1. Joshu's Mu Mumonkan Koans Teachings
Commentaries and other information on Case 1 of the Mumonkan.
Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Buddhism: Lineages: Zen: Teachings: Koans: Mumonkan
1. Joshu's Mu
- Nothing from Nothing - Mumon\'s own response to the first case of mumonkan the Mumonkan.
- The Zen Concept of Emptiness, or Mu. - A lengthy definition of mu. FTP download koans text file.
- Realm of Mu - A dharma talk by Eido Shimano Roshi on Yamamoto Gempo mumonkan Roshi's experience studying Mu.
- Mumonkan Case I: Joshu's Dog - from R.H. Blyth, "Zen and Zen Classics", Vol. 4, Mumonkan koans (1966).
- Joshu's Mu - Excerpt from \'Golden Wind, Zen Talks\' by Eido Shimano Roshi.
- The Koan Mu - A teisho by John Tarrant, Roshi.
- The Koan "No" - Teisho by Melissa Blacker, Sensei, Boundless Way Zen.
- Chao-chou's Dog - A monk asked Chao-chou, "Has the dog Buddha mumonkan nature or koans not?" Chao-chou said, "Mu."
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