Play Constructed Languages Linguistics
Part of the schedule of lectures and assignments of Linguistics 001. Covers language games, song and verse. Includes a section on Ubbi Dubbi and children's language games in a number of countries.
Top: Science: Social Sciences: Linguistics: Languages: Constructed
See Also:
- Top/Recreation/Humor/Wordplay
- Top/Games/Video Games/Word Games/Browser Based
- Top/Arts/Education/Language Arts/Games
- Linguist List: Language Games - Mailing list posting author Trey Jones presents a summary of constructed secret and play languages from many cultures, including Cazarny Talk, constructed the Russian Fufa Language, Arabic language play and Bengali Pig constructed Latins. Extensive bibliography.
- Linguist List: Double-Dutch and Youthese / Pig Latin - Mailing list posting talks about early occurrences of play Pig Latin constructed and other phonologically manipulated youth languages.
- Interactive Programming In Java: A Community of Interacting Entities - Word game examples of Java programming. Includes Pig Latin and constructed Ubby Dubby.
- Vesre - Description with examples of a language reversal in constructed Argentinian Spanish.
- Vietnamese vs English: Noi Lai Play Language - Mailing list thread touches on the noi lai languages jargon and play its significance in Vietnamese society.
- Language Game - Describes the term language game and gives examples play from different languages.
- University of Pennsylvania: Linguistic Form in Ritual and Play - Part of the schedule of lectures and assignments play of Linguistics play 001. Covers language games, song and play verse. Includes a section play on Ubbi Dubbi and play children\'s language games in a number play of countries.
- A Bibliography of References Pertaining to Prokem - An annotated bibliography of references pertaining to Prokem, play a slang languages spoken in Jakarta, Indonesia.
- Verlan - French Slang à l'Envers - A summary of the French-based Verlan with examples.
- Ludlings - A bulletin board discussion of ludlings.
- Geringoso - A description of a Spanish-based language game used in Argentina, constructed with examples.
- Prokem Slang - Short list of Prokem (Jakartan slang) terms with languages Indonesian and play English glosses.
- Same-Edge Alignment with Opposite-Edge Effects - A linguistic paper on ludlings, with examples in Baliktád (from languages Tagalog) and Zuuja-go (from Japanese).[PDF]
- Parlez-Vous Verlan? - A brief discussion of Verlan.
- Louchebem - A description of the French-based language game, Louchébem (or Loucherbem), languages with examples.
- Linguist List: Pig Latin - Mailing list posting mentions several play languages from different cultures, languages including Ubby Dubby and one used by natives of central languages Australia.
- Verlan - A description of a French-based language game with play examples.
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