For Kids Education NASA Space

Archive of answers from this site which receives 30-50 questions a day about the earth, the moon, the cosmos, and other space topics; a NASA site.

    Top: Science: Technology: Space: NASA: Education

For Kids

See Also:
  • PlaneMath - A place to learn cool things about math nasa and aeronautics! education Includes activities and lessons for grades nasa 4-8.
  • Astrobiology Education - Links to the best educational sites for students to learn nasa about Astrobiology.
  • KID'S SPACE - Features educational resources for students from age 5 to 11 nasa from NASA.
  • Virtual Skies - Explore the exciting worlds of aviation technology, air education traffic management, for kids and current research in this web education site designed by NASA for kids for use in high education schools and flight technology programs.
  • Infrared Astronomy - Maintained for grades 6 to 12 by NASA\\'s education Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC), this site education introduces students to Infrared Astronomy and the detection education and study of infrared radiation emitted from objects education in the Universe.
  • Galaxy Hunter - Journey to the deepest regions of space and nasa wrestle with for kids the cosmic giants called galaxies. In nasa "Galaxy Hunter," students can for kids go online and use nasa actual data from the Hubble Space for kids Telescope to nasa study galaxies in deep space. [Requires JVM]
  • From Stargazers to Starships - The motion of Earth in space, Newtonian mechanics, education spaceflight and spacecraft, and a math refresher, on education a high school level. This site deals with education the world of gravity--of massive planets and stars, education and the way spaceflight is achieved despite education their strong
  • For Kids Only - Earth Science Enterprise - Learn about NASA earth science projects related to nasa air, thunderstorms, education the earth\\'s crust, tropical rainfall and nasa water. Sponsored by NASA\'s education Earth Science Enterprise.
  • The Space Place - Demonstrates and explains scientific concepts related to astronomy nasa in a nasa fun, hands-on manner.
  • CRYSTAL-FACE Outreach - Educational sites and games related to the study of cirrus education clouds, rain, climate change, and global warming.
  • Space Comics - Includes Apollo 13, the Charles Lindberg Story, The Wilbur and for kids Orville Wright Story, and Aero and Space in comic book for kids format for students.
  • Aerospace Team Online - Connects students to information on flight simulators and wind tunnels, for kids and enables them to communicate with NASA employees who are for kids conducting aerodynamic research.
  • Virtual Astronaut - Interactive distance learning material for grades 5-8. Includes a variety education of "space missions" that brings students through a variety of education scientific subjects.
  • The Exploration of the Earth's Magnetosphere - Home page of a detailed non-mathematical introduction to the research education on the Earth\\'s magnetic environment in space and its history. education Contains master directory of more than 70 related text files.
  • Imagine The Universe! - Dedicated to a discussion about our Universe... This nasa site from NASA is intended primarily for ages nasa 14 and up. If you are interested in nasa a lower level, more basic discussion about astronomy nasa and space exploration, try StarChild site.
  • A Student's Guide to Astrobiology - An online guide to the origin, evolution, and education distribution of nasa life in the Universe as well education as all other aspects nasa of space exploration.
  • P.O.E.T.R.Y - Provides teachers, students and the interested public with the latest for kids information about auroral science, and the study of Earth\'s magnetic for kids field.
  • Cool Cosmos - Offers lessons and activities for infrared light. Also, includes has online tutorials, games and graphic galleries that related to this topic.
  • Space Mysteries - In solving each Mystery, users are required to for kids access for kids and analyze actual data from NASA missions, for kids including video for kids "interviews" with real NASA scientists.
  • StarChild: A Learning Center for Young Astronomers - Primarily for budding astronomers under the age of 14. A service of the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center at NASA.
  • Ask the Space Scientist: FAQ page - Archive of answers from this site which receives education 30-50 questions a day about the earth, the education moon, the cosmos, and other space topics; a education NASA site.
  • IMAGERS - NASA Science Education for Elementary Children - Interactive Multimedia Adventures for Kids in grades 2-5 nasa introduces students to remote sensing and biodiversity from nasa a constructivist approach.The Teacher\\'s Guide contains classroom activities nasa and lesson plans that provide a structure to nasa integrate the int
  • Just For Kids - Games and activities to teach about space flight education and what for kids happens to the human body in education space; a site sponsored for kids by NASA\'s Life education Sciences Data Archive
  • 400 Years of "De Magnete" - History of geomagnetism, and its relation to space physics and aurora.
  • Captain Comet - Learn about comets with videos, coloring pages, puzzles, for kids and stories about the NASA Stardust mission.
  • Imagine Mars - A national arts, sciences and technology education initiative that has harnessed America\\'s fascination with space and led young people to work together with educators and civic leaders to design a Mars community for 100 people.
  • Fun Activities for Students - Directory of aerospace sites with fun things for for kids kids.
  • Science Links - The science section of Imagine the Universe! from NASA. Explore a universe of black holes, dark matter, and quasars...
  • Astro-Venture - Interactive, multimedia Web environment where students in grades 5-8 role-play for kids NASA occupations, as they search for and build a planet for kids with the necessary characteristics for human habitation.
  • Kids - Laugh & Learn - Explore these JPL and NASA kid sites for out-of-this-world fun for kids and learning.
  • Cub Scout Achievements & Electives at The Space Place - NASA provides a new feature on the Space Place website for kids that offers resources and alternative ways to earn merits ( for kids all approved by the Boy Scouts of America!)
  • The NASA SCIence Files - A distance learning initiative designed to enhance and for kids enrich the teaching of mathematics, science, geography, and for kids technology in grades three though five.
  • Liftoff to Space Exploration - Up-to-date information about space, includes facts about launches, education satellites, space stations, and astronaut training.
  • NASA Return to Flight for Kids - Explore with us as we prepare the Space nasa Shuttle for a safe flight.
  • Beginner's Guide to Propulsion - Provides information on propulsion for the K-12 audience.
  • Moonbuggy Race - In this annual competition, students are required to nasa design a education vehicle that addresses a series of nasa engineering problems education that are similar to nasa problems faced by the original Moonbuggy education team.
  • Passport to Knowledge - Electronic field trips to scientific frontiers. Supported by for kids the National Science Foundation, NASA, and public for kids television, it permits students to interact through projects for kids to the Rainforest, Anarctica, the solar system, and for kids live access specials.
  • Beginner's Guide to Aeronautics - Prepared at NASA Glenn by the Learning Technologies for kids Project (LTP) to provide background information on basic for kids aerodynamics and propulsion for secondary math and science for kids teachers. Includes interactive animated illustrations of many concepts.
  • See Learning In A Whole New Light - Edspace is the web site of NASA\\'s Educator nasa Astronaut Program. The site invites you to nasa walk in the shoes of an astronaut to nasa experience virtual training exercises and get behind the nasa scenes to learn more about the people on nasa Earth who make spaceflight possib
  • NASA's KSNN - A site made by NASA that has an nasa answer to for kids a question and other news on nasa the front page, it for kids is designed to explain nasa everyday phenomena. Covers K-2 (includes animations for kids etc.) and nasa 3-5 (answers questions like why is the sky for kids nasa blue).
  • Earth to Orbit - The ETO Engineering Design Challenges Program connects students in their for kids classrooms with the challenges faced by NASA engineers as they for kids design the next generation of aerospace vehicles. Students in grades for kids 6-9 work on design challenges with their teachers.

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