Regional Memorial Web Sites Veterans Military

A memorial commemorating the contribution made by nearly five million volunteers from the Indian sub-continent, Africa and the Caribbean in the two World Wars.

    Top: Society: Military: Veterans: Memorial Web Sites


  • Memorial Gates Trust - A memorial commemorating the contribution made by nearly five million volunteers from the Indian sub-continent, Africa and the Caribbean in the two World Wars.
  • Milam County, Texas - List of Honor - Includes information about the memorial plus lists of the individuals who have given their lives in the defense of their country from World War I through Vietnam.
  • Chester County Hall of Heroes - Honoring the veterans of Chester County, Pennsylvania who sacrificed their veterans lives in the service of their country.
  • Roll of Honour - Catalogue of war memorials for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire containing details of the memorial with photographs and detailed information.
  • Atherton Cenataph Memorial Project - Provides information about the Atherton, UK, Cenotaph and memorial web sites regional a project to create a memorial gardens on memorial web sites regional adjacent land.

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