Weblogs Personal Homepages People

Stuff, randomness, and noise. The personal site of a guy in Phoenix, including a frequently updated weblog. Some assembly required. Batteries not included.

    Top: Society: People: Personal Homepages: Weblogs


See Also:
  • CIO Mind - Discussing management, gadgets, science-fiction, and Romania
  • Chad's Blog Stuff - Aspiring writer\\'s daily thoughts and information about him c and his upcoming writings.
  • Chris McIntyre - Words, links, and photographs from his life.
  • The Chucklehut - Tales of a married ex-lawyer in San Francisco.
  • cloudyday.org - Includes movie reviews and general posts about everyday weblogs life.
  • Creative Type Dads - Small bits of fatherhood life mixed with design, weblogs tech, business, weblogs entertainment, culture...and all things in between.
  • ChrisNull.com - Posting whatever clever things can be found on the web.
  • Carol's Little World - Carol's very own corner of the internet.
  • Cardhouse - In the future, everyone will have weblogs. Some c of them weblogs will be a putrid olive-goldish color.
  • Chrominance - Bubble wrapped for your pleasure.
  • Chintadhara - Assortment of thoughts.
  • Chris Magazine - Devoted to sly social commentary, humor, and satire weblogs from the personal homepages mind of Chris Messina.
  • The Challenge - The most superficial semi-intellectual weblog on the net.
  • Confoozled - Carly writes about her life in Rhode Island, discusses disabilities personal homepages and technology, and presents her photographs.
  • Chronicles of Hectia - A weblog by Paul Simpson. General commentary, useful c links, and general rantings.
  • Coda Blog - Dress up. Leave a false name. Be legendary.
  • Caterina.net - Science fiction writer living in Vancouver, British Columbia. An erstwhile weblogs design martinet and/ or flunky, currently on sabbatical.
  • Coming Anarchy - Curzon, Chirol, and Younghusband write about politics and world affairs.
  • Cheyne-omatic - Ideas and adventures, complete with full color photographs.
  • Chez Chrissie - Home page and weblog of Christine Harper, 30-something writer in c the West Midlands, UK.
  • Consolation Champs - Top of the B-List.
  • Considered Design - Web developer living in Oregon muses on technology, personal homepages media, personal homepages and especially usability issues. Goes well with personal homepages coffee.
  • Caradotcom - Crazy things that keep her up to eyeballs busy.
  • Cleverly Named Blog - Answers the questions that no one asked. Wry, personal homepages dry, c and superfly.
  • Chris Abraham Blog - Writing about news, life, and pop culture.
  • ChaosZone - Musings on software development, digital rights, link propagation, c and life personal homepages in India.
  • Cootiehog - Tales of a woman in New Jersey.
  • Crooked Timber - Wide-ranging philosophy weblog.
  • CountBoogie.com - Insanity and human behavior from the mind of c a human personal homepages cartoon.
  • Conspiracy Parrot - Trawling the web looking for interesting, weird and c unusual news personal homepages that isn\'t covered in the mainstream c press.
  • Concealed Position - Covering topics from precision rifle technique to spirituality weblogs to survival skills - in prose and verse.
  • Chicago Acting Blog by David Lawrence - Thoughts on acting, news, and entertainment.
  • Csilo: Storage of Semi-Creative Fodder - Writing about computers, programming, news, events, and personal things.
  • The Coffeehouse Soapbox - Shares his personal thoughts and aggressive political debate.
  • Cuppa Tea - Here to confuse. Here there be hooha. And weblogs lots of it. Imbibing liquid confusion, with weblogs cookies.
  • Creative Generalist - Weblog and community for curious divergent thinkers who personal homepages appreciate c new ideas and the wide mix of personal homepages sources needed c to generate them.
  • Chris Brauer Media Project - Ideas from pop culture to politics, technology, social personal homepages sciences, business, media, sports, and life.
  • Caveat Lector - Commentary from a childfree, vegetarian library-school student.
  • Clarity - Information about Catherine Hume's life, includes photographs.
  • Cap'n Ken's Homespun Wisdom - Hits on topics in the news, general ranting weblogs about life, c and other politcally-incorrect topics.
  • Cultural Surveillance - Monitoring the way people live. Learning how to personal homepages live better.
  • Chronicles of Bean - Musings by Cindi, a librarian by education and weblogs a techie c by passion.
  • The Cynic Says - Cynical views and comments, along with some other weblogs random finds personal homepages in daily life.
  • Chattering Magpie - Thoughts, reviews, and essays by Tracy.
  • Collision Detection - Clive Thompson writes about politics, technology, and culture.
  • Christoph Burkhardt's Weblog - Links and thoughts about information technology and life c in general.
  • Chase Me Ladies, I'm in the Cavalry - Tales of a person teaching English in Hong Kong.
  • Cybertoad's Corner - Movie and book reviews as well as random weblogs thoughts.
  • Corners and Centers - World of an unsocial- where corners are more personal homepages preferred c than centers.
  • Codshit.com - Thoughts, musings, nonsense and, very occasionally, a hint personal homepages of weblogs genius.
  • Championable - A pro-choice, pro-gay, heterosexual catholic father of three personal homepages talks parenting, politics, and kids.
  • CK's blog - Writing about his exciting life.
  • Cat in the Mist - Pictures and experiences of a woman in Mississippi.
  • Chrisruzin.net - Chris Ruzin comments on politics, technology, and whatever personal homepages else tickles his fancy.
  • Chaos Terminal - Punk music, web development, technology in general, and c life. Yum weblogs yum.
  • Contrary to Authority - Writing about anarchism.
  • Caoine - Life of a twenty-something web developer/freelance writer in weblogs New York.
  • Catherine's Pita - New York-based weblog focusing on music, movies, media, politics, and various other stuff.
  • Crazy for Fiber - Artful grandmother shares her fiber creations and personal thoughts.
  • CockyBastard.com - Halcyon shares pictures, art, and writing about intimacy weblogs and lunacy.
  • Calacanis.com - Jason Calacanis's Weblog. Media, entertainment, technology and business.
  • A Canadian Lefty in Occupied Land - Personal and political musings from a Canadian activist c and writer.
  • The Churning - Thoughts from a neurotic, skeptical, nervous outcast living c in Philly.
  • Claudia Hocke - A woman blogs on her life and travels.
  • Cute Jewess Tells All - Writes about her dating and romantic life.
  • Citizen of the Month - Exploring pop culture and relationships with humor.
  • Cat Can Cook - Catherine Robertson talks about cooking, creative ideas, and personal homepages the personal homepages trials and triumphs of motherhood.
  • Czeltic Girl - Commentary on her personal life and visited links.
  • Conversations With Myself - Keyboard confessional and comments on news.
  • Cmmsquared.com - An online journal of the lives of a 20-something couple weblogs and their eccentric dog.
  • Cyber Junky - Oliver Jackson talks about life, web development, and urban art around Edinburgh.
  • Consumer Maven - Consumer behavior marketing professional writes about consumer products, weblogs services, and personal homepages experiences.
  • The Casting On Couch - About knitting, movies, and random thoughts of an archivist and personal homepages librarian.
  • Cynical Smirk - Writing about news and interesting finds of the personal homepages internet.
  • Caballito del Diablo - Various thoughts and ponderings.
  • Carleta.org - Posting about her life and current events.
  • Codewolf Systems - Covers interesting things found on the internet, news, humor, entertainment, c current topics, and programming.
  • Cristian Vidmar's Public Weblog - Logging life and thought for profit and fun.
  • Chir.ag - Chirag Mehta writes articles on computers, philosophy, economics, and anything personal homepages else.
  • Cogito, Ergo Doleo - Senthil\'s musings on life, photography, and other weird c people.
  • Clagnut - Richard Rutter\'s observations with a decidedly web design c slant.
  • Consequently - An annotated bookmarks page, a scratchpad for thoughts c and ideas, a place to post photos and c somewhere to experiment with web design. To keep c in touch with friends far away.
  • Chazography - Chaz Lever discusses his views on technology, software, programming, movies, television, music, school, and whatever else he finds interesting.
  • CR Weblog - Sharing photography and thoughts.
  • Crunchy - Another lunatic with a web page. Keeping it relaxed and groovy from the Transglobal Epicenter in the 'burbs.
  • Caoimhe - The life and times of a pseudo-Irish lass. personal homepages Caoimhe\'s comments on art, books, and life.
  • Casa de Marlon - A weblog about things hated and a few personal homepages things weblogs liked.
  • Counterfactual - Canadian shares his opinions, suggestions, hopes, rants, raves, personal homepages and other useless pieces of information with the personal homepages world.
  • Chad Lauterbach's Blog - Sharing photographs and experiences.
  • Candleblog - On filmmaking, astronomy, pop culture, Vermont, politics, coffee, personal homepages comics, and the nerd life.
  • Chaddux.com - Personal site with frequently changing themes.
  • Cyanbane's Hall of Bouncing Souls - Discusses movies, marine/ tropical reef tanks/ aquariums, and c programming concepts and languages.
  • Climb to the Stars - Tara\\'s weblog focuses on net culture, web design, personal homepages India personal homepages and the West, as well as her personal homepages personal writings personal homepages (essays, creative pieces and a detailed personal homepages travelogue of her personal homepages year in India).
  • The Cynical Girl 1.0 - Cynical, on demand and without apology, in New c York City.
  • Cnaw - Adam Montoya writes about his life and politics.
  • Clever Title Here - The life of a seminary student: random, fun, odd... the church, politics, life, friends, school, and everything else too.
  • ClickRich Blog - Thoughts of a guy who works with technology, lives with his girlfriend, and always seems able to surround himself with people one sandwich short of a picnic.
  • Cory's Webstravaganza - Advice column and commentary on movies, music, and personal homepages wrestling.
  • CodeMac - He likes Macintoshes and programs on them.
  • Chris Hooley's Blog - Personal, professional, and private pages written by the self proclaimed web guy.
  • Chris Miles - Talking about his life.
  • Compendium - Illustrator shares news and work.
  • Cynical-C Blog - A cynic\\'s view on life in general from personal homepages politics weblogs to sports.
  • Christopher Boyce - Comments, photographs, and everything unimportant.
  • Coyote Blog - Dispatches from a small business.
  • ChrisChen.ca - The personal weblog of Chris Chen from Canada
  • The Capital Letter by Berlin Bear - The musings of a dis-located New Zealander in Berlin.
  • Chicky Babe - Miscellaneous ramblings, trying to make sense of stuff. weblogs From personal homepages Sydney, Australia.
  • Clever Wot - University of Michigan law student touches on political, personal homepages legal, and entertainment issues and shares wacky life personal homepages experiences.
  • CoolB.com - Offers news and links.
  • Confessions of a Hot Carmel Sundae - Secular Carmelite addresses multiple topics including Catholicism, news, c politics, family personal homepages issues, and parenting.
  • Cohabitation Nation - News and commentary about cohabitation, marriage, and other personal homepages topics personal homepages of interest.
  • Continuity - Stuff, randomness, and noise. The personal site of weblogs a guy weblogs in Phoenix, including a frequently updated weblogs weblog. Some assembly required. weblogs Batteries not included.
  • Crooked Back, Crooked Thoughts - Collection of photographs, commentary, computer tips on spyware personal homepages and ad-ware, sports talk, and links.
  • Coming Out of Left Field - Random notes from an arts-lover, sports nut, and personal homepages geek-in-training.
  • Charlietangodelta's Blog - Thoughts of a gay Irish woman.
  • Connor's Conundrums - Connor Boyack, a 20-something husband, web designer, Latter-day c Saint, constitutionalist, weblogs paleocon, classical liberal, preparedness practitioner, budding c philanthropist, and master\\'s student weblogs of political economy writes c about politics and government.
  • Creativity, Change, Culture and Communication - Thoughts of Kris Krug, a designer, writer, photographer, and webmonkey based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
  • Calcis - Art, photos, news, and personal journaling from a weblogs young woman weblogs in Alabama.
  • Chgo Red - Girl Editor - All about life, pop culture, and news from an irreverent personal homepages point of view.
  • Chasbaudelaire - Pondering life, philosophy, and amusements.
  • The Collective Lounge - Dedicated to news and issues in philosophy, history and the politics of the day.
  • Can’t Write, Won’t Write - Johan De Silva writes about topics that he feels knowledgeable personal homepages about.
  • CamelBlog: The Life of a Performing Dromedary - The musing, griping, laughing, and bitching of and c at all personal homepages those things that make life interesting c both onstage and the personal homepages world around.
  • Chessthecat.com - Humorous articles and photograph essays. Site is personal homepages also weblogs the home of the satirical Royal Conservatory personal homepages of Chess.
  • Craig Jamieson: Digiguru Design Diary - Tales of an interactive designer working from Cape Town, South personal homepages Africa.
  • Crabwalk - Journalist Joshua Benton discusses journalism, Texas, and other weblogs topics.
  • The Cat's Meow - Writing about her efforts to learn Spanish, her trips to Mexico, and working toward her retirement goal of living in Mexico.
  • Chikadora - Musings and thoughts on Philippine reality television, movies, weblogs celebrities and weblogs gossip.
  • The Chaliceblog - Politics / religion weblog written by a young weblogs woman living c in Washington DC.
  • ChrisShaul.com - Covering computers, Linux, online marketing, and even Feng c Shui.
  • Cronus Connection - Links to trippy sites and updated news on the weirdest topics of the day.
  • CSharpener's Blog - A somewhat ordered collection of thoughts and resources weblogs mostly related weblogs to software architecture and engineering.
  • The Cat's Nuts - Tales of a guy living in Brooklyn with c his girlfriend c and three-legged cat.
  • Cryptic Writings - Commentary on movies, music, albums, songs, concerts, DVDs, c and tech weblogs gadgets, as well as other topics.
  • Christopher-Hill.com - Sharing his photographs and comments.
  • Crazy Ass Planet - Edmonton, Alberta.
  • Coffeebean.org - Dutch web developer shares industry news and personal weblogs tidbits.
  • Clods Weblog - Links to sites he finds funny or odd.
  • Creepo - Dork portal, rants, and satire in a weblog.
  • Calapitter - Tried to tell her dreams, more bad metaphors would spill. weblogs Tried to know her heart, similes and grammar would fail.
  • Cloud Hidden, Wherabouts, Mukilteo - Artist shares illustrations, photographs, and gardening news.
  • Cynical Rantings - Superfluous thoughts from a regular, yet potentially fascinating gal. Humor, sarcasm, and observations on life.
  • Collected Miscellany - Books, sports, politics and culture.
  • Circadiana - All about sleep and the study of it.
  • Conspiracy of the Month - Life is a conspiracy.
  • Charles Nadeau's Radio Weblog - Writing about technology, tools, and knowledge management.
  • Clasione's Blog - New Yorker writes about his wanderings about the internet.
  • CrazyWalker - House of pure, unadulterated craziness.
  • Crossing the Rubicon - Baby boomer discusses current events, politics, poetry, parenting, personal homepages Jewish personal homepages issues, and breast cancer, not necessarily in personal homepages that order.
  • Check Six - Opinion on science, sports, and some politics with other miscellaneous stuff thrown in for good measure.
  • Charlie Harvey Writings - Files, writings, and tunes.
  • Curmudgeonly and Skeptical - Thirty years of public schools and Dan Rather, c have taken c a toll.
  • The Continuing Saga of Captain Alias - King of the Gluesniffers - Ego is his idol, irony is his addiction, personal homepages and sarcasm is his savior.
  • Celebrating Mediocrity - Wandering thoughts, photographs, and quotes.
  • Cand3lasville - Florida man shares a doorway to the inner-workings personal homepages of personal homepages his mind.
  • Coffeebuzz - Paul Yasi\\'s comments about open source software, web development, and other stuff.
  • The Curmudgeonly Crab - Commentary, essaylets, sacred cow tipping, miscellany and eclectia c from a personal homepages bleeding heart crustacean.
  • Cruel Kev's Scuttelbutt - Conservative views and comments.
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