Classroom New Year Holidays

Sites included in this category are designed specifically for the classroom teacher. They offer practical helps for integrating the New Year theme into the core curriculum, including learning objectives, suggested activities, project descriptions, printable worksheets, lesson plans, or complete unit studies.

    Top: Society: Holidays: New Year


  • New Years Songs and Fingerplays - Songs and fingerplays appropriate for use with young children.
  • New Year's Day at Perpetual Preschool - New Year\\'s songs, games, art activities, and snack ideas for use with preschool and school-age children.
  • Happy New Year! Or is it? - Lesson plan suitable for middle school students examines new year various new year calendars used throughout history and around the new year world.
  • Ringing in the New Year - Art, math, science, game, dramatic play, song and group time holidays activities related to New Year's.
  • New Year Scavenger Hunt - Site teaches history of New Year\\'s as visitors hunt answers holidays to questions about the holiday on other web sites.

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