Topology Math Science

The primary functions of this list are: providing abstracts of papers posted to the Hopf archive, providing information about topology conferences, and serving as a forum for topics related to algebraic topology. The site also serves as an archive of link

    Top: Science: Math


See Also:
  • British Topology Home Page - A source of pointers to Topology-related sites, including archives topology and conference announcements.
  • Topology Course Lecture Notes - By Aisling McCluskey and Brian McMaster. HTML with symbol fonts, science DVI and PostScript.
  • Links to Low-dimensional Topology - Topics: General, Conferences, Pages of Links, Knot Theory, science 3-manifolds, Journals.
  • MAA Basic Library List in Topology - MAA recommended books in General, Geometric, Algebraic and topology Differential Topology.
  • Topology - Descriptions and illustrations of several topological and differential geometry related notions.
  • Topology Glossary - Definitions of over 100 terms in topology.
  • The Cantor Set - Article in the Platonic Realms, describing the Cantor topology discontinuum, a science favorite example of topology. Includes topology examples and illustrations.
  • Algebraic Topology Discussion List - The primary functions of this list are: providing topology abstracts of papers posted to the Hopf archive, topology providing information about topology conferences, and serving as topology a forum for topics related to algebraic topology. topology The site also serves as an archive of topology link
  • TTT on WWW - The Transpennine Topology Triangle is a topology seminar topology partially supported by the London Mathematical Society topology with vertices at Leicester, Manchester and Sheffield.
  • Topics in Mathematics - Topology - In the Mathematics Archives at University of Tennessee, math Knoxville.
  • Differentiable manifolds - Lecture notes by Mariusz Wodzicki in postscript or pdf.
  • Mazes and Mathematics - History and mathematical analysis of labyrinths.
  • Differential Topology - Course notes by Matthew G. Brin in PostScript including "Introduction to Differential Topology", "Introduction to Seifert fibered 3-manifolds", "Groups acting on 1-dimensional spaces", and "Presentations, conjugacy, roo
  • Planar Machines - an Invitation to Topology. - Java applets exploring configuration spaces.
  • Topology Atlas - Preprints, abstracts, calendar, links, other resources.

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