Physics Science
Serves information from physics departments and institutes worldwide: departmental information, locally stored documents, authoring tools, free access journals, jobs, conferences and education material.
Top: Science
- Physics News Graphics - Diagrams (with captions) appearing in various AIP publications, sorted by science category or by date.
- Physnet: The Physics Departments and Documents Network - Serves information from physics departments and institutes physics worldwide: departmental information, locally stored documents, authoring tools, physics free access journals, jobs, conferences and education material.
- Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme (PACS) - Hierarchical numbering scheme, developed by the American Institute physics of Physics, science used to identify fields and sub-fields physics of physics.
- Physics Central - A page on modern physics, such as quantum mechanics and black holes, and some mathematics.
- World Year of Physics 2005 - International effort to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Miraculous science Year (1905) and raise public awareness of physics.
- What You Want To Know About Physics - Summarizes in simple language, without advanced mathematics, the science foundations of physics. The index gives direct access science to selected topics.
- Physics Post - A tutorial and article driven community. Votes, physics science news science and a discussion forum.
- Eric Weisstein's Treasure Trove of Physics - Online encyclopedia of physics terms and formulas. physics Full searchable, physics and also browsable alphabetically and physics by topic. physics Part of Eric\'s Treasure physics Troves of Science.
- PhysLINK - Links to physics departments, physical societies, journals, job information, and other physics related information.
- The Net Advance of Physics - MIT resource providing discussions at various levels of sophistication that cover all areas of physics.
- Physics on MathPages - Articles, leaning towards a mathematical description, on a wide range science of topics in physics.
- TheTangentBundle Physics Project - An experimental wiki-based collection of user-contributed articles on science graduate level physics topics including subjects such as science string theory, quantum field theory, mathematical physics and science quantum mechanics.
- Scientific American - Questions That Plague Physics - A conversation with Lawrence M. Krauss, chair of the physics department at Case Western Reserve University.[PDF]
- - Searchable database of physics resources from the Institute of Physics science which matches a person\\'s question, age and knowledge profile to science handpicked sites. Also includes the Physics Life animation.
XML Feeds:
- Physics Today - News, feature articles, reviews, obituaries, and other items from the monthly magazine for the physics community.[RSS]
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