Race and Racism Race-Ethnic-Religious Relations Issues

Series of New York Times articles based on the premise that race relations are being defined less by political action than by daily experience. Includes archival articles and Web resources list. [Free registration required.]

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Race and Racism

See Also:
Editor's Picks:

How Race Is Lived in America* - Series of New York Times articles based on the premise that race relations are being defined less by political action than by daily experience. Includes archival articles and Web resources list. [Free registration required.]

  • Salon Directory: Racial Issues - Complete archive of race articles from Salon.com
  • Jewish comic bars 'Palestinian' warm-up - Describing how comedian Jackie Mason refused to allow issues an American Vietnam veteran to perform an opening issues act for his show, because the performer happened issues to be Palestinian.
  • Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia - A careful examination of racist stereotypes of African-Americans race-ethnic-religious relations throughout race and racism history including research papers and photos of race-ethnic-religious relations racist objects.
  • Race and History - A community of volunteers committed to social development. issues Includes articles and links.
  • Call Me Racist, I Don't Care - A Henry Rutgers Undergraduate Honors Thesis examining Englewood, issues New Jersey\\'s lawsuit seeking to desegregate its schools issues by merging with its unwilling neighbors.
  • Protest - Together We are Strong - Fights against theories and ideology of Nazis and race and racism Nazism. Takes a stand against racism.
  • All Look Same - Tests the reader\\'s ability to identify people by Asian descent in 18 individual photographs.
  • Race and Affirmative Action- The Atlantic Monthly - Articles from archives.
  • Reverse Racism - Includes an article on reverse racism and discrimination.
  • World Conference against Racism 2001 - Official site of the United Nations conference against race-ethnic-religious relations racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.
  • The Biology of Skin Color - Researchers suggest that differences in skin color arose race-ethnic-religious relations to race-ethnic-religious relations balance the body\'s use of sunlight and race-ethnic-religious relations vitamins.
  • Over 200 Facts Related to Racial Issues - This site contains over two hundred facts on racial issues race-ethnic-religious relations such as discrimination, income differences, affirmative action, education, slavery, media, race-ethnic-religious relations politics and violence among other topics.
  • AsianWhite.org - Focusing on race relations between Asians and whites. race-ethnic-religious relations Topics issues include outmarriage, immigration, media and politics.
  • Literature on Race, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism - Links and annotated bibliography.
  • Race and Human Rights - Compilation of resources on race and human rights race-ethnic-religious relations for the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, race-ethnic-religious relations Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, to be held in race-ethnic-religious relations South Africa in 2001.
  • Secret Daughter - The story of a mixed race daughter and the white mother who gave her up for adoption. Discussion boards, audio of racial issues, and links to search for your family history.
  • FAIR Issue Area - Racism - Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting project to monitor and combat race and racism the media\\'s marginalization, misrepresentation and exclusion of people of color race and racism in both the news and the newsroom.
  • Black Mormons & The Priesthood Ban FAQ - A perspective on historic Mormon racial attitudes.
  • Teaching to make a difference - The sites general aim is to support and provide educational race and racism material to teach about issues relating to tolerance and intolerance, race and racism the Holocaust, Human Rights, diversity and multi-culturalism.
  • The Press And Lynching Of African Americans - A scholarly examination of the lynching epidemic of race and racism race-ethnic-religious relations the early 20th century and how the press race and racism race-ethnic-religious relations reacted to it.
  • Undoing Racism - Notes from a training session.
  • Black People Love Us - Satire by Chelsea and Jonah Peretti describes a issues fictional white couple and their flubbed attempts to issues relate to blacks. Includes viewer letters.
  • Racism and Race in American Law - Considering the intersection between racism and race with issues American law, and the role of the law issues in promoting or alleviating racism.
  • The Barbie Science Fair Experiment - A 3rd grade science fair experiment titled "Does issues Skin Color issues Make a Difference" that was removed issues by the school district.
  • Race Relations, About.com Guide - Includes discussions, articles, links and other resources.
  • World Conference Against Racism - Brief background and analysis of issues like caste race and racism discrimination, refugees, asylum seekers, migrants, internally displaced persons race and racism and citizenship.
  • Racism In America - Essay exploring racism.
  • Racism in Modern America - Thorough examination of the forms racism takes, why race-ethnic-religious relations it continues, and what can be done about race-ethnic-religious relations it.

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