Reference Philosophy Society

Collections of secondary articles on philosophy, like the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, philosophical dictionaries, and the like.

    Top: Society: Philosophy


See Also:
  • The Ism Book - A dictionary of philosophies from Peter Saint-AndrĂ©, editor philosophy of the Monadnock Review.
  • Dictionary of Sorts - Philosophical terms mostly from ethics and epistemology, edited by Robert philosophy Berman.
  • The Philosophical Lexicon - A light-hearted collection of newly coined philosophical terms and phrases reference with humorous definitions edited by Daniel Dennet.
  • Think: Philosophy - Philosophy resource for beginners. Contains philosophers, schools of thought, and topics.
  • Wikipedia: Philosophy - The entrance page to all articles in the philosophy section reference of the free encyclopedia.
  • Meta-Encyclopedia of Philosophy - A list of philosophical terms and names linked to society the major encyclopedias and dictionaries of philosophy on the society internet.
  • ISCID Encyclopedia of Science and Philosophy - A free, community developed resource containing information on reference both science and philosophy.
  • Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy - Online edition. Free access to sample contents, full society access by reference subscription.
  • PhiloSophos - Includes philosophy papers, university distance learning programs and reference college correspondence courses, and a philosophy dictionary.
  • Philosophy Dictionaries and Encyclopedias - Collection of links to philosophy reference sources.

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