Microsoft Allegedly Unethical Firms Business Issues
Rob Landley of Motley Fool argues that Microsoft's size and methods allow it tactics to make money without even selling software.
Top: Society: Issues: Business: Allegedly Unethical Firms
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Editor's Picks:
Why I Hate Microsoft

- The International Anti-Microsoft Network - Webring of anti-Microsoft, anti-Bill Gates, and anti-Wintel sites.
- The Register: OS Expiration - Expiring OSes? Check the Windows 'best before' dates.
- Sotpar's Anti Micro$oft Page - Collected quotes and opinions on topics from browser bundling to allegedly unethical firms boycotting.
- Does Issuing Passports Make Microsoft a Country? - Am I the only one who is terrified about Microsoft allegedly unethical firms Passport? It seems to me like a fairly blatant allegedly unethical firms attempt to build the world\\'s largest, richest consumer database, and allegedly unethical firms then make fabulous profits mining it.
- Microsoft's Stock Options As Tax Loopholes - Rob Landley of Motley Fool argues that Microsoft\\'s business size and methods allow it tactics to make business money without even selling software.
- Bill Sherwood's Anti-Microsoft Page - Personal accounts of low quality tech support and allegedly unethical firms misleading advertising.
- SecurityFocus: Microsoft Cookies jump Domains - Privacy advocates laud Microsoft for Internet Explorer\\'s new allegedly unethical firms cookie-controls, while the company tries out a new allegedly unethical firms scheme for tracking web surfers across domains.
- Microsoft quietly shadows Web surfers across MSN sites - Days after acknowledging a privacy problem with its business browser, Microsoft says its privacy policy does not business say how it identifies people who travel across business its network of Web sites. [CNet]
- Appraising Microsoft - Official site of the Appraising Microsoft conferences headed by Ralph Nader and James Love.
- Microsoft Versus - Analysis and discussion of Microsoft and comparisons of business their products against open source alternatives.
- MSN Cookie Data Crosses Domains - How Microsoft web sites like HotMail and MSNBC allegedly unethical firms business assign unique ID numbers in cookies, and shares allegedly unethical firms business that ID with other web tracking sites.
- So Why Hate Microsoft? - Another look at unfair competition by Microsoft. Somewhat dated.
- MSBC Superlist of Anti-Microsoft Web Sites - Indexes more than 250 anti-Ms links and forums: microsoft a comprehensive directory of anti-Microsoft activity around the microsoft Internet and around the world.
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