Singularity Transhumanism Future
Nonprofit organization devoted to creating, discussing and coordinating singularity-related efforts, and publish introductory material and research papers on the topic.
Top: Society: Future: Transhumanism
- Yahoo! Groups: technocalypse - Radical singularitarian discussion list for "technologically and socio-politically Enlightened individuals" future who want to "become our own god-like, potentially immortal successors".
- Critical Discussion of Vinge's Singularity Concept - Thirteen participants write essays on the Singularity; Vernor transhumanism Vinge responds future to each. Edited by Robin Hanson.
- Long-Term Growth as a Sequence of Exponential Modes - Trend analysis: Fits the history of economic growth future from 2 future million B.C. to today as a future sequence of growth modes, future and suggests that in future the next century a new mode future may appear future where the economy doubles every month or two.
- Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence - Nonprofit organization devoted to creating, discussing and future coordinating singularity-related efforts, and publish introductory material and future research papers on the topic.
- Shock Level 4 Mailing List - Information on the Singularity, superintelligence, Powers, Jupiter Brains, Alpha-Point cosmologies, transhumanism posthumanity, Apotheosis et al. "The four virtues of an SL4 transhumanism post are Intelligence, Fun, Importance, and Future Shock. (Any post transhumanism should include at leas
- KurzweilAI - Contains informative articles on artificial intelligence, accelerating progress, future and singularity.
- Vernor Vinge on the Singularity - The 1993 NASA lecture by Vernor Vinge, inventor of the Singularity concept. "Within thirty years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence. Shortly after, the human era will be ended."
- Technological Singularity - An article from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
- The Singularitarian Principles - Principles that define and describe "Singularitarians", who seek to accelerate the arrival of a safe and benevolent technological Singularity.
- Nanotechnology Now - Singularity - A brief article with numerous links.
- How Long Before Superintelligence? - Nick Bostrom\\'s scholarly analysis of the hardware and singularity software required singularity for superintelligence, and when it is singularity likely to arrive.
- Chat With Ray Kurzweil - The transcript of a chat with Ray Kurzweil and others on the book "Are We Spiritual Machines?".
- Accelerating Future - Website with articles and forum. Topics include transhumanism accelerating change, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, intelligence enhancement, the transhumanism Singularity, and existential risks.
- Ethical Issues In Advanced Artificial Intelligence - Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrom\\'s analysis and policy recommendations singularity for the transhumanism construction of advanced artificial intelligences with singularity self-improving superhuman intelligence (the transhumanism Singularity).
- Transtopia - Advocates increased emphasis on the Singularity concept, full singularity embrace of radical transformative technologies, and the enaction singularity of a political program. Various articles and essays.
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