Medical Genealogy Society
Contains sites which offer medically related genealogy information.
Top: Society: Genealogy
See Also:
- Top/Health/Conditions and Diseases/Genetic Disorders
- Top/Society/Genealogy/Services/Researchers/By Topic/Genetics
- Top/Science/Biology/Genetics/Eukaryotic/Animal/Mammal/Human/Population
- Genealogy Quest: Diseases - Features a glossary of archaic medical terms used in vital records and documents.
- Shirley Hornbeck's This and That Genealogy Tips: Disease - Medical terms and list of epidemics with dates medical and locations.
- Pedigree Reducer - Program for reducing large pedigrees in Linkage format genealogy further used society for Genehunter genetic program.
- Cyndi's List - Medical, Medicine, and Genetics - Includes links to Civil War medicine and hospitals, medical diseases and medical medical terms, doctors, genetics and family medical health.
- Genetics and Genealogy - Essential connections to major online directories.
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