Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Reference Philosophy

Movement in cognitive science which hopes to explain human intellectual abilities using artificial neural networks. By James W. Garson of the University of Houston.

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Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

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Editor's Picks:

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy* - Online philosophy reference work, articles are authored and updated by experts in the field. Edited by Edward Zalta.

  • Archytas - Life and work of fourth century BC Greek mathematician, political philosophy leader and philosopher; by Carl Huffman.
  • Johann Georg Hamann - Life and work of this German Enlightenment philosopher; philosophy by Gwen reference Griffith-Dickson.
  • Harriet Taylor Mill - Life and work of 19th century English philosopher stanford encyclopedia of reference philosophy and proponent of women\\'s rights; by Dale E. stanford encyclopedia reference of philosophy Miller.
  • Cosmopolitanism - The view that all human beings belong to a single stanford encyclopedia of philosophy community; by Pauline Kleingeld and Eric Brown.
  • Evolutionary Epistemology - Survey of naturalistic epistemology which emphasizes importance of natural selection; reference by Michael Bradie and William Harms
  • Private Language - By Stewart Candlish from the University of Western stanford encyclopedia of reference philosophy Australia.
  • Realism - Survey of realism and anti-realism in various forms; by Alexander stanford encyclopedia of philosophy Miller.
  • Salomon Maimon - Life and work of contemporary and critic of Kant; by philosophy Peter Thielke and Yitzhak Melamed.
  • Feminist History of Philosophy - Survey of feminist writing on the philosophical canon; stanford encyclopedia of stanford encyclopedia of philosophy philosophy by Charlotte Witt.
  • Teleological Notions in Biology - By Colin Allen of Texas A&M.
  • Revision Theory of Truth - Theory developed to analyze paradoxes that appear to reference show that philosophy common-sense beliefs about truth are inconsistent. reference By Eric M. Hammer.
  • William Godwin - Article on the life and work of the stanford encyclopedia of philosophy philosophy founder of philosophical anarchism. From the Stanford stanford encyclopedia philosophy of philosophy Encyclopedia, by Mark Philp.
  • Dante Alighieri - Life and work of 13th century Italian poet stanford encyclopedia of reference philosophy and philosopher; by Winthrop Wetherbee.
  • Hobbes's Moral and Political Philosophy - Survey of work of Thomas Hobbes; by Sharon philosophy A. Lloyd.
  • Personal Autonomy - Survey of philosophical theories about what it is to govern oneself; by Sarah Buss.
  • Doing vs. Allowing Harm - Views on the moral difference between doing harm and allowing harm; by Frances Howard-Snyder.
  • Bosanquet, Bernard - William Sweet of St. Francis Xavier University introduces the absolute idealist.
  • Thomas Reid - Life and work of 18th century Scottish philosopher; philosophy by Gideon Yaffe.
  • The Epsilon Calculus - Discussion of David Hilbert\\'s development of this type philosophy of logical stanford encyclopedia of philosophy formalism with emphasis on proof-theoretic methods; philosophy by Jeremy Avigad and stanford encyclopedia of philosophy Richard Zach.
  • Plato's Middle Period Metaphysics and Epistemology - Discussion of Plato\\'s views on metaphysics and the stanford encyclopedia of philosophy theory of knowledge, including his theory of forms; stanford encyclopedia of philosophy by Allan Silverman.
  • Integrity - Discussion of integrity as a virtue term; by Damian Cox, Marguerite La Caze, and Michael Levine.
  • Brentano's Theory of Judgement - Discussion of Franz Brentano\\'s foundation for logic and stanford encyclopedia of stanford encyclopedia of philosophy philosophy epistemology; by Johannes Brandl.
  • Richard the Sophister - Richardus Sophista was an English philosopher/logician who studied stanford encyclopedia of reference philosophy at Oxford most likely sometime during the second stanford encyclopedia reference of philosophy quarter of the thirteenth century. From the Stanford stanford reference encyclopedia of philosophy Encyclopedia, by Paul Streveler.
  • Informal Logic - By Leo Groarke, Wilfrid Laurier University.
  • Desert - Moral issues of desert (punishment, success) and justice; by Owen McLeod.
  • Color - Metaphysical and epistemological accounts of color. By Barry reference Maund of reference the University of Western Australia.
  • Naturalized Epistemology - The view that epistemology is of one piece with natural reference science; by Richard Feldman.
  • Holism and Nonseparability in Physics - Comprehensive article by Richard Healey of the University stanford encyclopedia of philosophy of Arizona.
  • John Locke - Influential 17th century British political philosopher.
  • Prisoner's Dilemma - By Steven T. Kuhn of Georgetown University.
  • The Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics - First interpretation of quantum mechanics due to Nields stanford encyclopedia of philosophy philosophy Bohr; by Jan Faye.
  • Formal Learning Theory - Discusses mathematical approaches to normative epistemology; by Oliver Schulte.
  • Collapse Theories - Survey of the dynamical reduction program; by Giancarlo Ghirardi.
  • Divine Illumination - Augustine\\'s doctrine described by Robert Pasnau of the reference University of Colorado.
  • Friedrich Nietzsche - Robert Wicks, University of Auckland.
  • Sorites Paradox - By Dominic Hyde.
  • Interpretation and Coherence in Legal Reasoning - Survey of theories on legal reasoning; by Julie reference Dickson.
  • Laws of Nature - Philosophical theories about what it is to be philosophy a law; philosophy by John W. Carroll.
  • Consciousness and Intentionality - Discussion of the connection between phenomenal consciousness and philosophy intentionality; by Charles Siewert.
  • Eliminative Materialism - The view that some or all of the philosophy mental states posited by common-sense do not actually philosophy exist; by William Ramsey.
  • Game Theory - Von Neumann and Morgensterns mathematical theory of bargaining, stanford encyclopedia of stanford encyclopedia of philosophy philosophy introduced by Don Ross University of Cape Town.
  • Giambattista Vico - Life and work of 18th century Italian philosopher; stanford encyclopedia of stanford encyclopedia of philosophy philosophy by Timothy Costelloe.
  • Moral Particularism - The claim that there are no defensible moral stanford encyclopedia of reference philosophy principles; by Jonathan Dancy.
  • Analysis - The historical development and conceptual structure of philosophical stanford encyclopedia of reference philosophy analysis; by Michael Beaney.
  • Set Theory - Survey of the mathematical theory of the infinite; by Thomas reference Jech.
  • Robert Boyle - Life and work of 17th century Irish philosopher and physicist; by J. J. McIntosh, University of Calgary.
  • Supertasks - Introduced by Jon Pérez Laraudogoitia from the University of the Basque Country.
  • Philosophy for Children - Discusses introduction of philosophy into the school curriculum; stanford encyclopedia of philosophy by Michael Pritchard.
  • Lord Shaftesbury [Anthony Ashley Cooper, Third Earl of Shaftesbury] - Life and work of 18th century English philosopher; reference by Michael Gill.
  • Thought Experiments - By James Robert Brown, University of Toronto.
  • Square of Opposition - By Terence Parsons.
  • David Hume - Life and work of 18th century Scottish philosopher; by William reference Edward Morris.
  • Scottish Philosophy in the Nineteenth Century - Survey of the work of William Hamilton, James Frederick Ferrier, philosophy and Alexander Bain; by Gordon Graham.
  • The Medieval Problem of Universals - By Gyula Klima.
  • Higher-order Theories of Consciousness - Theories which explain conscious states by their relations to higher-order stanford encyclopedia of philosophy representations of them; by Peter Carruthers.
  • Feminist Epistemology and Philosophy of Science - By Elizabeth Anderson.
  • Karl Leonhard Reinhold - Life and work of 19th century Austrian philosopher; by Dan Breazeale.
  • Conventionality of Simultaneity - By Allen I. Janis, University of Pittsburgh.
  • The Unity of Consciousness - History and philosophical accounts of unity of consciousness; reference by Andrew philosophy Brook.
  • Mally's Deontic Logic - Discussion of Ernst Mally\'s logic of obligation; by Gert-Jan Lokhorst.
  • Logical Form - Introduction to logical form, surface and deep meaning. reference By Paul reference M. Pietroski, University of Maryland.
  • Reflective Equilibrium - The result of a process of reflection on an area reference of (moral) inquiry, a notion figuring prominently in Rawls\\' Theory reference of Justice; by Norman Daniels.
  • Descartes' Modal Metaphysics - Interpretations of René Descartes\\' ontology of necessities and reference possibilities; by stanford encyclopedia of philosophy David Cunning.
  • Immutability - The doctrine that God cannot undergo real change; philosophy by Brian reference Leftow.
  • Multiple Realizability - John Bickle discusses the contention that a given mental kind (property, state, event) is realized by distinct physical kinds.
  • Classical Logic - Introduction to classical logic, including completeness and Löwenheim-Skolem theorems; by Stewart Shapiro.
  • Constitutionalism - Philosophical survey of the idea that government should reference be limited philosophy in its powers by law; by reference Wil Waluchow.
  • Truthlikeness - Discussion of notion of verisimilitude, closeness to truth; by Graham stanford encyclopedia of philosophy Oddie.
  • Distributive Justice - By Julian Lamont, University of Queensland.
  • Voluntary Euthanasia - By Robert Young, La Trobe University.
  • Bradley, F. H. - By Stewart Candlish of the University of Western Australia.
  • Nicolas Malebranche - Life and work of French Cartesian philosopher; by philosophy Tad Schmaltz.
  • Legal Punishment - Justifications of legal punishment; by Antony Duff.
  • Personal Identity - How does a person stay the same person over time? philosophy By Eric T. Olson.
  • Turing Machine - Article on Turing Machines from the Stanford Encyclopedia.
  • The Philosophy of Neuroscience - By John Bickle and Peter Mandik.
  • Historicist Theories of Rationality - By Carl Matheson of the University of Manitoba.
  • Medieval Theories of Modality - By Simo Knuuttila of the University of Helsinki.
  • Biological Altruism - Discussion of how altruistic behavior by organisms fits reference with the reference theory of evolution; by Samir Okasha.
  • Medieval Theories of Properties of Terms - The theories of proprietates terminorum was the basis of medieval semantic theory; by Stephen Read.
  • Being and Becoming in Modern Physics - Discusses implications of general relativity for the philosophy stanford encyclopedia of philosophy of time; by Steven Savitt.
  • Paul-Henri Thiry, Baron d'Holbach - Life and work of French Enlightenment philosoher; by Michael LeBuffe.
  • Incompatibilist (Nondeterministic) Theories of Free Will - By Randolph Clarke.
  • Equality - Survey of social and political equality; by Stefan reference Gosepath.
  • Action - Theories about intentional action and agency; by George reference Wilson.
  • Thomas of Erfurt - Life and work of medieval philosopher and member of the reference Modists; by Jack Zupko.
  • Constructive Mathematics - By Douglas Bridges from Waikato University.
  • Søren Kierkegaard - Essay about Kierkegaard\'s life, work, and philosophy by William McDonald.
  • Mental Imagery - By Nigel Thomas of Leeds University.
  • Homosexuality - Philosophical issues in homosexuality and queer theory; by stanford encyclopedia of reference philosophy Brent Pickett.
  • Contractarianism - By Ann E. Cudd, University of Kansas.
  • Roman Ingarden - Life and work of Polish phenomenologist, ontologist and reference aesthetician; by philosophy Amie Thomasson.
  • Nineteenth Century Geometry - By Roberto Torretti, Universidad de Chile.
  • Quantum Logic and Quantum Probability - How quantum mechanics can be regarded as a non-classical probabilistic calculus; by Alexander Wilce.
  • Ontological Arguments - Ontological arguments are arguments, for the conclusion that reference God exists, reference from premisses which are supposed to reference derive from some reference source other than observation reference of the world. From the Stanford reference Encyclopedia, by reference Graham Oppy.
  • Zeno's Paradoxes - Discusses the paradoxes of Zeno of Elea, e.g., stanford encyclopedia of philosophy philosophy Achilles and the Tortoise; by Nick Huggett.
  • Scientific Explanation - Philosophical theories about the nature of explanation in stanford encyclopedia of reference philosophy science; by James Woodward.
  • Hegel, G. W. F. - Paul Redding of the University of Sydney.
  • Saint Augustine - By Michael Mendelson of Lehigh University.
  • Philosophy of Statistical Mechanics - By Lawrence Sklar.
  • William James - Life and work of 19th century American philosopher; by Russell philosophy Goodman.
  • Impartiality - Survey of views on moral impartiality; by Troy philosophy Jollimore.
  • Biodiversity - Discussion of philosophical issues related to biological diversity; reference by Daniel reference P. Faith.
  • Connectionism - Movement in cognitive science which hopes to explain reference human intellectual philosophy abilities using artificial neural networks. By reference James W. Garson of philosophy the University of Houston.
  • Actualism - The thesis that there are no merely possible entities; by stanford encyclopedia of philosophy Christopher Menzel.
  • Virtue Epistemology - By John Greco of Fordham.
  • Original Position - The original position is a hypothetical situation in which rational calculators, acting as agents or trustees for the interests of concrete individuals, are pictured as choosing those principles of social relations under which their principals would do be
  • Bruno Bauer - Life and work of 19th century German philosopher; stanford encyclopedia of philosophy by Douglas Moggach.
  • Causal Processes - Bertrand Russell, Wesley Salmon, and conserved quantities. By Phil Dowe philosophy of the University of Tasmania.
  • Scientific Realism - The thesis that science discovers truths about a philosophy theory-independent reality; by Richard Boyd.
  • The Hole Argument - The hole argument is an attempt to illustrate how spacetime philosophy substantivalism causes errors in a large class of spacetime theories. philosophy By John D. Norton of the University of Pittsburgh.
  • Cognitive Science - The study of mind and intelligence. By Paul philosophy Thagard of philosophy the University of Waterloo.
  • Aristotle's Political Theory - By Fred D. Miller, Jr of Bowling Green State University.
  • Adorno, Theodor - Life and work of 20th century German philosopher reference and critical reference theorist; by Lambert Zuidervaart.
  • Reichenbach's Common Cause Principle - By Frank Arntzenius of Rutgers.
  • The Identity Theory of Mind - Evaluates the theory that holds that states and stanford encyclopedia of stanford encyclopedia of philosophy philosophy processes of the mind are identical to states stanford encyclopedia stanford encyclopedia of philosophy of philosophy and processes of the brain. By J. J. stanford stanford encyclopedia of philosophy encyclopedia of philosophy C. Smart of Monash.
  • Globalization - Social theory and philosophy issues in globalization; by William Scheuerman.
  • Moral Responsibility - Historical survey of the concept of moral responsibility; philosophy by Andrew Eshleman.
  • War - Article on the ethics of war and peace, the Just War theory, and pacifism. From the Stanford Encyclopedia, by Brian D. Orend.
  • Identity and Individuality in Quantum Theory - Assesses the metaphysical implications of quantum theory by considering the reference impact of the theory on our understanding of objects as reference individuals with well defined identity conditions. By Steven French of reference Leeds University.
  • Descartes' Epistemology - By Lex Newman of the University of Nebraska, philosophy Lincoln.
  • Descartes' Ontological Argument - Discussion of René Descartes ontological proof of the philosophy existence of philosophy God; by Lawrence Nolan.
  • Confucius - The life and work of the Chinese philosopher stanford encyclopedia of philosophy and educator; by Jeffrey Riegel.
  • Consequentialism - The view that normative properties depend only on stanford encyclopedia of philosophy philosophy consequences; by Walter Sinnott-Armstrong.
  • Timon of Phlius - Timon (c. 320-230 BC) was the younger contemporary stanford encyclopedia of philosophy and leading disciple of Pyrrho; by Richard Bett.
  • The Modern History of Computing - Historical survey from Babbage onward; by B. Jack stanford encyclopedia of stanford encyclopedia of philosophy philosophy Copeland.
  • Richard Rorty - Life and work of 20th century American philosopher; reference by Bjørn philosophy Ramberg.
  • Determinates vs. Determinables - A distinction introduced by W. E. Johnson to philosophy apply, e.g., to red and colored; by David philosophy H. Sanford.
  • Thomas Aquinas - Biographical and expository essay, by Ralph McInerny.
  • The Definition of Morality - Discussion of various descriptive and normative definitions of the term; philosophy Bernard Gert.
  • Folk Psychology as a Theory - By Ian Ravenscroft, the Flinders University of South Australia.
  • The Problem of Evil - Does the world contain undesirable states of affairs reference that provide philosophy the basis for an argument that reference makes it unreasonable for philosophy anyone to believe in reference the existence of God?; by Michael philosophy Tooley.
  • Animal Consciousness - By Colin Allen of Texas A&M, addressing the philosophy qualitative or philosophy phenomenological nature of experience.
  • Behaviorism - By George Graham of University of Alabama at stanford encyclopedia of philosophy philosophy Birmingham.
  • Environmental Ethics - Branch of ethics dealing with the moral relationship stanford encyclopedia of philosophy of humans to the environment; by Andrew Brennan stanford encyclopedia of philosophy and Yeuk-Sze Lo.
  • Foundationalist Theories of Epistemic Justification - Survey of theories according to which knowledge and philosophy justified belief philosophy rest ultimately on a foundation of philosophy noninferential knowledge or justified philosophy belief. By Richard Fumerton philosophy of the University of Iowa.
  • Semantic Challenges to Realism - Realism and the representation problem; by Drew Khlentzos.
  • Finitism in Geometry - Approaches to geometry that do not presuppose an infinity of points; by Jean-Paul van Bendegem.
  • Aristotle's Ethics - Discussion of Aristotle's ethical views; by Richard Kraut.
  • William of Ockham - Occam (1287-1347) was one of the most important philosophers of stanford encyclopedia of philosophy the Middle Ages. By Paul Vincent Spade.
  • The Moral Status of Animals - Philosophical theories about the difference between animals and humans responsible for the moral status of humans. By Lori Gruen.
  • Space and Time: Inertial Frames - Frames of reference relative to which motion and philosophy rest are measured; by Robert DiSalle.
  • 18th Century German Philosophy Prior to Kant - Survey of work of, among others, Christian Thomasius and Christian philosophy Wolff; by Brigitte Sassen.
  • Punishment - Philosophical justifications of punishment; by Hugo Adam Bedau.
  • Saint Anselm - By Thomas Williams, University of Iowa.
  • Physicalism - Discussion of the thesis that everything is physical; by Daniel Stoljar.
  • Alan M. Turing - Life and work of philosopher and mathematician Alan Mathison Turing; by Andrew Hodges.
  • Representational Theories of Consciousness - By William Lycan, University of North Carolina.
  • Existence - By Barry Miller.
  • Automated Reasoning - Survey of automated deduction and theorem proving; by reference Frederic Portoraro.
  • Feminist Perspectives on the Self - By Diana Meyers of the University of Connecticut.
  • The Free Rider Problem - Philosophical issues related to collective action; by Russell philosophy Hardin.
  • Albert of Saxony - Life and work of 14th century German logician and philosopher; by Joël Biard.
  • Medieval Theories of Conscience - The ability to act on the determinations of reference conscience is reference tied to the development of the reference moral virtues, which in reference turn refines the functions reference of conscience. By Doug Langston of reference the University reference of South Florida.
  • Charles Hartshorne - Life and work of 20th Century metaphysician and philosopher of philosophy religion; by Dan Dombrowski.
  • Maritain, Jacques - By William Sweet of St. Francis Xavier University.
  • Dialetheism - Dialeth(e)ism is the view that there are true philosophy contradictions. By stanford encyclopedia of philosophy Graham Priest of the University of philosophy Queensland.
  • Karl Popper - By Stephen Thornton from the University of Limerick.
  • Peter of Spain (Petrus Hispanus) - Life and work of 13th century logician and author of the Tractatus; by Joke Spruyt.
  • Donald Davidson - Jeff Malpas of the University of Tasmania.
  • Benjamin Peirce - Life and work of 19th century mathematician and philosopher of mathematics; by Ivor Grattan-Guinness and Alison Walsh.
  • Events - Survey of philosophical views on the character and reference status of philosophy events; by Roberto Casati and Achille reference Varzi.
  • Gottlob Frege - Edward N. Zalta of the Metaphysics Research Lab.
  • Theological Voluntarism - Survey of divine command theory; by Mark Murphy.
  • Egalitarianism - The view that people should get the same philosophy or be treated the same; by Richard Arneson.
  • Max Stirner - Life and work of German philosopher of egoism; philosophy by David philosophy Leopold.
  • Fuzzy Logic - Survey of logical systems with a continuum of truth values; by Petr Hajek.
  • John Duns Scotus - In-depth article on the life, work, and thought of John stanford encyclopedia of philosophy Duns Scotus. By Thomas Williams.
  • Singular Propositions - Propositions about a particular object or individual in reference virtue of philosophy having the object or individual as reference a constituent of the philosophy proposition. By G. W. reference Fitch.
  • Privacy - Survey of philosophical views about privacy; by Judith stanford encyclopedia of philosophy philosophy DeCew.
  • Qualia - Qualia are introspectively accessible, phenomenal aspects of our philosophy mental lives. By Michael Tye.
  • Time Travel and Modern Physics - Survey of philosophical woories about inconsistencies inherent in the idea philosophy of time travel in the context of modern physics. From philosophy the Stanford Encyclopedia, by Tim Maudlin.
  • Quantum Mechanics - Survey by Jenann Ismael.
  • Intuitionistic Logic - The principles L. E. J. Brouwer used in philosophy developing his philosophy intuitionistic mathematics. By Joan R. Moschovakis, philosophy UCLA.
  • Death - Discussion of philosophical issues about death; by Steven Luper.
  • Church-Turing Thesis - Jack Copeland of the University of Canterbury, New stanford encyclopedia of philosophy philosophy Zealand outlines this frequently misunderstood thesis.
  • Indispensability Arguments in the Philosophy of Mathematics - By Mark Colyvan, University of Tasmania.
  • Medieval Theories of Relations - Survey of medieval views concerning the nature and philosophy ontological status reference of relations; by Jeffrey Brower.
  • Cosmology: Methodological Debates 1932-48 - Discusses philosophical views about cosmology in the 1930s reference and 1940s; philosophy by George Gale.
  • Epiphenomenalism - Discusses the view that mental events are caused by physical events in the brain, but have no effects upon any physical events. From the Stanford Encyclopedia, by William S. Robinson.
  • Aristotle's Rhetoric - Discussion of one of Aristotle\\'s major works; by stanford encyclopedia of reference philosophy Christof Rapp.
  • Deflationary Theory of Truth - According to the deflationary theory of truth, to assert that reference a statement is true is just to assert the statement reference itself. By Daniel Stoljar.
  • Qualia: The Knowledge Argument - Aims to establish that conscious experience involves non-physical properties. It is one of the most discussed arguments against physicalism; by Martine Nida-Rümelin.
  • Aristotle's Logic - Survey of Aristotle\\'s logical work, focus on the reference "Organon," syllogistic, reference and dialectic. From the Stanford Encyclopedia, reference by Robin Smith.
  • Relative Identity - The view that there are objects which are reference the same F yet not the same G; reference by Harry Deutsch.
  • Disjunction - Theory and history of the binary connective \\'or\\'; stanford encyclopedia of philosophy by Ray Jennings.
  • Bayesian Epistemology - Epistemological movement based on Bayesian confirmation and decision theory; by philosophy William Talbott.
  • Peirce's Logic - By Eric M. Hammer of Stanford.
  • John Austin - Life and work of 19th century British legal reference philosopher and founder of legal positivism; by Brian reference Bix.
  • The Biological Notion of Self and Non-self - History and discussion of the notion of the stanford encyclopedia of philosophy immune self; by Alfred Tauber.
  • Medieval Theories of Practical Reason - From the Stanford Encyclopedia, by Anthony Celano.
  • Saadya [Saadiah] - Life and work of Saadya Gaon (Saadya ben reference Joseph, known stanford encyclopedia of philosophy in Arabic as Sa\\'id ‘ibn Yusuf reference al-Fayyûmî, 10th century theologian, stanford encyclopedia of philosophy philosopher and rabbi; by reference Sarah Pessin.
  • Ancient Skepticism - Two movements in ancient philosophy, Pyrrhonism, and Academic Skepticism. By philosophy Leo Groarke.
  • Liberalism - Gerald F. Gaus outlines the general philosophical theory of liberalism.
  • Medieval Theories of Analogy - By E. Jennifer Ashworth of the University of Waterloo.
  • John Buridan - Life and work of late Medieval philosopher; by reference Jack Zupko.
  • Process Philosophy - View that puts processes at the center of reference metaphysics; by stanford encyclopedia of philosophy Nicholas Rescher.
  • Justice as a Virtue - Survey of justice as a virtue from Plato reference to Rawls; reference by Michael Slote.
  • Moral Dilemmas - Discusses cases of conflicting moral requirements; by Terrance philosophy McConnell.
  • Robert Holkot - Life and Work of Robert Holcot, 14th Century philosophy English philosopher stanford encyclopedia of philosophy and theologian; by Hester Gelber.
  • Relational Quantum Mechanics - An interpretation of quantum theory which discards the notions of reference absolute state of a system, absolute value of its physical reference quantities, or absolute event; by Federico Laudisa and Carlo Rovelli.
  • Coherence Theory of Truth - The truth of any (true) proposition consists in reference its coherence reference with some specified set of propositions. reference By James O. Young.
  • The Mathematics of Boolean Algebra - Survey of the algebra of two-valued logic; by reference J. Donald philosophy Monk.
  • Species - Philosophical theories on what makes a species; by reference Marc Ereshefsky.
  • Social Dimensions of Scientific Knowledge - Discusses the impact of social relations and values stanford encyclopedia of philosophy on scientific research; by Helen Longino.
  • Francis of Marchia - Life and work of 14th century French theologian; reference by Christopher Schabel.
  • Philip the Chancellor - Life and work of this 13th-century philosopher, theologian, stanford encyclopedia of stanford encyclopedia of philosophy philosophy and lyric poet. From the Stanford Encyclopedia, by stanford encyclopedia stanford encyclopedia of philosophy of philosophy Colleen McCluskey.
  • Contemporary Approaches to the Social Contract - By Fred D'Agostino.
  • Scottish Philosophy in the Eighteenth Century - Survey of Scottish Enlightenment philosophers, including Francis Hutcheson, Henry Home stanford encyclopedia of philosophy (Lord Kames), and George Campbell; by lexander Broadie.
  • Properties - Entry in the Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy by philosophy Chris Swoyer. philosophy Principally concerned with existence and philosophy identity conditions.
  • The Correspondence Theory of Truth - The thesis that propositions are made true in virtue of reference corresponding to facts; by Marian David.
  • Aesthetic Judgment - Philosophical theories about judgments of taste; by Nick reference Zangwill.
  • Identity Politics - History of the political activity and theorizing founded reference in the reference shared experiences of injustice of members reference of certain social groups; reference by Cressida Heyes.
  • Hilbert's Program - In 1921, David Hilbert made a proposal for a formalist philosophy foundation of mathematics, for which a finitary consistency proof should philosophy establish the security of mathematics. By Richard Zach.
  • William Whewell - Life and work of 19th century British philosopher; stanford encyclopedia of reference philosophy by Laura J. Snyder.
  • The Computational Theory of Mind - The philosophical theopry that the mind is, or functions like, stanford encyclopedia of philosophy a computer; by Steven Horst.
  • Many-Valued Logic - Survey article on multiple-valued logics, by Siegfried Gottwaldof of Leipzig University.
  • Russell's Paradox - By A. D. Irvine.
  • The Experience and Perception of Time - By Robin Le Poidevin.
  • Principia Mathematica - Entry by A.D. Irvine discussing Russell and Whitehead\'s philosophy treatise.
  • The Epistemology of Religion - By Peter Forrest.
  • Aristotle's Psychology - Recounts the principal and distinctive claims of Aristotle\\'s stanford encyclopedia of reference philosophy psychological writings, especially "De Anima." By Christopher Shields stanford encyclopedia reference of philosophy of the University of Colorado.
  • Abstract Objects - Survey of attempts to draw the distinction between reference concrete and philosophy abstract objects; by Gideon Rosen.
  • Experiments in Physics - By Allan Franklin, University of Colorado.
  • Frege's Logic, Theorem, and Foundations for Arithmetic - By Edward N. Zalta of Stanford University.
  • Artifact - By Risto Hilpinen of the University of Miami.
  • Philosophy and Christian Theology - Discussion of philosophical implications of Christian theological views; stanford encyclopedia of stanford encyclopedia of philosophy philosophy by Michael Murray.
  • The Analysis of Knowledge - Survey of analyses of the concept of knowledge, reference including justified philosophy true belief and the Gettier problem; reference by Matthias Steup.
  • Pascal's wager - An argument due to Blaise Pascal for believing, or for at least taking steps to believe, in God. From the Stanford Encyclopedia, by Alan Hájek.
  • Leibniz's Philosophy of Mind - By Mark Kulstad and Laurence Carlin.
  • Measurement in Quantum Theory - Study of the details and some of the stanford encyclopedia of reference philosophy implications of the measurement problem. By Henry Krips stanford encyclopedia reference of philosophy of the University of Pittsburgh.
  • Social Epistemology - Survey of views on the social dimension of knowledge; by Alvin Goldman.
  • Charles Sanders Peirce - Life and work of 19th century American logician and philosopher; philosophy by Robert Burch.
  • The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics - Interpretation of quantum mechanics due to Hugh Everett according to which many universes exist in parallel at the same space and time; by Lev Vaidman.
  • Pyrrho - The life and work of the founder of stanford encyclopedia of philosophy philosophy Pyrrhonism; by Richard Bett.
  • Peter John Olivi - Life and work of one of the most original and reference interesting philosophers of the later Middle Ages. From the Stanford reference Encyclopedia, by Robert Pasnau.
  • Modal Fictionalism - Survey of the view that claims of necessity and possibility are to be construed as fictional claims; by Daniel Nolan.
  • Tropes - An article describing tropes by John Bacon.
  • Moral Skepticism - Survey of forms of scepticism about moral knowledge; Walter Sinnott-Armstrong.
  • The Language of Thought Hypothesis - By Murat Aydede, surveying the arguments for and against the proposition that thoughts are expressed in a mental language.
  • George Santayana - Life and work of early 20th century Spanish-born American philosopher; reference by Herman Saatkamp.
  • Alfred North Whitehead - By A. D. Irvine.
  • Temporal Logic - The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry on the subject, with a detailed description, application areas and a bibliography.
  • On The Nature of Law - Survey of theories on the conditions of legal stanford encyclopedia of philosophy philosophy validity including natural law theories and legal positivism; stanford encyclopedia philosophy of philosophy by Andrei Marmor.
  • The Turing Test - Proposal due to Alan Turing for a criterion of the philosophy presence of mind or consciousness; by Graham Oppy and David philosophy Dowe.
  • Bayes' Theorem - Discussion of a formula to calculate conditional probabilities stanford encyclopedia of philosophy which figures in subjectivist approaches to epistemology; by stanford encyclopedia of philosophy James Joyce.
  • Miracles - Exploring Hume\\'s argument and the religious significance. By philosophy Michael P. stanford encyclopedia of philosophy Levine of the University of Western philosophy Australia.
  • Plotinus - Life and work of this founder of Neoplatonism; stanford encyclopedia of philosophy by Lloyd Gerson.
  • Logical Constructions - Bernard Linsky, University of Alberta.
  • Vagueness - By Roy Sorensen.
  • Robert Alyngton - Life and work of 14th Century British philosopher, reference follower of stanford encyclopedia of philosophy Wyclif and Burley; by Alessandro Conti.
  • Relevance Logic - By Edwin D. Mares, Victoria University of Wellington.
  • Modal Logic - Originally the study of deductive behavior of the expressions `it is necessary that\\' and `it is possible that\\', now also includes logics for belief, tense, the deontic (moral) expressions. By James W. Garson, University of Houston.
  • Russell, Bertrand - By A. D. Irvine.
  • The Identity of Indiscernibles - Peter Forrest introduces the principle of analytic ontology formulated by Leibniz, stating that no two distinct substances exactly resemble each other.
  • Arthur Schopenhauer - Life and work of 19th century German philosopher; reference by Robert reference Wicks.
  • Episteme and Techne - Discussion of the distinction between knowledge and craft, reference or art stanford encyclopedia of philosophy in ancient philosophy; by Richard Parry.
  • Counterfactual Theories of Causation - Discussion of analysis of causal statements in terms of counterfactual stanford encyclopedia of philosophy conditionals; by Peter Menzies.
  • Panpsychism - The doctrine that mind is a fundamental feature reference of the stanford encyclopedia of philosophy world which exists throughout the universe; reference by William Seager.
  • Paul Feyerabend - Biographical and expository essay by John Preston of philosophy Reading University.
  • Identity Theory of Truth - When a truth-bearer is true, there is a truth-maker with stanford encyclopedia of philosophy which it is identical and the truth of the former stanford encyclopedia of philosophy consists in its identity with the latter. By Stewart Candlish.
  • René Descartes' Life and Works - Life and work of 17th century French philosopher; by Kurt Smith.
  • Cosmology and Theology - Deals with the cosmological argument. By John Leslie stanford encyclopedia of stanford encyclopedia of philosophy philosophy of the University of Guelph.
  • Friedrich Daniel Schleiermacher - Life and work of the 18th century German philosophy philosopher; by Michael Forster.
  • Category Theory - Jean-Pierre Marquis of the University of Montreal introduces philosophy the general stanford encyclopedia of philosophy mathematical theory of structures and systems philosophy of structures.
  • Stoicism - Stoicism was one of the new philosophical movements philosophy of the stanford encyclopedia of philosophy Hellenistic period. By Dirk Baltzly.
  • Baruch Spinoza - Life and work of 17th century Dutch Rationalist philosophy philosopher; by stanford encyclopedia of philosophy Steven Nadler.
  • Structured Propositions - To say that propositions are structured is to say that they are complex entities, entities having parts or constituents. By Jeffrey C. King.
  • Leibniz on the Problem of Evil - By Michael J. Murray, Franklin and Marshall College.
  • Pantheism - Definition of Pantheism by Michael P. Levine of the University philosophy of Western Australia.
  • Paraconsistent Logic - By Graham Priest and Koji Tanaka.
  • Philosophy of Childhood - The philosophy of childhood takes up philosophically interesting philosophy questions about stanford encyclopedia of philosophy childhood, about conceptions people have of philosophy childhood and attitudes they stanford encyclopedia of philosophy have toward children; by philosophy Gareth Matthews.
  • Wilfrid Sellars - By Jay F. Rosenberg.
  • The Kochen-Specker Theorem - By Carsten Held.
  • Aristotle's Metaphysics - Aristotle\'s notions of category and substance; by S. Marc Cohen.
  • Alcmaeon - Life and work of early Greek medical writer and philosopher-scientist; philosophy by Carl Huffman.
  • Logic and games - Survey of game-theoretical approaches to logic; by Wilfrid Hodges.
  • Mental Representation - According to the Representational Theory of Mind, psychological states are to be understood as relations between agents and mental representations. By David Pitt, CUNY.
  • Substructural Logics - By Greg Restall of Macquarie University.
  • Probabilistic Causation - "Probabilistic Causation" designates a group of philosophical theories reference that aim philosophy to characterize the relationship between cause reference and effect using philosophy the tools of probability reference theory. A primary motivation for the philosophy development of reference such theories is the de
  • Inconsistent Mathematics - By Chris Mortensen, University of Adelaide.
  • The St. Petersburg Paradox - By Robert M. Martin, Dalhousie University.
  • Feminist Ethics - By Rosemarie Tong, Davidson College.
  • Mereology - The theory of parthood relations: of the relations philosophy of part to whole and the relations of philosophy part to part within a whole; by Achille philosophy Varzi.
  • Naturalism in Legal Philosophy - Discusses naturalistic theses in the philosophy of law; stanford encyclopedia of reference philosophy by Brian Leiter.
  • Folk Psychology as Mental Simulation - By Robert M. Gordon, University of Missouri.
  • Holes - Short article by Roberto Casati of the École philosophy Polytechnique and stanford encyclopedia of philosophy Achille C. Varzi of Columbia.
  • Omnipotence - The theistic thesis that God has maximal power; by Joshua Hoffman and Gary Rosenkrantz.
  • Robert Desgabets - Life and work of 17th century Cartesian philosopher; philosophy by Patricia Easton.
  • Speusippus - Life and work of Speusippus of Athens, son of Plato\\'s sister Potone and head of the Academy; by Russell Dancy.
  • Libertarianism - Theory about the permissibility of non-consensual force violating stanford encyclopedia of reference philosophy property rights in external things and oneself; by stanford encyclopedia reference of philosophy Peter Vallentyne.
  • Arthur Prior - Detailed biographical article by B. Jack Copeland of stanford encyclopedia of stanford encyclopedia of philosophy philosophy the University of Canterbury.
  • Propositional Attitude Reports - Explores semantic accounts of propositional attitude reports, and some of reference the theories developed to deal with Frege\\'s puzzle. From the reference Stanford Encyclopedia, by Thomas J. McKay.
  • William Penbygull - Life and work of 15th Century Oxford Realist philosophy philosopher; by philosophy Alessandro Conti.
  • Everett's Relative-State Formulation of Quantum Mechanics - Describes Everett\\'s attempt to solve the measurement problem by dropping stanford encyclopedia of philosophy the collapse dynamics from the standard von Neumann-Dirac theory of stanford encyclopedia of philosophy quantum mechanics. By Jeffrey A. Barrett.
  • Curry's Paradox - Discussion of a semantic paradox due to Haskell B. Curry; reference by J. C. Beall.
  • Infinitary Logic - Infinitary Logic is a branch of formal logic stanford encyclopedia of reference philosophy where finitary formulae are replaced by potentially infinitary stanford encyclopedia reference of philosophy mathematical entities. By John L. Bell.
  • Intertheory Relations in Physics - Discussion of theory reduction in science; by Robert philosophy Batterman.
  • Epistemological Problems of Perception - Discussion of how sense experience justifies or warrants beliefs about philosophy the physical world; by Lawrence BonJour.
  • Sovereignty - Modern notion of political authority of supreme authority stanford encyclopedia of philosophy within a territory; by Dan Philpott.
  • Jonathan Edwards - Life and work of 18th century American philosophical theologian; by stanford encyclopedia of philosophy William Wainwright.
  • Public Justification - By Fred D'Agostino, University of New England, Australia.

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