Specific Numbers Recreations Math

Provides information about the square root of 2, lists the first 1000 digits and provides links to pages with up to 5 million digits. Also contains download links for programming libraries for calculating numbers with high precision or many digits.

    Top: Science: Math: Recreations

Specific Numbers

See Also:
  • Square root of 2 - Provides information about the square root of 2, math lists the first 1000 digits and provides links math to pages with up to 5 million digits. math Also contains download links for programming libraries for math calculating numbers with high precision or many digits.
  • Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden section in Nature - Puzzles and things to do, for schools, teachers, recreations colleges up to university level students, recreations or just for recreation.
  • Inverse Symbolic Calculator - A set of programs and specialized tables of specific numbers mathematical specific numbers constants dedicated to the identification of real specific numbers numbers.
  • Wikipedia - Mathematical constant - A list of constants with links to more specific numbers detailed specific numbers information.
  • Verbose.net - Dedicated to the natural order of the universe recreations and to the irrational and logical chaos it recreations presents.
  • World of Numbers - Includes a collection of randomly gathered numbers, curios, puzzles, palindromes recreations and primes.
  • Mathemagic - Many minor miracles for magically-minded mathematicians!
  • Mathematical Constants and Computation - Essays, references, links, software.
  • The Golden Pentagon - MathPages depiction of tiling a plane using a progression of math equilateral triangles dividing a pentagon. Most interesting is that this math pentagon is uniquely and recursively divided by triangles, just as math is seen in the more common recursive division of the math G
  • Ask Dr. Math: History of the Terms Google and Googleplex - Explains how these very large numbers (1 followed by a specific numbers hundred zeroes, and 1 followed by a google of zeroes, specific numbers respectively) were named. With links to references. From Swarthmore\'s Dr. specific numbers Math.
  • Jewish Encyclopedia: Numbers and Numerals - Discusses the uses and symbolism of various numbers in Hebrew literature.
  • Catalan Number -- MathWorld - Illustration of the Catalan numbers related to Euler\\'s polygon division math problem.
  • Absolutely Abnormal Numbers - Published as math.NT/0006089, this note investigates numbers that are normal to no base whatsoever, and writes down explicitly such a number.
  • Stewy's Site - The infinitesimal is the opposite of infinity, and math mathematicians still recreations argue over its existence. This page math probes into one of recreations the weirdest numbers in math mathematics.
  • 37 Heaven - Collects information around the number thirty-seven.
  • Mathematical Constants - Stephen Finch has published a book of this title and here provides various supplementary materials.
  • Friedmann's S-Numbers - These are numbers where an expression can be specific numbers given using the operations of addition and squaring, specific numbers using the digits of a number in order, specific numbers which gives the original number. Algorithms, specific numbers theorems and results.
  • Vampire Numbers - Numbers with a factorization containing the same digits, e.g. 1530 = 30*51.
  • Sum Beastliness - Some simple mathematics associated with 666, the Number of the math Beast.
  • Indian numerals - Describes the history of the indian numeral system.
  • Number Gossip - Numerous special categories of numbers, searchable.
  • Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Numbers - Provides information about the golden ratio and Fibonacci math numbers, math and how they relate to biology, math art, and ancient Egyptian math art.
  • FAQ on Special Numbers - Answers to Frequently asked questions about special numbers.
  • Fun With Numbers - Includes some lists of numerals, relating to basic math operations performed on certain constants. Not updated since math 1995.
  • RJN's More Digits of Irrational Numbers - Several million digits of e, and the square math roots of math 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, math and 10.
  • Triangular Numbers - Properties of triangular numbers including reversible, happy, harshad, specific numbers highly math composite, deficient, abundant ones.
  • Arabic numerals - Describes the history of the Arabic numeral system math that is recreations in use nearly all over the math world today.
  • Just Who is Mr. 666? - Uses gematria to calculate the number of the recreations beast, and evaluates what it may mean w/r recreations specific Hebrew words and names in the Bible recreations adding up to 666.

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