Japan Asia Regional Human Rights and Liberties
Independent, non-profit organization which aims to protect and promote human rights for all persons regardless of beliefs, religion, or political opinion.
Top: Society: Issues: Human Rights and Liberties: Regional: Asia
See Also:
- Mitsubishi Lawsuit - Details of a workplace racial discrimination lawsuit in regional Japan.
- Children'sRights Network of Japan - Discusses marriage, children, divorce and parental abduction in Japan, as well as the lack of joint custody and enforcable child visitation rights in family law.
- Ana Bortz's Law Suit and Minority Rights in Japan - Article on Japanese 20th century immigration, influx of migrants, Japanese asia reactions, and a discrimination lawsuit filed to protect civil rights asia from racial prejudice.
- Buraku Liberation and Human Rights Research Institute - Information aimed to eliminate discrimination, particularly for the asia Buraku problem japan in Japan.
- Human Rights Watch - Japan - Reports, background briefings, testimony, press releases and commentary asia on the regional human rights situation in the country.
- The Otaru Lawsuit Info Site - Regularly updated site on a suit against the Otaru City regional government and Hokkaido hot spring owners banning foreigners.
- US State Department - 2004 Human Rights Report: Japan - 2004 report on the current status of human asia rights practices including human freedoms, civil liberties, political asia rights, international investigations, discrimination, worker rights, child labor asia and working conditions.
- US State Department - 2008 Human Rights Report: Japan - 2008 report on the current status of human rights practices including human freedoms, civil liberties, political rights, international investigations, discrimination, worker rights, child labor and working conditions.
- Amnesty International USA - Japan Human Rights - News, reports and success stories for the country asia including AI Annual Report entries for the past asia ten years.
- Amnesty International - Japan - Ongoing collection of news and reports on the status of regional human rights.
- Fathers' Rights In Japan - A bulletin board for fathers to discuss denied visitation or japan custody of their Japanese children and to advocate changes to japan Japanese family law.
- Japan Civil Liberties Union (JCLU) - Independent, non-profit organization which aims to protect and regional promote human japan rights for all persons regardless of regional beliefs, religion, or political japan opinion.
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