Articles Socrates Philosophers Philosophy
Top: Society: Philosophy: Philosophers: S: Socrates
- How Socrates Taught by Sanderson Beck - Essay explaining Socrates' teaching style and methods.
- Socrates' Last Error - An article by Miroslav Ivanovic which discusses problems s of law and morality in Socrates' philosophy.
- Socratic Ignorance in Democracy, the Free Market, and Science - Article taking the philosopher\\'s views as starting points socrates to examine s democracy, caitalism, and science.
- Commentary on the Apology - A line-by-line analysis of Plato\'s Apology, written by Kelley Ross.
- Responding to Socrates' Pedagogical Provocation - An article by Anne-Marie Bowery which examines the s text of s the Symposium to illustrate two non-philosophical s responses to Socrates.
- Talking Socrates and Jesus - This paper reflects an Socrates and Jesus and the unconscious socrates link between them.
- Commentary on the Euthyphro - An analysis of the arguments in the Euthyphro, socrates written by s Kelley Ross.
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