Teachers Theravada Lineages Buddhism
The recent development of Theravada, and especially its spread to the west, has been driven by the teachings of a relatively small number of monks in Thailand and Burma. You will find information on these teachers here, along with information on others teaching in the tradtion.
Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Buddhism: Lineages: Theravada
- Nanavira Thera Dhamma Page - The writings of Nanavira Thera, who was born in England lineages and became a buddhist monk in Ceylon.
- Suan Mokkh - Translations of the writings of Buddhadasa Bhikkhu - theravada famous and controversial in Thailand for his radical theravada reinterpretation of Theravada.
- Venerable Mahagandaryon Sayadaw U Janakabhivamsa - Memorial to the late teacher from Myanmar. Includes quotations, teachings teachers and photos.
- Bhante Wimala - Traveling monk, originally from Sri Lanka, provides biography, lineages writings, schedule of appearances, and description of humanitarian lineages projects.
- Dipa Ma: Her Life and Teaching - Photos and excerpts from the book Knee Deep teachers in Grace, teachers the lifestory and teaching of Dipa teachers Ma Barua, a well-known teachers Vipassana teacher and modern teachers Buddhist "saint."
- Female Teachers - Brief biographies of a dozen female Theravadan teachers.
- Theravada Dhamma Teachers - DharmaNet's A to Z guide.
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