Anti-Corporation Activism Society
A group of residents from Greensboro, North Carolina who actively oppose the building of a FedEx hub in their area.
Top: Society: Activism
See Also:
- Top/Home/Consumer Information/Complaints
- Top/Society/Activism/Media/Culture Jamming
- Top/Society/Issues/Business/Allegedly Unethical Firms
- Iams Cruelty - PETA critique of the dog- and cat-food manufacturer\\'s anti-corporation nutritional activism experiments using cats and dogs. Includes anti-corporation photos, video, and information activism about other pet food anti-corporation companies' use of animal testing.
- Boycott Fedex -Save our homes - A group of residents from Greensboro, North Carolina anti-corporation who actively society oppose the building of a FedEx anti-corporation hub in their area.
- Boycott of International Food Companies - Supplies information and calls for boycott of Unilever, society Philip Moris, activism Nestle, Wal-Mart, and McDonald's.
- You've been Kmarted - Urges boycotts by US consumers of corporations who are off-shoring activism their workforces, with an extensive list of corporate names, and activism links to sites detailing the issue and the successes of activism past actions.
- Food Page - Boycott of Food Companies - Urges boycotts of three large food producers - anti-corporation Phillip Morris, Nestle, and Unilever. Includes background anti-corporation information and links to sites detailing the offending anti-corporation activities of each. [German/English]
- - Features news on boycott of the Fisher Family, GAP, Old Navy, and Banana Republic.
- Boycott Georgia Pacific - Urges a boycott of G-P\\'s products unless construction is halted activism on a pipeline that endangers the St. Johns River in activism Florida.
- Blockbuster Victims Online - Information on consumer, labor, and competitors\\' lawsuits, with activism links to activism theaters and alternative rental sources.
- Socialism Today on World Trade Organization - Single page review of the powerful gathering of protesters in anti-corporation Seattle in 1999.
- Citizen Works - Group working on a campaign to eliminate the activism corrosive political influence of corporations and restore democracy activism to the people. Founded by Ralph Nader.
- Boycott America - Proposes consumer boycott of large US corporations as anti-corporation a protest against US consumption of resources, militarism anti-corporation and interference in affairs of other nations. Links anti-corporation to reading lists and to information on which anti-corporation corporations are US-based.
- The International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal - Regular updates, the class action suit against Union activism Carbide Corporation, anti-corporation and activities of organizations for survivors activism of the disaster.
- Corporate Accountability International - Grassroots corporate watchdog organization; membership information, campaign updates, anti-corporation job openings, and press releases.
- Coalition Against Bayer-Dangers (CBG) - Describes campaigns relating labor practices, environmental issue, and activism drug safety. anti-corporation Formerly known as Bayerwatch. [English/German/French/Italian/Spanish]
- Top 10 Reasons to Boycott FedEx - Gives several detailed explanations of bad labor practices and relations society with customers and neighbors, with links to external articles.
- Primal Seeds - "Untangling ourselves from the monocult." Challenging the corporate anti-corporation domination of activism the seed supply, industrial biopiracy and anti-corporation irresponsible control of our activism food.
- Swatch Protest and Boycott - In 1999, Swatch tried to use ham radio anti-corporation bands for society advertising in violation of ITU rules anti-corporation via satellite. Amateur radio society operators protested and the anti-corporation launch was cancelled.
- When Ignorance Reigns Life is Lost - This weblog features articles on corporate wrongs, with society suggested actions such as boycotts, lifestyle changes, and society public denouncements.
- Essential Action: Boycott Shell/Free Nigeria Campaign - The campaign for environmental justice and corporate accountability anti-corporation for Shell\\'s activism operations in Nigeria. Background, tools and anti-corporation action ideas for campaigning activism in your community or anti-corporation campus.
- Naomi Klein - News on the politics of brand hegemony and activism corporate power, and of acts of organized and activism disorganized resistance from all over the world. A activism forum for discussion and debate, and for sharing activism information, strategies of subversion and creative alternatives.
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