Wal-Mart Allegedly Unethical Firms Business Issues
Wal-Mart's impact on local ways of living: Small businesses, people who know what they are selling, community relationships that all vanish when Wal-Mart moves in.
Top: Society: Issues: Business: Allegedly Unethical Firms
See Also:
- Top/Business/Retail Trade/Retailers
- Top/Home/Consumer Information/Complaints/Wal-Mart
- Top/Society/Work/Workplace Discrimination
- Top/Society/Issues/Business/Human Rights/Sweatshops
- NPR : Slate's Michael Kinsley: Wal-Mart Love-Hate - Slate founding editor Michael Kinsley shares his thoughts business with NPR\\'s Alex Chadwick about the retailing behemoth business Wal-Mart, and how a company that generates so business much antagonism can be so successful. [5:14 business Realaudio streaming broadcast]
- AgainstTheWal.com - Collection of news articles focused mainly on Wal-Mart labor practices.
- WalMart Class - Sex discrimination lawsuit alleging denial of advancement and allegedly unethical firms wal-mart training, lower wages, sexually hostile work environment and allegedly unethical firms wal-mart retaliation.
- Blog Against the Wal - A weblog designed to spread the anti Wal-Mart business message through allegedly unethical firms the internet.
- The Huge Class Action Sex Discrimination Suit Against Wal-Mart - Professor Anthony J. Sebok examines the issue of wal-mart whether the wal-mart discrimination suit against the retailer should wal-mart proceed as a class wal-mart action.
- Wal-Mart Facts - Wal-Mart\\'s official facts and news website, with current wal-mart news and information about the company.
- When Wal-Mart Comes to Town - Inc. Magazine\\'s article about how a small Maine business town reacted to Wal-Mart\'s opening three stores in business the area.
- Walmart Class - \\'Official\\' site of class action sex discrimination lawsuit against Wal-Mart, the largest civil rights class action ever certified.
- Wal-Mart Litigation Project - Tracks information about litigation involving Wal-mart, and provides support services business to attorneys who have already sued Wal-Mart.
- Wal-Mart Watch - Wal-Mart\\'s impact on local ways of living: Small business businesses, people allegedly unethical firms who know what they are selling, business community relationships that all allegedly unethical firms vanish when Wal-Mart moves business in.
- WalmartSucks.org - Complaint site.
- Fish Abuse by Walmart Stores - Complaints by the Goldfish Sanctuary of alleged abuse of fish business sold by Wal-mart. Local reports and suggestions for a letter-writing business campaign.
- The Wal-Mart Effect - A three-part series from the Los Angeles Times business profiling the allegedly unethical firms retail giant and its business practices. business [Free registration required to allegedly unethical firms view this content]
- Walocaust - Lampoons the company\\'s own advertising to portray it allegedly unethical firms wal-mart as cruel and harmful to working people.
- Wal-Mart Censorship - Examines the issue of company\\'s cultural censorship of business rock and rap CDs by artists like Marilyn business Manson, Snoop Doggy Dogg, Sheryl Crow. [MetroActive]
- NPR : Wal-Mart Prices Put Onus on Suppliers - Wal-Mart\\'s low prices place severe demands on the discount chain\\'s allegedly unethical firms suppliers, according to a magazine report. A demand to cut allegedly unethical firms prices 5 percent every year has forced some suppliers into allegedly unethical firms bankruptcy and prompted others to shut down American factories for allegedly unethical firms che
- WalMart is Bad for Business - An educator and activist worries about the effect allegedly unethical firms of Wal-Mart on the economy, workers, taxpayers, the allegedly unethical firms environment, and National Public Radio.
- NPR : Wal-Mart CEO Lee Scott on Being on Top - NPR\\'s Tavis Smiley talks with Wal-Mart president and business CEO Lee wal-mart Scott about the benefits of being business a top Fortune 500 wal-mart company and the problems business that come with the prestige. [13-minute wal-mart Realaudio streaming business broadcast]
- Wal-Mart: The Facts - Part of the National Organization for Women\\'s "Women-Friendly Workplace Campaign" allegedly unethical firms that alleges unfair labor practices by Wal-mart.
- Common Dreams - Sweet Victory: Maryland Stands Up To Wal-Mart - Maryland approves a bill that would require all allegedly unethical firms business businesses there with more than 10,000 employees to allegedly unethical firms business spend at least 8% of their payroll on allegedly unethical firms business worker health benefits, directly affecting Walmart\\'s low spending allegedly unethical firms business per worker.
- The Wal-Mart You Don't Know - Fast Company looks at Wal-Mart\\'s pricing practices and their sometimes allegedly unethical firms devastating pressures it exerts on the companies it does business allegedly unethical firms with.
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