Media Coverage etoy Culture Jamming Media

Online retailer eToys sues art group etoy over domain name. Corporate profits and artistic freedom collide. By Richard Zach [h2so4].

    Top: Society: Activism: Media: Culture Jamming: etoy

Media Coverage

  • eToys Lawsuit Is No Fun for Artist Group - Excellent article on the preliminary injunction against etoy and its aftermath. By Matt Mirapaul [New York Times, arts@large].
  • Art and Commerce Collide Online - How valuable is an "s" on the Internet? etoy Two combatants, separated in cyberspace by etoy that single letter, are about to find etoy out. By Matthew Mirapaul. [New York Times] [Registration etoy required.]
  • Etoy's allies aren't playing around - "This is a toy war, and protesters, calling media coverage for culture jamming a \\'\\'digital sit-in\\'\\' starting today, want media coverage to take culture jamming down Net retailer during media coverage its busiest season." culture jamming By Janet Kornblum [USA media coverage Today]
  • Etoy Wants Trademark 'Closure' - European Internet artists group called etoy has filed a complaint etoy against online toy retailer eToys alleging trademark infringement. [Wired]
  • eToys Inc. Drops etoy Suit - For Real This Time - Discussion about the end of the domain name struggle. [Slashdot].
  • Etoy: 'This Means War' - Report on the December 20 press conference at media coverage the etoy MOMA, New York. By Jill Priluck [Wired media coverage News].
  • Toywars - The group formerly known as ETOY lost the first round media coverage of its battle with eToys. By Felix Stalder [Telepolis].
  • eToys Drops Lawsuit Against eToy - Short note on eToys\\' offer to "back away" from legal claims [slashdot].
  • ISP Blocked After eToys Protest - Access to was blocked until one of etoy its subscribers agreed to remove a protest site etoy directed against eToys. By Matt Mirapaul [New etoy York Times].
  • Etoy: Don't Forgive, Don't Forget - Etoy is likely to have its culture jamming culture jamming culture jamming Web site culture jamming operational again, but the Internet culture jamming culture jamming culture jamming artists want everyone to culture jamming know they\\'re culture jamming culture jamming culture jamming still taking nothing for granted. By culture jamming Steve Kettmann [Wired News].
  • eToys softens under grassroots pressure - Online toy mega-merchant eToys conceded that popular support for the Swiss art group etoy encouraged it to offer a settlement to an old domain-name contest. The company offered to withdraw its suit if etoy withdraws its counter suit. By Thomas C Gre
  • Victory for Etoy Is At Hand - The domain-name battle between etoy culture jamming culture jamming culture jamming culture jamming culture jamming culture jamming and eToys has finally culture jamming lurched to a culture jamming culture jamming culture jamming culture jamming culture jamming culture jamming conclusive end. By Steve Kettmann culture jamming [Wired].
  • Wired: Toying With Domain Names - etoy vs. etoys.
  • CNN Misrepresenting etoy vs. etoys Battle? - Discussion regarding the CNN coverage of domain dispute. [Slashdot]
  • Toy Story - Article on the domain name dispute, by Mark Gimein [].
  • Press about etoy - Collection of press coverage of etoy and RTMark\'s etoy culture jamming Fund.
  • The etoy Strikes Back - eToys is (not surprisingly) continuing to pursue its trademark on culture jamming "ETOYS", which etoy (not surprisingly) feels endangers its right to culture jamming continue using its name. [Slashdot]
  • A Tale of Two eToys - What happens when an e-commerce giant takes on a group culture jamming of Swiss cyber-artists in court? Internet chaos. [Time].
  • Sell eToys. Buy etoy. - Online retailer eToys sues art group etoy over etoy domain name. etoy Corporate profits and artistic freedom etoy collide. By Richard Zach etoy [h2so4].
  • Etoy: 'This Means!' - etoy\\'s new online game at -- media coverage etoy media coverage etoy media coverage etoy their way media coverage of celebrating their pending etoy media coverage etoy media coverage etoy media coverage victory over eToys --- etoy offers media coverage a etoy media coverage media etoy coverage media coverage etoy tour of their world and what they\\'re media coverage all etoy media coverage etoy media coverage etoy media coverage about. By
  • Etoy: It's Not Over Yet - It\\'s one thing to drop a lawsuit. It\\'s another to "move away" from it. Which version the media heard depended on what time they were in touch with the eToys management. [Slashdot]
  • eToys Drops Lawsuit Against Artist Group - eToys Inc., the Internet\\'s leading toy retailer, agreed on Tuesday to drop its trademark-infringement lawsuit against etoy, a group of online conceptual artists in Europe. By Matthew Mirapaul. [New York Times] [Registration required.]
  • The Name Game - Column focusing on etoy/eToys conflict along with several other current etoy domain-name news stories. By Angela Gunn [Seattle Weekly]
  • This Means eWar! - Online retailing giant plays legal hardball with culture jamming a etoy similarly named group of digital artists. By culture jamming Claire Barliant etoy [City Pages, Twin Cities]
  • E-Riots Threaten - "The domain name battle between toy giant and the etoy Swiss art site formerly known as continues to escalate." etoy By Steve Kettman [Wired News]
  • Etoy: 'The Fight Isn't Over' - Online toy retailer eToys might be willing to back off from its domain-name struggle with the Zurich-based Internet artists of etoy, but that doesn\'t mean this fight i
  • EToys Relents, Won't Press Suit - After being pilloried in news groups culture jamming media coverage culture jamming media coverage culture jamming media coverage and deluged by angry culture jamming email, eToys media coverage culture jamming media coverage culture jamming media coverage culture jamming said it would not press media coverage culture jamming media coverage culture jamming culture media coverage jamming its lawsuit against the Swiss culture jamming media coverage art site culture jamming media coverage culture jamming media coverage culture jamming etoy. By Craig media coverage Bicknell [Wired Ne
  • The War over a Single Letter - etoy vs. eToys and civil disobedience via the web. By media coverage Sean M. Dugan [InfoWorld].
  • No EToy for Christmas - Coverage of the toywar, including a perspective on domain name media coverage dispute resolution. Very lively discussion. [slashdot]
  • Etoy Balks at Olive Branch - A spokesman for etoy dismissed a peace offer culture jamming Thursday etoy culture jamming etoy culture jamming etoy from culture jamming toy giant eToys as etoy a "PR move". By culture jamming Steve Kettman [Wired News].
  • California Court Blocks Artists Domain - News bulletin focussing on etoy as artists, based media coverage on etoy Village Voice story. [Arts Wire].
  • e-TOYS: Hackers Try to Disrupt Internet Company - "Cyber-activists are mounting a co-ordinated culture jamming etoy culture jamming etoy attempt to disrupt the operations culture jamming of eToys, a etoy culture jamming etoy culture jamming leading online toy store, etoy and drive down culture jamming the etoy culture jamming etoy company\'s culture jamming stock price." By Louise Kehoe [Financial Times]
  • Is eToys paying in market cap for bullying etoy? - Report and discussion on the impact of etoy/eToys culture jamming dispute etoy on eToys\\' share value [Tasty Bits from culture jamming the Technology etoy Front].
  • Fences in Cyberspace - Recent events in the battle over domain names, etoy with focus media coverage on etoy vs eToys, by Felix etoy Stalder [Telepolis].
  • The Domain Name Game - Reprint of Angela Gunn\'s Seattle Weekly Feature [LA Weekly].
  • The Toy War Escalates - etoy, ®TMark and the drop of eToys shares. culture jamming By etoy Felix Stalder [Telepolis]
  • How the Etoy Campaign Was Won - Toywar I is over. After 81 days of culture jamming heavy fighting, is back with a culture jamming great victory parade. AGENT.nasdaq reports on the art culture jamming of etoy and the campaign tactics. By Reinhold culture jamming Grether [Telepolis].
  • 'Be Grateful for Etoy' - Opinions of John Perry Barlow, EFF co-founder, on the etoy/eToys media coverage lawsuit. By Steve Kettmann. [Wired News]
  • Etoy Heads for New York City - Now that they have won an apparent culture jamming media coverage culture jamming media coverage culture jamming media coverage victory over culture jamming Santa Monica-based eToys, media coverage culture jamming media coverage culture jamming media coverage culture jamming the Internet artists of etoy media coverage have culture jamming their media coverage culture jamming culture media coverage jamming culture jamming media coverage eyes on taking Manhattan. By Steve Kettmann [Wired culture jamming News].
  • Interview with etoy - By Geri Wittig [switch].
  • eToys attacks show need for strong Web defenses - Network-based attacks against eToys last week and the media coverage emergence culture jamming of a particularly destructive method for launching media coverage such raids culture jamming are fresh reminders of the need media coverage for e-commerce sites culture jamming to keep their defenses sharp. media coverage By Ellen Messmer [Network culture jamming World]
  • eToys Offers to Drop Suit Against Artists Group - eToys Inc., the Web\\'s leading toy retailer, said on Wednesday that it had offered to drop its trademark-infringement lawsuit against etoy, a European group of online conceptual artists whose supporters have mounted a
  • Major Toy Site, Um, Er, Sucks - "Type in and etoy media coverage etoy media coverage etoy voila, you\\'re at the media coverage regular eToys etoy Web media coverage etoy etoy media coverage site." etoy [Wired News]
  • The Boys Behind Etoy - If the Santa Monica-based executives media coverage of eToys never quite media coverage media coverage media coverage understood their opponents in the media coverage art media coverage media coverage media coverage group etoy, they are not alone. [Wired News].
  • Etoy Finally Back in Business - The controversial Web site,, was finally reactivated over the etoy weekend by Network Solutions, bringing to a close the domain-name etoy fight between the Swiss Internet artists and the American toyseller, etoy eToys. By Steve Kettmann [Wired News].

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