MCI WorldCom Allegedly Unethical Firms Business Issues
"The gargantuan telecommunications firm WorldCom announced on Tuesday that it is restating its financial statements for 2001 and first quarter 2002 because of incorrect capital expenditure accounting." News and reader discussion. [Plastic]
Top: Society: Issues: Business: Allegedly Unethical Firms
MCI WorldCom
- Gloom at WorldCom Centre - "WorldCom\\'s employees are feeling betrayed and bitter." By Nick Childs. [BBC News]
- WorldCom: What the US Papers Say - "Ros Taylor takes a look at how the American media mci worldcom are reacting to the latest corporate scandal to rock the mci worldcom financial markets." Press review. [Guardian]
- WorldCom Facing Charges of Fraud; Bush Vows Inquiry - "The Securities and Exchange Commission filed fraud charges against WorldCom yesterday and President Bush vowed to \\'hold people accountable\\' for the bookkeeping scandal at the company, the nation\\'s second-largest long-distance provider and a major ca
- Spotlight on: SEC v. WorldCom - Provides links to SEC and court documents regarding the WorldCom allegedly unethical firms case.
- Who Watches the Watchers? - "US regulators are scrambling to line up new accounting rules in the wake of the Enron and WorldCom affairs, but are they doing enough?" Analysis by Jeremy Scott-Joynt. [BBC News]
- SEC Charges WorldCom’s Former CFO with Financial Fraud - The commission charged Scott D. Sullivan, WorldCom\\'s former allegedly unethical firms mci worldcom Chief Financial Officer, with altering WorldCom\\'s books allegedly unethical firms mci worldcom and making false and misleading statements about the allegedly unethical firms mci worldcom health of the company. [SEC]
- WorldCom 'Must File Report by Monday' - "WorldCom, the disgraced telecommunications giant, has today been told it has until Monday to explain to regulators how it inflated profits by $4bn (£2.5bn)." By Mark Tran. [Guardian]
- SEC Statement Concerning WorldCom - "The WorldCom disclosures confirm that accounting improprieties of unprecedented magnitude have been committed in the public markets."
- 'World-Con': Massive Accounting Fraud Hits Wall Street Again - "The gargantuan telecommunications firm WorldCom announced on Tuesday that it mci worldcom is restating its financial statements for 2001 and first quarter mci worldcom 2002 because of incorrect capital expenditure accounting." News and reader mci worldcom discussion. [Plastic]
- WorldCom Formally Charged with Fraud - "WorldCom today moved closer to bankruptcy as US regulators formally mci worldcom charged the telecoms giant with fraud by inflating its profits mci worldcom through improper accounting." By Mark Tran. [Guardian]
- How Auditor Found $4bn Black Hole - "The financial scandal that has enveloped WorldCom, one mci worldcom of mci worldcom America\\'s largest phone companies, was unearthed by mci worldcom an employee mci worldcom running a spot check on the mci worldcom Mississippi-based company\\'s books." mci worldcom By Julian Borger and Richard mci worldcom Wray. [Guardian]
- WorldCom Staff Brace for Cuts - "The US telecoms giant is set to give details of 17,000 job cuts as Congress and officials start the investigation into the firm\'s accounting fraud." [BBC News]
- Internet Fears over WorldCom Scandal - "With 40% of internet traffic using WorldCom\\'s network, worries are allegedly unethical firms spreading about what effect a collapse might have." [BBC News]
- "You Have No Idea the Evil We Do" - MCI Insiders Break Their Silence - Stories of "modern call center hell" submitted by MCI staffers. business By Andrew Orlowski. [Register]
- Bernie Ebbers pleads not guilty to fraud - The former chief executive of Worldcom is charged with fraud, mci worldcom conspiracy and making false statements regarding the company's finances.[BBC]
- MCI Paralyzes US Reg Bureau - The Register falls victim to MCI "random billing". business By Andrew Orlowski. [Register]
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