Fashion Rock Allegedly Unethical Firms Business Issues
"The organizer of a nationwide talent competition has denied allegations that it misled winners with promises of 'more than $100,000 in contracts' as models, actors or singers." [AP/CBS News]
Top: Society: Issues: Business: Allegedly Unethical Firms
Fashion Rock
See Also:
- Hidden Cameras Expose Talent Agency Scam - "Hidden cameras exposed the conniving side of the allegedly unethical firms business catwalk inside Transcontinental Talent\\'s Ferndale office, Ruth Spencer allegedly unethical firms business reported." [NBC 4 Detroit]
- Alleged Unethical and Illegal Behavior Practiced by Options Talent Group - In Los Angeles, Options Talent employees do not business need to allegedly unethical firms show any identification when recruiting child business and adult models, posing allegedly unethical firms a potential threat to business other employees and the community. [PR allegedly unethical firms Web]
- Hunting for Models - Investigative report of allegations of bogus model scouting. fashion rock Interview with former employee, BBB president, general manager. fashion rock Company president\\'s previous convictions for fraud. [New Times fashion rock Broward-Palm Beach]
- Council Member Questions Pearlman's Dealings - Brief article regarding Orlando city Commissioner Vicki Vargo\\'s business concerns about fashion rock the city\\'s possible partnership with entertainment business king Lou Pearlman to fashion rock revitalize Church Street Station. business By Jill Krueger. [Orlando Business Journal]
- 'American Idol' It Isn't - "The organizer of a nationwide talent competition has denied allegations that it misled winners with promises of \\'more than $100,000 in contracts\' as models, actors or singers." [AP/CBS News]
- High Priced Talent - Family was going to pay to list 14-year-old, but changed allegedly unethical firms their mind after consulting the Internet about the company. By allegedly unethical firms Michelle Mauch. Free registration required to view article. [KRIS-TV]
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