People Urban and Regional Planning Social Sciences

Leading urban theorist since the 1960's. His work has moved from early Marxist analyses of the city, to an analysis of grass roots urban movements in the city, to a later interest in the impact of information technology on urban development. Books: The Ci

    Top: Science: Social Sciences: Urban and Regional Planning


See Also:
  • Altshuler, Alan A. - Professor of Urban Policy and Planning at Harvard University, teaches and conducts research on urban politics, land use policy, and transportation. CV, course information, and list of books and other publications.
  • Doxiadis, Constantinos (1913-1975) - Author and founder of Doxiadis Associates, a private firm of social sciences consulting engineers, with a small group of architects and planners. social sciences (Books: Ekistics - An Introduction to the Science of Human social sciences Settlements).
  • Huxtable, Ada Louise - Architecture critic for the Wall Street Journal, she people advocates for urban and regional planning preservation and cities as places of people contrast. (Book: The Unreal urban and regional planning America)
  • Bertaud, Alain - The Study of Urban Spatial Structures - Papers and reports focused on urban spatial development.
  • Sitte, Camillo (1843-1903) - The publication of City Planning According to Artistic Principles began a new era in Germanic city planning. Sitte strongly criticized the current emphasis on broad, straight boulevards, and public squares arranged primarily for the convenience of traffic
  • Kotkin, Joel - The author of "The New Geography" offers commentary, people articles, consulting, his schedule, and a biography.
  • Harvey, David - A geographer concerned with environmental justice and uneven people development, Harvey urban and regional planning writes devastating descriptions of current urban people situations, and offers a urban and regional planning new framework for questioning people design decisions. (Books: The Urban Experience, urban and regional planning Spaces of people Hope)
  • Downs, Anthony - Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington D.C. He people was for 18 years a member and then Chairman of people Real Estate Research Corporation, a nationwide consulting firm advising private people and public decision-makers on real estate investment, housing p
  • Haussmann, Baron (1809-1891) - French planner famous for the redevelopment of Paris social sciences under people Napoleon III.
  • Smithson, Peter and Allison - Although they are also both practicing architects, the urban and regional urban and regional planning planning Smithsons gained most of their recognition through their urban and urban and regional planning regional planning involvement with Team 10 and its overthrow of urban urban and regional planning and regional planning old CIAM philosophies.
  • O'Toole, Randal - Economist and director of the Oregon-based Thoreau Institute since 1975. social sciences He has also been an adjunct scholar at the Cato social sciences Institute since 1995. (Books: The Vanishing Automobile and Other Urban social sciences Myths).
  • Zukin, Sharon - Sociologist explores the inter-relations of economic, social, and urban and regional planning political power that shape urban form. (Books: Landscapes urban and regional planning of Power: From Detroit to Disneyworld, The Cultures urban and regional planning of Cities)
  • Nozzi, Dom - Walkable Streets - Features original essays and others\\' essays, consulting and speaking information, social sciences a biography, and links.
  • Gordon, Peter - University of Southern California professor offers his weblog, social sciences people papers, recommended reading, and curriculum vitae.
  • Davis, Mike - Author whose writings on the "architecture of control" urban and regional urban and regional planning planning and the extinction of public spaces have influenced urban and urban and regional planning regional planning many theorists and designers working to create a urban urban and regional planning and regional planning more livable city. (Books: City of Quartz; Ecology urban and regional planning urban and regional planning of Fear)
  • Staley, Samuel - Director of the Urban Futures Program of the Reason Public urban and regional planning Policy Institute. (Books: Smarter Growth: Market-based Land-use Planning for the urban and regional planning 21st Century).
  • Kay, Jane Holtz - Architecture and planning critic for The Nation and people author. She has written for Architecture, Landscape Architecture, people Planning, The Boston Globe, The New York Times, people Preservation and Sierra. (Books: Asphalt Nation, Preserving New people England and Lost Boston).
  • Halprin, Lawrence - Significant contributor in the areas of landscape architecture and urban design, active over six decades in the 20th century. Biographical information and index to his projects.
  • Kunstler, James Howard - Kunstler believes a lot of people share his people feelings about social sciences the tragic landscape of highway strips, people parking lots, housing tracts, social sciences mega-malls, junked cities, and people ravaged countryside that makes up the social sciences everyday environment people where most Americans live and work.
  • Burchell, Robert - Professor at the Center for Urban Policy Research, is the author of 25 books and more than 50 articles, is an expert on fiscal impact analysis, land-use development and regulation, and housing policy. Dr. Burchell co-authored the Development Impact Assess
  • Hise, Greg - Associate Professor of urban history, his research focuses social sciences generally on the American West and specifically on social sciences Los Angeles. (Book: Magnetic Los Angeles: Planning the social sciences Twentieth Century Metropolis)
  • Chapin, Jr., F. Stuart - Pioneer in the Department of City and Regional people Planning, University of North Carolina. Spent nearly four people decades establishing and improving the department\\'s urban studies people curriculum. Distinguished Service Award from the American Institute people of Planners, as
  • Berman, Marshall - Cultural theorist examines the social roles and intentions of artists social sciences in modern urban life. He advocates "Marxist humanism" and proposes social sciences that the urban realities of the marketplace are neither fixed social sciences nor immutable. (Book: All That is Solid Melts
  • Vélez-Guerra, C. Andrés - Urbanidad- Urbanity- Urbanité: Research papers about urban planning in developing people cities.
  • Salingaros, Nikos A. - Professor of Mathematics at the University of Texas at San social sciences Antonio, advocates using scientific understanding to generate "life" in built social sciences structures. (Books: Principles of Urban Structure, A Theory of Architecture).
  • Jacobs, Allan - Urban Designer and Professor, Jacobs has observed street urban and regional social sciences planning users and has studied a wide array of urban and social sciences regional planning street types and urban spaces around the world. urban social sciences and regional planning Books: Making City Planning Work, Great Streets, Boulevard social sciences urban and regional planning Book.
  • Apte, Prakash M. - Papers on housing, architecture, planning, development, management, and education by people the Indian architect and planner.
  • Kent, Fred - Founder and president of the Project for Public Spaces. Biography, publications, and interviews.
  • Valsson, Trausti - Icelandic professor presents his curriculum vitae and details about two books, "Planning in Iceland" and "City and Nature."
  • Penn, William (1644-1718) - Penn\\'s holy experiment and plan was idealistic to people the point social sciences of utopianism. He wanted to establish people a society that was social sciences godly, virtuous and exemplary people for all of humanity.
  • Newman, Oscar - Influential author of Defensible Space proposes physically restructuring social sciences communities social sciences to reduce crime and improve stability. Biography, social sciences book excerpts, social sciences and nonprofit institute profile.
  • Castells, Manuel - Leading urban theorist since the 1960\\'s. His work has moved from early Marxist analyses of the city, to an analysis of grass roots urban movements in the city, to a later interest in the impact of information technology on urban development. Books: The Ci
  • Benenson, Itzhak - University professor specializing in urban dynamics and ecological people modeling. Includes people information on research, publications, and classes.
  • Soleri, Paolo - Author, visionary, architect, and pioneer of new human people spaces. (Books: social sciences Arcosanti - An Urban Laboratory; Technology people and Cosmogenesis; The Omega social sciences Seed; The Bridge Between people Matter and Spirit is Matter Becoming social sciences Spirit; The people City in the Image of Man).
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