Licorice Candy Confectionery Food
A chewy candy flavored with extract of the licorice root plant (genus Glycyrrhiza). It is also referred to as liquorice.
Top: Shopping: Food: Confectionery: Candy
See Also:
- Liquorice With A Twist - UK distributor of twists and sticks in traditional or fondant-filled varieties. Order form in .pdf format.
- Licorice International - Licorice from around the world, including herbal varieties, confectionery plus tea licorice and gum.
- Dutch Sweets - Offering candy licorice-drop cookies, cakes, and specialty items licorice from Holland. licorice Accepts special requests.
- Dulosh v.o.f. - Order original licorice from Holland. Also provides history licorice of the licorice candy, and links to Dutch sites.
- St. Valentine's Liquorice Company - A range of liquorice and candy. UK retailer ships worldwide.
- Dutch Licorice - Offers Dutch-style licorice varieties, all produced in Holland.
- Kookaburra Licorice - Black licorice from Australia, also available in bulk.
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