US Intervention Afghanistan Civil War Specific Conflicts Warfare and Conflict

Coverage of the war in Afghanistan has played down the civilian deaths and 4 million refugees, to make audiences believe in a straightforward moral narrative, says the Guardian.

    Top: Society: Issues: Warfare and Conflict: Specific Conflicts: Afghanistan Civil War

US Intervention

See Also:
  • Dawn Raids Stoke Fires of Resentment - Rory McCarthy reports on mounting anger of Afghan afghanistan civil war specific conflicts citizens at the US military presence. The Guardian, afghanistan civil war specific conflicts UK.
  • When Uncle Sam Meets 'Stan - Jason Burke reports on the daily life at afghanistan civil war Bagram Air Base. The Observer, UK.
  • Islam Online: The World In Crisis - Afghanistan and Beyond - Analysis and commentary focusing on the muslim standpoint, afghanistan civil war with transcripts of chats and discussion forum. UK.
  • U.S. Challenged To Define Role In Afghanistan - Susan B. Glasser reports on the situation of afghanistan civil war afghanistan civil war US military in the country and discusses the afghanistan civil war afghanistan civil war need of a strategy change. Washington Post, US.
  • Commander Sees at Least Another Year in Afghanistan - The commander of American troops expects to need us intervention at us intervention least one more year to complete the us intervention mission, namely us intervention to crush the remnants of Al us intervention Qaeda and Taliban, us intervention and build the foundations of us intervention an Afghan national army. us intervention New York Times, US us intervention (free registration required).
  • Sp!ked-Politics: After 11 September - A collection of articles discussing the rights and wrongs of the attack on Afghanistan.
  • Analysis: The Military Lessons - The peculiar features of the Afghan campaign are us intervention evaluated afghanistan civil war for future struggles by Jonathan Marcus, BBC us intervention defence correspondent.
  • A Fairy Tale at Christmas - Coverage of the war in Afghanistan has played us intervention down the civilian deaths and 4 million refugees, us intervention to make audiences believe in a straightforward moral us intervention narrative, says the Guardian.
  • "Secret" War Prevents Us from Learning the Truth - Commentary on the media politics of the American us intervention and specific conflicts British military. The Observer, UK.
  • This Futile Campaign - Madeleine Bunting discusses the effects of the western us intervention intervention on the life of Afghans and on us intervention terrorism. The Guardian, UK.
  • US, Beware the Consequences in Afghanistan - In the Christian Science Monitor, Edward Girardet finds us intervention US afghanistan civil war attacks on Afghanistan counterproductive and argues for us intervention a peace afghanistan civil war settlement and massive reconstruction.
  • Cursor: Archivistan - A collection of Marc Herolds commentary on the us intervention US us intervention bombings and political developments.
  • No Military Solution to Terrorism - Richard Norton-Taylor discusses the ongoing bombing in Afghanistan. The Guardian, UK.
  • Murder, Incorporated - Comment on the US military by Chris Floyd. Counterpunch, US.

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