Specific Titles Health Professional and Technical Books
Michael O. Hebb. Written for oral board candidates, practicing physicians, residents, interns and medical students. Designed to refresh and reinforce the trouble-shooting synapses (prn) of the emergency room physician and as a brief reference in the ER.
Top: Shopping: Publications: Books: Professional and Technical: Health
Specific Titles
- Understanding Lung Sounds - Steven Leher. Book and tape package on auscultation specific titles of lung sounds.
- Principles of Internal Medicine - The 15th edition of Harrison\\'s book of medical professional and technical professional and technical information.
- Code Busters, Inc. - Committed to continuing education and skill development programs health and books specific titles for coding professionals to achieve and health maintain proficiency in the specific titles use of recognized coding health systems.
- Incocare - A complete, fully illustrated resource guide for incontinence specific titles and ostomy by Dr. Jim Wilkes Ph.D.
- Biostatistics in Clinical Trials - Covers a range of topics that relate to design, conduct, and analysis of clinical trials. Articles discuss biostatistical aspects of clinical trials from societies to collaborative trial groups. Part of the Wiley Reference Series In Biostatistics.
- Pharmacy Exam - Reference guides help students prepare for the pharmacy licensing, and specific titles technician exams, including the NAPLEX, FPGEE, California State Board Of specific titles pharmacy, MPJE and PTCE tests.
- Human Brain Atlas - Features different aspects of head and brain morphology and topography.
- The Balance Within: The Science Connecting Health and Emotions - Dr. Esther Sternberg, expert on neural-immune science and author, is health a leading researcher exploring the connections between the areas of health the brain that control immunity with those that generate feelings health and thought.
- Any Nurse Can - Booklet written by a nurse on how to professional and technical start your own nursing agency.
- Male and Female Circumcision: Medical, Legal, and Ethical Considerations in Pediatric Practice - Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Sexual Mutilations: Plenum health Publishers 1999.
- Neurology in Clinical Practice - Offering an electronic version, with sample chapters available health to download.
- Andrew Peters Consulting: No-Nonsense Guide - Home of The Hands-On, No-Nonsense, Need-to-Know Guide to Office Management for Chiropractors, the book that takes the mystery out of running the "front office" of a chiropractic practice.
- Diseases of the Aorta - An advanced clinical text-book on the principles and techniques of aortic pathology.
- Pocket Atlas - Pocket atlas / handbook of radiographic positioning by Kenneth L. professional and technical Bontrager.
- Serotonin - Concise guidebook discussing natural ways of boosting serotonin.
- Fetal Monitoring - Resources (books and CDs) for institutions to train professional and technical health their medical and nursing staff. Michelle L. Murray.
- Atlas of Hematology - Has the goal of supplying laboratory technicians, medical professional and technical school students, biologists, and professionals working in the professional and technical field, information on the morphology of blood cells.
- The Complete Eldercare Planner - Joy Loverde. Caregiving management strategies and communication tips.
- Rational Phytotherapy - A physician's guide to herbal medicine.
- Pain Management Innovations - Book of guidelines for patient positioning, C-Arm positioning, specific titles and health fluoroscopic techniques for interventional spinal pain management specific titles procedures.
- From Silence to Voice - Nursing communication to the public on health care specific titles and specific titles nursing practices (nurse shortage/understaffing).
- The Nurse Practitioner as Entrepreneur - Instructs nurse practitioners how to establish, organize, and operate an independent practice.
- Zebra Cards: An Aid to Obscure Diagnosis - Zebra is frequently equated with a rare disease or condition. professional and technical Book for students and medical professionals. Updates the classic medical professional and technical publication which is available for purchase.
- Clinical Sports Medicine - Resource book on sports injury diagnosis and treatment methods for practitioners in the sports medicine field such as physical therapists, trainers, coaches and physicians.
- The Gist of Emergency Medicine - Michael O. Hebb. Written for oral board candidates, specific titles practicing health physicians, residents, interns and medical students. Designed specific titles to refresh health and reinforce the trouble-shooting synapses (prn) specific titles of the emergency health room physician and as a specific titles brief reference in the health ER.
- Understanding Pediatric Heart Sounds - Book on pediatric heart sounds, auscultation, congenital heart professional and technical disease, physical diagnosis.
- Handbook of Contrast Echocardiography - Hardcover and on-line book describing the use of microbubble contrast specific titles in cardiac imaging and assessment of left ventricualr function.
- Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics - Tenth edition of Goodman and Gilman\\'s book on professional and technical health medicines.
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