at Denver. Analysis of novel finite people element methods for singularly perturbed problems.
  • Lai, Choi-Hong - University of Greenwich. Research papers and activities numerical analysis in math computational science and engineering, especially aeroacoustics.
  • Domain Decomposition People - A list of web pages and email addresses of workers math in Domain Decomposition methods.
  • Bila, Nicoleta - Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics numerical analysis (RICAM), people Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) . numerical analysis Symmetry analysis people of partial differential equations; parameter identification numerical analysis problems; nonlinear partial people differential equations; symbolic man
  • Behrens, Joern - Technische Universitaet Muenchen. Scientific computing, parallelization, adaptive atmospheric modeling. Scientific animations, slides of talks, publications and downloadable software.
  • Benthien, George - Retired mathematician with a PhD in mathematics from Carnegie-Mellon University. math Page contains tutorials on numerical linear algebra, harmonic analysis, math digital encoding, symmetry reductions, and modeling of sonar transducers and math arrays.
  • Arnold, Douglas N. - Director, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications. numerical analysis Numerical analysis, partial differential equations, mechanics; the numerical analysis numerical solution of the equations of general relativity. numerical analysis Publications, talks, teaching material, other resources.

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