Ezula Allegedly Unethical Firms Business Issues
San Francisco Chronicle: mentions concerns about the ethics of covert advertising, and commercial firms outraged by links to competitors' sites.
Top: Society: Issues: Business: Allegedly Unethical Firms
- You got the yellow linking Virus? - Gives information on how to remove/unistall TopText, and ezula links to other more detailed resources.
- PCWorld: Latest Online Ad Gimmick: Hyperlinks - "Advertisers try aggressive (and annoying) hyperlink technology to make the ezula Web pay."
- TrafficG Yellow and Green Link Killer - Provides script to disable Top Text and Surf+. Documents source code alterations made by these programs.
- PetitionOnline: eZula - Petition protesting insertion of advertising links on web ezula pages.
- eZula and Surf+ Script Killer - Provides a script killer for the eZula software. Also works on Surf+.
- Ethics in Advertising - Editorial asking "How far should advertising go?" Examines eZula\\'s browser business plug in as a specific example of unethical advertising.
- Associate Programs Newsletter: How to stop Scumware from defacing your website - Explains how Top Text and similar programs can allegedly unethical firms ezula negatively affect income streams, particularly for sites that allegedly unethical firms ezula use affiliate programs.
- Slashdot: Don't Eat the Yellow Links - Web owners upset by changed content; describes an ezula "opt-out" procedure.
- San Diego Daily Transcript: 'Poachware' Routes Computer Users To Alternate Web Sites - Article about anti-competitive involuntary hyperlinks being placed by business Top Text allegedly unethical firms (aka ContextPro).
- c|net Tech News: Peer-to-peer exchanges court advertisers - Article describing the financial arrangements, briefly mentioning the business controversy.
- Salon.com: The parasite economy - Examines the spread of both "spyware" and programs that add business commercial links to websites. KaZaa\\'s distribution of eZula is business heavily featured.
- Mystery links: New Web advertising tool gets results, draws criticism - San Francisco Chronicle: mentions concerns about the ethics of covert ezula advertising, and commercial firms outraged by links to competitors' sites.
- StopScum - Resources, news and forums for the fight against allegedly unethical firms ezula contextual advertising.
- Applelinks: Another New Technology to Deep-Six - Editorial suggesting "loud, pointed, organized protests" against this allegedly unethical firms attempt to "take over your web pages."
- Foistware - Information to help users and webmasters identify when Top Text business is installed.
- c|net Tech News: Chorus of Gator critics grows - Article on Interactive Advertising Bureau\\'s possible regulatory complaint over Gator\\'s allegedly unethical firms ad insertion. Also discusses Top Text and the effort allegedly unethical firms against it.
- geek/talk Forums at GeekVillage - Discussion about the eZula TopText defacement in the context of copyright violation.
- Search Engine Watch: Forget Smart Tags; TopText Is Doing What You Feared - Editorial decrying stealth download tactics, copyright and other legal violations.
- Protect Your Web Site from Unwanted Linking - Explains how the eZula system works and provides resources that allegedly unethical firms allow users to remove it and to help web site allegedly unethical firms owners protect their sites from unwanted advertising insertion.
- Whirly Wiry Web: Fighting Ezula - Discussion of web design to detect and defeat allegedly unethical firms business contextual advertising, including recognizing the HotText and TopText allegedly unethical firms business plugins.
- COTSE: You may have heard of Microsoft Smart Tags, but have you seen Ezula and Surf+? - A webmaster\\'s editorial accusing TopText and Intelsoft International\\'s business Surf+ of theft, false advertising, and deceptive self-promotion.
- ThiefWare.com - Information and resources primarily for webmasters who wish ezula to fight unethical contextual advertising.
- WebHostingTalk Forums: KaZaa is Hijacking Traffic! - Webmasters and surfers, mostly disapproving of the embedded business advertising links.
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