Tools Qualitative Methodology Social Sciences

[Win] English, German and Spanish program with standardised category systems (such as Colin Martindale's), negation detection and interactive coding (following of Intext).

    Top: Science: Social Sciences: Methodology: Qualitative


See Also:
  • KWiC Finder and kfNgram - [Win] Key Word in Context Web Concordance web qualitative search tool qualitative by William Fletcher. Presentation, screen shots, qualitative download and forum.
  • EuroWordNet - Multilingual database containing ontological and semantic relations : tools Objectives, Samples qualitative and License. Presentation, Screenshots and tools manuals of tools to qualitative exploit and represent this tools database (Polaris and Periscope). Free qualitative access for tools Spanish.
  • Atlas.ti - [Win] Software developed by Thomas Muhr for grounded theory, anthropology and sociological studies.
  • Research Ware - [Mac / Win] Presentation of HyperResearch, downloadable demo tools versions and events.
  • WinMax - archives - Qualitative method processing user-coded text segments (now called MaxQDA).
  • Social Science Automation - [Win] Michael Young and Margaret Hermann propose their Profiler tools. Articles on leaders profiling.
  • Kwalitan - [Win] CAQDAS based on user-coded text segments. Download, prices and methodology discussion forum.
  • Aquad - [Win] Presentation, download demo, manual and references.
  • NetVis Module - An open source web-based tool for researchers to qualitative simulate, analyze, and visualize social networks using data qualitative from online surveys, imported CSV files, and electronic qualitative discussion groups.
  • MaxQDA - [Win] Processing of user-coded text segments (previously WinMax). Presentation, download trial version, papers and conferences.
  • NetMiner - Exploratory network data analysis and visualization : web-based tools and downloadable demo, forum.
  • Tatoe - Lothar Rostek presents tools developed for content analysis: methodology Tatoe, A Smalltalk Frame Kit and TerminologyFramework.
  • T-Lab - [Win] Co-Word Mapping, Cluster Analysis and FAC (factorial analysis tools of correspondence) software and glossary on Concurrence and Graph Methods tools by Italian Franco Lancia and Marco Silvestri.
  • Unitex - [Unix / Win / Mac OS X] Corpus qualitative Processor conforming to Unicode and developed in Java qualitative by Sébastien Paumier. Parsing, pattern matching and disambiguation qualitative [GPL - Free Software].
  • Athelstan - [Mac / Win] ParaConc and MonoConc are software for corpus-based qualitative studies of concordances among different languages.
  • Weft QDA - [Win / Linux] A free, open-source tool for qualitative analysis of text documents.
  • RQDA - [BSD / Win] Ronggui Huang & Zhang Gehao qualitative build a CAQDAS upon the R statistical package qualitative [Free Software].
  • TAMS Analyzer - [Unix / Linux / Mac OS X] TAMS qualitative Analyzer is qualitative an opensource qualitative analysis tool. It qualitative supports complex hierarchical codes, qualitative multimedia support, and project qualitative synchronization.
  • Transana - [Win] Transcription and analysis of audio and video data. Presentation, tools downloads and bulletin boards.
  • PCAD 2000 - [Win] Software devoted to psychiatric diagnosis.
  • IdeaWorks - [Win] Solutions for social scientists. Home of Qualrus and Methodologist\'s tools Toolchest.
  • Morphix-NLP - [x86] Complete Morphix-based Linux distribution on a Live bootable CD methodology with natural language processing (NLP) tools such as thesaurus browser methodology (WordNet), pattern matching, concordance spotter (AntConc), grammar parser and key methodology word in context (KWIK) [Free So
  • Idea Rover - This software supports the organisation of source documents. tools Prestentation, screenshots and download.
  • Qual-Software - E-mail discussion group about CAQDAS Project (1998-today).
  • InFlow - Social network analysis software by Valdis Krebs.
  • Anvil - Michael Kipp\'s tool to annotate video files [Free Software].
  • General Inquirer - Philip Stone\\'s software for content analysis of textual data. Previously qualitative only for [IBM], the program goes now Java and becomes qualitative [Win / Mac / Unix / Linux] New Inquirer.
  • Text analysis computing tools - [Dos] TACT is a text-analysis and retrieval system.
  • GlossaNet - [www] Morphological, lexical, syntactical and thematical information retrieval tools in Web methodology sites of newspapers.
  • Tosmana - [Win] Tool designed by the political scientist Lasse tools Cronqvist and qualitative used to perform social science research tools on data sets with qualitative a small number of tools cases (Small-n Analysis). Download, papers, and qualitative user manual tools [Free Software].
  • FreeLing - [Linux] NLP set of tools including tokenizing, sentence tools splitting, morphological analysis and date recognition. Download, documentation tools and bibliography (LGPL - Free Software).
  • The Ethnograph - [Win] Software processing qualitative data by textsegments coded tools by the methodology user.
  • TextQuest - [Win] English, German and Spanish program with standardised category systems (such as Colin Martindale\\'s), negation detection and interactive coding (following of Intext).
  • Concordance - [Win] Text analysis software. Presentation, screenshots and downloads.
  • Semantic-Knowledge - [Win] Presentation of content analysis tools : Tropes, methodology Zoom, Index. methodology Software. Guidelines, manual, news, customers, and methodology free download.
  • TextPack - [Win] Content and lexicometrics software, description and screenshots tools in PDF.
  • TextGrab - [Win HP-UX] Websites downloader segmenting the text automatically (prepares the text for seamless processing with TextQuest).
  • RLSort - [Win] Program to create and sort lists of tools words, phrases qualitative and sentences. Presantation, screenshot, download and tools application on Alice\'s Adventures qualitative in Wonderland.
  • Intex - [Win] Integrated corpus processor by Max Silberztein. Presentation, team, applications (mainly studies in linguistics), publications (PDFs in English and French) and downloads.
  • Actor-Process-Event Scheme (APES) - Visualisation of process event data and transformation to quantitative analysis. methodology Download, documentation and references. (Free software)
  • Michigan Corpus of Academic Spoken English (MICASE) - SGML and XML tagged corpus, search engine and qualitative order form for the cd version.
  • Beluga - [Win] Datamining and cluster extraction tool by Nicolas tools Turenne in scientific literature corpus exploration. Manual and tools free download.
  • QSR International: NVivo and XSight - Provides qualitative research software designed to help users organize and analyze non-numerical or unstructured data such as audio, video, photos and documents to compile, compare and make sense of their information quickly and easily.
  • Intext - [Dos, run also under Win] Language and content analysis freeware methodology by Harald Klein.
  • aConCorde - [WIN, Linux] Arabic and English concordance software (freeware). qualitative Full Arabic methodology language support, including native interface. Developed qualitative in Java, therefore multi-platform.
  • Qualrus - [Win] QDA program for text, pictures, audio and video documents. methodology Brochure, demo and screenshots.
  • Code-A-Text - [Win] Presentation of the software, available questionnaire to methodology collect data.
  • WordSmith Tools - [Win] Mike Scott\\'s tools (includes MicroConcord) are based qualitative on lexical methodology analysis. Publications, presentation, screen shots, download, qualitative manuals and invitation to methodology association for language awareness qualitative (ALA).
  • The Hume machine - [Mac] The sociological Candide software use Clustered Graphs methodology (also called Cogntive Maps or Co-Word Mapping) to methodology represent textual knowledge (by Geneviève Teil et Bruno methodology Latour).
  • Swedish Morphological Society - [Win] Presentation of Fritz Zwicky\\'s morphological analysis tools as a tools general method for non-quantified modeling and tools of a Computer Aided tools Scenario and Problem Evaluation tools Routine called Casper.
  • QDA Miner - [Win] User-coded segments tool by Normand Péladeau featuring coding sequence, methodology co-occurrences, clustering, multidimensional proximity plots, correspondence analysis, heatmaps. Presentation, methodology screenshot, download and prices.
  • ConClus - [Dos, run also under OS/2 Win] Multivariate statistical program and tools constrained cluster analysis by Hans Bardeleben.

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