Jordan Middle East Regional Archaeology
A multidisciplinary study of the Karak district. Includes information on the archaeology, history, environment and culture of the area. Also has a photo gallery and maps.
Top: Science: Social Sciences: Archaeology: Regional: Middle East
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Editor's Picks:
Jordan Archaeology

- Wadi Arabah Project - Description of the on-going archaeological work. Includes photographs, jordan maps and middle east a bibliography.
- Ain Ghazal statue project - The conservation of the Neolithic plaster statues
- Khirbet Lehun - Excavation of a multi-period site in central Jordan. Includes excavation regional results, pictures and a bibliography.
- US Grants to Safeguard Heritage of Two Archaeological Sites - From the Jordan Times, the Kingdom is one of the middle east largest recipients of the Ambassador\\'s Fund for Cultural Preservation this middle east year, with the grants totaling more than $85,000.
- Tafila-Busayra Archaeological Survey - Survey of part of southern Jordan. Contains results, maps, photographs and bibliography.
- The Fortress of Machaerous - Description of the site and its excavation. Includes bibliography and jordan photographs.
- Tell Madaba Archaeological Project - Information on the excavations, including the aims and jordan background to the project, preliminary reports, a number jordan of maps and a bibliography.
- Umm el-Jimal - Byzantine site in northeast Jordan. Includes a bibliography, jordan images, maps, middle east and essays.
- Ain Ghazal Neolithic statues - Information on the discovery, preservation, interpretation and display regional of the statues at the Smithsonian Institution, Washington regional D.C.
- Prehistoric Row Erupts Over Hunter-gatherer Riddle - From the Age, Australian archaeologists have sparked an academic row middle east by claiming to have solved the riddle of a missing middle east 1,000 years in human prehistory.
- Avdat & the Nabateans - Brief article by Arthur Rosen in The Jewish jordan Magazine relates regional a history of this nomadic Arab jordan tribe. With photos.
- Umm al-Rasas - Description of the site, focusing on the church jordan of St regional Stephen. Also includes photographs and a jordan bibliography.
- Tell Ya'amun Excavations - Excavations focused on the Byzantine Church near the center of jordan the tell, Bronze Age settlement on the northeast edge, and jordan the Bronze Age tombs across the wadi to the west jordan of the tell. Details on the 2001-2004 excavations.
- Pella Excavation Project - Information on the excavations, including reports, photographs and regional a bibliography.
- Excavations at a Late Neolithic site in Wadi Ziqlab - University of Toronto excavations in northern Jordan, where jordan survey had discovered Neolithic artifacts. From Antiquity, December jordan 2004.
- Dhra' Archaeological Project - Excavations during the summers of 2002 through 2005 regional will recover data necessary to evaluate the applicability regional of two explanations for the transition from foraging regional to farming in the Near East.
- Late Bronze Age Temple Discovered - From the Lebanon Daily Star, the recent discovery middle east of jordan a temple at Tell al-Umayri in central middle east Jordan, excavated jordan as part of the Madaba Plains middle east Project.
- Tell Nimrin - Includes a virtual tour of the site, information on the major finds, the primary data and the main published papers.
- Wadi Araba Archaeological Research Project - Description of the on-going archaeological work. Includes photographs, jordan maps, GIS data, and a bibliography.
- The Aqaba Project - Articles and the annual reports for this investigation middle east of the Islamic archaeology of Aqaba.
- University of Sydney Expedition to the Hauran - A long-term project to examine the ebb and jordan flow of regional settlement in the agriculturally marginal areas jordan on the edge of regional the Jordanian steppe, especially jordan the site of Tell Rukeis.
- Wadi Ziqlab Project - Archaeological research on Epipalaeolithic, Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Early middle east Bronze jordan Age settlements in northwestern Jordan.
- Levantine Archaeobotany - Bibliography of archaeobotanical reports from Levantine sites, including regional Jordanian sites.
- Wadi ath-Thamad - Detailed description of the excavations and regional surveys in this area of central Jordan. Includes photographs and plans.
- Virtual Karak Resources Project - A multidisciplinary study of the Karak district. Includes jordan information on jordan the archaeology, history, environment and culture jordan of the area. Also jordan has a photo gallery jordan and maps.
- Ancient Moabite Fort Provides Insight Into History of Weaving - From The Lebanon Daily Star, a recent discovery of a jordan cache of clay loom weights at Khirbat al-Mudaybi in Central jordan Jordan is shedding new light on ancient textile crafts and jordan industries.
- Archaeology at the Dawn of History: The Khirbet Iskander Collection - An introduction for K-12 students in northwest Pennsylvania to the middle east world of Near Eastern Archaeology by the use is Khirbet middle east Iskander in Jordan.
- Abila of the Decapolis Archaeological Project - Includes a history of the site, maps, photos, regional contact details jordan and information for volunteers.
- Ancient Iron Smelting - Iron smelting history, technology, ethnography and archaeology; case jordan study of jordan Tell Hammeh (az-Zarqa).
- Nabataea - The ancient Nabataean people built the spectacular city regional of Petra, middle east as well as many other cities regional in Arabia.
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