Council of Europe Regional Multilateral Government

Information on Council of Europe Publishing, which produces works in the Organisation's spheres of reference, including human rights, legal science, health, ethics, social affairs, environment, education, culture.

    Top: Society: Government: Multilateral: Regional

Council of Europe

See Also:
  • US Department of Justice - Convention on Cybercrime, Frequently Asked Questions - An overview of the background, structure, procedure and council of europe council of europe offences covered by the Cybercrime Convention.
  • The Europe of Cultural Cooperation - Inclusive activities and cooperation in education, culture, youth, council of europe multilateral and sports.
  • Council of Europe - International organisation. News, activities, press releases, and publications. multilateral Covers human council of europe rights, treaties and political and social multilateral issues.
  • LLRX - Guide to Researching the Council of Europe - Research guide including summary of institutions and their council of europe roles. From the Law Library Resource Xchange.
  • Council of Europe Publications - Information on Council of Europe Publishing, which produces works in council of europe the Organisation\\'s spheres of reference, including human rights, legal science, council of europe health, ethics, social affairs, environment, education, culture.
  • OSCE Networking - Comprehensive library of primary and secondary sources on multilateral the OSCE, led by the PSIO, CORE and multilateral ISN under the auspices of the Swiss Government.
  • Wikipedia - Council of Europe - Online encyclopedia article briefly covering the institutions, aims and membership multilateral of the Council of Europe.
  • Council of Europe Treaty Documents - Online copies of Treaties, Reservations and Declarations, and council of europe Partial Agreements. Full text searchable, in English, council of europe French, German, Italian and Russian.

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