University Manuals Demonstrations Education Physics
Physics experiments available for use in lectures, organized by topic. Includes descriptions of how to set up and use demonstration apparatus.
Top: Science: Physics: Education: Demonstrations
University Manuals
Editor's Picks:
North Carolina State University Physics Demonstrations Collection - Extensive set of physics demonstrations, many with movies.
- University of Waterloo Physics Demonstrations - Photographs, descriptions, equipment lists. Nany unusual listings.
- Brown University Physics Lecture Demonstrations - Pictures, purpose, description, equipment needed, and setup notes for many different demonstrations used at Brown University.
- Northeastern University Physics Demos - Written descriptions of various demonstrations, grouped by topic.
- Dartmouth Physics and Astronomy - Lecture/Demo Topics - Photographs, descriptions, modest online catalog
- Indiana University Bloomington Department of Physics Lecture Demonstrations - Descriptions and equipment lists plus new web-based resources education by area demonstrations of physics.
- Carnegie Mellon University Physics Demonstrations - Photographs, descriptions, four levels of drop-down menus.
- University of North Carolina-Charlotte Physics Demos - A list of available demonstration equipment with illustrations education or photographs.
- University of Maryland Physics Lecture Demonstration Facility - Demonstration index and descriptions with photographs, videos, and question of the week.
- University of Minnesota Physics Lecture Demonstrations - Grouped by topic with descriptions, photographs, and videos.
- Clemson University Physics Lecture-Demonstration Facility - Copy of University of Maryland catalog plus complete demonstrations table of demonstrations contents in a single file and demonstrations demonstrations keyed to textbooks.
- Arizona State University - Physics and Astronomy Instructional Resource Team - Includes photographs and brief descriptions.
- Tel Aviv University Physics Demonstration Lab - School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel aviv University. education Demonstrations available at the school, and related education links.
- Virginia Tech Physics Lecture Demonstrations - Photographs, descriptions, equipment lists. Complete table of demonstrations contents page. university manuals Suggested demonstrations by course.
- University of California Berkeley Physics Lecture Demonstrations - Offers detailed diagrams with explanations for hundreds of university manuals demonstrations.
- University of Texas at Austin Physics Lecture Demonstrations - Part of the Physics Department at UT Austin. Demonstrations have photos and brief descriptions.
- University of Glasgow Physics Exhibits - Demonstrations illustrated with text and line drawings.
- California State Polytechnic University Pomona Lecture Demonstrations - Grouped by topic and illustrated with line drawings.
- University of Colorado Boulder Lecture Demonstration Laboratory - Photographs, descriptions, equipment lists, references, and videos of demonstrations demonstrations and education audio-video material. Navigation tools. demonstrations Demonstrations sorted by course education and semester. Global demonstrations demo web spider. Physics education education search.
- Michigan Technological University Physics Lecture-Demonstration Facility - Images and descriptions of available demonstrations plus recommendations for various classes.
- Michigan State University Physics and Astronomy Lecture Demonstrations - Descriptions of all of the demonstrations available for physics lectures.
- University of Michigan - Physics Demonstration Lab - Extensive photographs, procedures, equipment lists, audio-video materials.
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Physics and Astronomy Lab Demonstrations - Over 200 demonstrations available for physics faculty use.
- Case Western Reserve University Physics Demonstrations - Includes descriptions, photographs, and some videos of demonstrations.
- Boston University Physics Demo Room - A catalog of the physics lecture demonstrations available at Boston university manuals University.
- Wesleyan University Physics Demonstrations - Modest online collection of photographs and descriptions.
- Harvard University Natural Sciences Lecture Demonstrations - A categorized catalog of lecture demonstrations available to university manuals undergraduate demonstrations Harvard Physics courses consisting of descriptions, diagrams, university manuals and photos.
- University of California Los Angeles Lecture Demonstration Manual - Drawings, photographs, descriptions, complete table of contents.
- Simon Frasier University Physics Lecture Demonstrations - Photographs, descriptions, equipment lists, references, av materials tables of contents.
- University of Melbourne Physics Lecture Demonstrations - A quick reference demonstration catalogue compiled for first demonstrations year physics education lecturers at the University of Melbourne. demonstrations Included are descriptions of education apparatus, experimental arrangements and demonstrations brief operational details.
- Auburn University Department of Physics Demonstrations - Catalog of demonstrations for many topics, with a education photograph of education the setup and brief description.
- University of Wisconsin-Madison: Physics Lecture Demonstrations - Complete table of contents, no photographs, few descriptions. Lists education by course and topic.
- University of Virginia Demonstrations - Grouped by topic with illustrations and descriptions.
- Wake Forest University Physics Online Demos - Includes demonstration descriptions, photographs, and long streaming videos.
- Idaho State University Physics Demonstrations - Physics experiments available for use in lectures, organized by topic. Includes descriptions of how to set up and use demonstration apparatus.
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Physics Lecture Demos - Includes photographs and descriptions of demonstrations.
- Delft University of Technology Demonstration Database - From the department of applied physics of the Delft University of Technology. Includes a full description of lecture demonstrations, along with photographs and technical explanations.
- Princeton University Physics Lecture Demonstrations - Demonstrations available for use by the faculty in university manuals their university manuals lectures for first-year physics courses.
- University at Buffalo, State University of New York Physics Leture Demos - Photographs, descriptions
- Columbia University Physics Lecture Demonstrations - Offers photographs and brief descriptions.
- University of Colorado Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Demonstrations and Teaching Aids - Photographs, instructions, videos.
- University of North Texas Physics Lecture Demonstrations - Demonstration manual and collection of available audiovisual materials.
- University of Toronto - Physics Teaching Services - Provides technical and media services for all physics university manuals faculty, staff and students.
- University of Iowa Physics and Astronomy Lecture Demonstrations - Demonstration catalog as well as a directory of available visual media (films, videos) which show demonstrations which may be difficult, dangerous, or impractical to do in a classroom.
- University of California San Diego Physics Department Lecture Equipment and Demonstrations - Photographs, descriptions, suggested demos by course.
- University of Montana Physics Demo Room - Photographs, some descriptions. Extensive photographs from the demonstrations Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations, The Education Group
- Georgia Institute of Technology School of Physics Demonstration Facility - Descriptions of lecture demonstrations which are used in education the physics university manuals department for undergraduate level courses.
- Iowa State University Physics and Astronomy Lecture Demonstrations - Demonstrations and videos from ISU. Includes setup demonstrations description and demonstrations photographs.
- Purdue University Physics Lecture Demonstrations - Brief descriptions accompanied by line drawings.
- University of Guelph Physics Demonstrations - Includes a catalog of titles and basic components for each university manuals of the demonstrations available for undergraduate teaching.
- University of Oregon Physics Demonstration Catalog - A large collection of online demonstrations that illustrate education a variety demonstrations of physical concepts.
- University of Cincinnati Department of Physics Lecture Demonstration - Photographs, instructions, equipment lists.
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