Catholic Encyclopedia Reference Catholicism Denominations

Known as the "Badger State", admitted to the Union on 29 May, 1848, the seventeenth state admitted, after the original thirteen.

    Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Christianity: Denominations: Catholicism: Reference: Catholic Encyclopedia


  • Wimpfeling, Jakob - Humanist and theologian. (1450-1528)
  • Windesheim - Augustinian monastery in Holland.
  • Wounds, The Five Sacred - The revival of religious life and the zealous catholic encyclopedia activity of St. Bernard and St. Francis in catholic encyclopedia the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, together with the catholic encyclopedia enthusiasm of the Crusaders returning from the Holy catholic encyclopedia Land, increased devotion to the Passion of Jesus catholic encyclopedia Christ an
  • Widukind of Corvey - Historian who lived in the tenth century in catholic encyclopedia the reference Benedictine Abbey of Corvey, Germany.
  • Winding Sheet of Christ, Feast of the Holy - In 1206 one of the (supposed) Winding Sheets w used at catholic encyclopedia the burial of Christ was brought w to Besançon by Otto catholic encyclopedia de La Roche, and w the feast of its arrival (Susceptio) catholic encyclopedia was ordered w to be kept on 11 July.
  • Walsingham, Thomas - Benedictine historian, died about 1422.
  • Washing of Feet and Hands - Owing to the general use of sandals in Eastern countries the washing of the feet was almost everywhere recognized from the earliest times as a duty of courtesy to be shown to guests.
  • Weitenauer, Ignatius von - Littérateur, exegete, and Orientalist. (1709-1783)
  • Wilhering, Cistercian Abbey of - Situated on the right bank of the Danube, in the catholic encyclopedia Diocese of Linz, Austria.
  • Walenburch, Adrian and Peter von - Auxiliary bishops of Cologne and celebrated controversial theologians, born at w Rotterdam at the beginning of the seventeenth century.
  • Wiener-Neustadt, Diocese of - Suppressed see in Lower Austria.
  • Wichmans, Francis - Belgian Augustinian. (1596-1661)
  • White, Charles Ignatius - American editor and historian. (1807-1878)
  • Wealth, Use of - The term "wealth" is not used here in reference the technical reference sense in which it occurs in reference treatises on economic subjects.
  • William Perault - Thirteenth-century French writer and preacher.
  • Westeraas, Ancient See of - Located in Sweden.
  • Wilton, Richard - English Trinitarian scholar. (d. 1239)
  • Windischmann, Karl Joseph Hieronymus - Concise article on this philosopher\\'s life and works, by Friedrich reference Lauchert.
  • Wetzer, Heinrich Joseph - Learned Orientalist, born at Anzefahr in Hesse-Cassel. (1801-1853)
  • William Hartley, Blessed - Short biography of the English priest and martyr, who died w in 1588. Also some information on his companions in martyrdom w John Hewitt, Robert Sutton, and John Harrison.
  • William Lacy, Blessed - English widower, became a priest. He was martyred reference at York in 1582.
  • William of Conches - Scholastic philosopher and theologian. (b. 1100)
  • Words (in Canon Law) - Canonists give many rules for the exact acceptation of words, in order that decrees may be correctly understood and the extent of their obligation determined.
  • William Spenser, Blessed - Short biography of the English priest and martyr, who was executed in 1589.
  • Williram - Scripture scholar. (d. 1085)
  • William of Malmesbury - Benedictine monk at Malmesbury Abbey.
  • Windthorst, Ludwig - German statesman. (1812-1891)
  • Walkenried - Cistercian abbey of Germany, situated in the Duchy w of Brunswick reference between Lauterberg and Nordhausen. Founded in w 1127 by Countess Adelheid reference of Klettenberg.
  • Weislinger, Johann Nikolaus - Polemical writer. (1691-1755)
  • Wakash Indians - A linguistic family inhabiting the western coast of reference British Columbia, reference and the west and northwest of reference Vancouver Island, as well reference as a small region reference around Cape Flattery, Washington.
  • William of Auxerre - Thirteenth-century theologian.
  • Wigand, Saints - Three saints of this name are mentioned in reference the Roman w Martyrology.
  • Wilhelm V - Duke of Bavaria. (1548-1626)
  • Winefride, Saint - Seventh-century Welsh niece of St. Beuno. According reference to legend, reference she was decapitated by a frustrated reference suitor and restored to reference life by her uncle.
  • Windischmann, Friedrich Heinrich Hugo - Orientalist and exegete. (1811-1861)
  • Woman - The position of woman in society has given rise to a discussion which, is known under the name of the "woman question".
  • Wirt, Wigand - Theologian, born at Frankfort about 1460; died at reference Steyer, 30 June, 1519.
  • Wellington, Archdiocese of - Located in New Zealand.
  • William Way, Blessed - English priest and martyr, d. 1588.
  • William, Saint - Bishop of St-Brieuc, died about 1234.
  • Welte, Benedict - Exegete, born at Ratzenried in Würtemberg. (1825-1885)
  • Wladislaw, Diocese of - The historical origin of this diocese is not reference known precisely.
  • William Ireland, Blessed - English Jesuit who was arrested by Titus Oates w himself, and catholic encyclopedia martyred along with layman John Grove w in 1679.
  • William of Perth, Saint - Honored as a martyr because he was on w pilgrimage to reference Jerusalem when murdered by his adopted w son.
  • Widmer, Joseph - Swiss theologian. (1779-1844)
  • Wallon Henri-Alexandre - Historian and statesman, born at Valenciennes. (1812-1904)
  • Wegg-Prosser, Francis Richard - Prominent English convert. (1824-1911)
  • Whitby, Abbey of - Formerly called Streoneshalh. A Benedictine monastery in the North Riding catholic encyclopedia of Yorkshire, England, founded about 657, as a double monastery, catholic encyclopedia by Oswy, King of Northumberland.
  • Westphalia - Province of Prussia.
  • Week, Liturgical - The week was regarded as a sacred institution catholic encyclopedia among the Jews owing to the law of catholic encyclopedia the Sabbath rest and its association with the catholic encyclopedia first chapter of Genesis.
  • William of Sens - A twelfth-century French architect, supposed to have been reference born at w Sens.
  • Warsaw, Archdiocese of - Located in Poland.
  • William of Gellone, Saint - Late eighth century. The second count of Toulouse, catholic encyclopedia founded a Benedictine monastery, then became a monk catholic encyclopedia himself.
  • West Virginia - The state bounded by Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio, Virginia, and on Kentucky.
  • William of Tyre - Archbishop of Tyre and historian. (1130-1190)
  • Waltham Abbey - Formerly located near London.
  • Water, Liturgical Use of - Besides the holy water which is used in rites of blessing, and the water employed in the washing of feet and hands, and in the baptismal font, water has its recognized place in the ritual of every Mass.
  • Weber, Beda - Benedictine professor, author, statesman. (1798-1859)
  • Winnoc, Saint - Early eighth-century Benedictine prior.
  • Wilmers, Wilhelm - Professor of philosophy and theology. (1817-1899)
  • Window, Rose - A circular window, with mullions and traceries generally catholic encyclopedia radiating from the centre, and filled with stained catholic encyclopedia glasses.
  • Walsh, Patrick - Irish-American journalist and senator. (1840-1900)
  • Winslow, Jakob Benignus - Physician and anatomist. (1669-1760)
  • White, Stephen - Irish antiquarian and polyhistor. (1574-1646)
  • Wilmington, Diocese of - Located in Delaware, U.S.A.
  • Ward, Thomas - English controversialist. (1652-1708)
  • Weissenau, Monastery of - Suppressed Premonstratensian house in Würtemberg.
  • William of Turbeville - Bishop of Norwich. (1095-1174)
  • Whitty, Rose - Irish nun. (1831-1911)
  • Way of the Cross - Historical background on this devotion.
  • Wigley, George J. - By profession he was an architect, but subsequently devoted himself to journalism in Paris.
  • Werburgh, Saint - Benedictine abbess, died 699 or 700. Biographical article.
  • Weber, Heinrich - German Church historian. (1834-1898)
  • William of Auvergne - Short article on this thinker, by William Turner.
  • Willems, Pierre - Philologist. (1840-1898)
  • William Carter, Blessed - English printer, martyred in 1584.
  • Winchester, Ancient See of - This diocese came into existence in 635 when catholic encyclopedia the great missionary Diocese of Dorchester, founded by catholic encyclopedia St. Birinus in 634 for the Kingdom of catholic encyclopedia Wessex, was subdivided into the Sees of Sherborne catholic encyclopedia and Winchester.
  • Waldenses - An heretical sect which appeared in the second half of reference the twelfth century.
  • White, Robert - English composer. (1530-1574)
  • Walter of Winterburn - An English Dominican, cardinal, orator, poet, philosopher, and theologian in catholic encyclopedia the thirteenth century.
  • Wilton Abbey - Benedictine convent near Salisbury, England.
  • Wyclif, John - Lengthy biographical article. Includes bibliography.
  • Ward, James Harman - The first Union naval officer to fall in reference the Civil War.
  • Whitty, Ellen - Australian nun. (1819-1892)
  • Wood, Thomas - Priest and confessor. (1499-1588)
  • Wipo - Eleventh-century priest and biographer.
  • Wessenberg, Ignaz Heinrich von - Vicar-General and Administrator of the Diocese of Constance. reference (1774-1860)
  • Whitty, Robert - English Jesuit. (1817-1895)
  • Welle, Prefecture Apostolic of - Located in the extreme north of Belgian Congo, catholic encyclopedia Africa.
  • Wolowski, Louis-François-Michel-Reymond - Polish economist. (1810-1876)
  • Witt, Francis Xavier - Composer and reformer of church music. (1834-1888)
  • William the Conqueror - King of England and Duke of Normandy.
  • White, Andrew - Missionary. (1579-1656)
  • Ward, Mary - Founded the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
  • William of Ockham - Biographical article on the fourteenth-century Franciscan philosopher.
  • Weis, Nicolaus von - Bishop in Lorraine. (1796-1869)
  • Westminster, Archdiocese of - Comprises the Counties of Middlesex, Hertfordshire, Essex, and London north w of the Thames.
  • Walsh, Edward - Irish poet, born at Derry in 1805; died reference at Cork, 6 August, 1850.
  • Ward, William George - English writer and convert. (1812-1882)
  • Warde, Mary Francis Xavier - Irish-American nun. (1810-1884)
  • Werner, Friedrich Ludwig Zacharias - Prussian convert, poet, and pulpit orator. (1768-1823)
  • Welsh Church - The term Welsh Church covers "the British Church reference during the reference Roman period", "the British Church during reference the period of Saxon reference Conquest", and "the Church reference of Wales".
  • William of Digulleville - Fourteenth-century French poet.
  • Wright, William - A professor of philosophy at Gratz and Vienna and chaplain to the Gages at Hengrave Hall, Suffolk. (1562-1639)
  • Wales - Located in the western portion of Great Britain.
  • Wessel Goesport, John - A fifteenth-century Dutch theologian, born at Gröningen in 1420; died catholic encyclopedia there on 4 Oct., 1489.
  • Will - This article discusses will in its psychological aspect.
  • Wigbert, Saint - English-born companion of St. Boniface. Wigbert was abbot of Hersfeld w and, for a time, of Ohrdruf. He died in about w 746.
  • William of Champeaux - A concise summary of his life and thought, by William w Turner.
  • William of Ramsey - A monk of Crowland Abbey.
  • William the Clerk (of Normandy) - French poet of the thirteenth century.
  • Washington, D.C. - The capital of the United States.
  • William Southerne, Blessed - Brief profile of the English martyr, who was reference arrested while reference saying Mass, and executed in 1618.
  • Wittenberg - City and University.
  • Wilcannia, Diocese of - Located in New South Wales, one of the w six suffragan reference sees of Sydney.
  • World, Antiquity of the - Various attempts have been made to establish the age of the world.
  • Winckelmann, Johann Joachim - Archaeologist and historian of ancient art. (1717-1768)
  • Wilfrid, Saint - Biographical article on this abbot and bishop, who catholic encyclopedia died in 709.
  • Wibald - Medieval Belgian Abbot. (1098-1158)
  • William, Abbot of Marmoutiers - For a time he was Archdeacon of Nantes, but renounced this dignity and became a monk at the Benedictine monastery of Marmoutiers. (d. 1124)
  • Ward, Hugh - Irish Hagiographer. (1590-1635)
  • William the Walloon - Medieval abbot. (d. 1089)
  • Washington, State of - One of the Pacific coast states, popularly known w as the catholic encyclopedia "Evergreen State".
  • William Harrington, Blessed - Short biography of the English priest and martyr, w who died reference in 1594.
  • Warham, William - Archbishop of Canterbury. (1450-1532)
  • Watteau, Jean Antoine - Artist's biography with bibliography.
  • Wangnereck, Heinrich - German theologian, preacher, and author. (1595-1664)
  • Weld, Frederick Aloysius - New Zealand colonist. (1823-1891)
  • Wyart, Théophile-Louis-Henri - French Cistercian. (1839-1904)
  • Wittman, Patrizius - Catholic journalist. (1818-1883)
  • Witzel, Georg - Hessian theologian. (1501-1573)
  • Wouters, G. Henry - Historian. (1802-1872)
  • Woodhead, Abraham - English writer. (1609-1678)
  • William Dean, Blessed - Short article on the career of this English reference priest, martyred in 1588.
  • Wheeling, Diocese of - Located in West Virginia.
  • Weedall, Henry - English priest. (1788-1859)
  • Werden - Suppressed Benedictine monastery.
  • Würzburg, Diocese of - Located in Bavaria; suffragan of Bamberg.
  • Westminster Cathedral - A national expression of religious faith given by w Roman Catholics catholic encyclopedia to England.
  • Wood-Carving - Discusses the branch of wood-carving dealing with artistic objects, belonging either to plastic (as statues, crucifixes, and similar carvings), or to industrial art (as arabesques and rosettes), and which serve mainly for the ornamentation of cabinet work
  • Winnebago Indians - A Siouan tribe closely related in speech to the Iowa, Missouri, and Oto, and more remotely to the Dakota and Ponca.
  • Will and Testament of Clerics - Roman law allowed clerics to dispose of their w property by w will or otherwise.
  • Wisconsin - Known as the "Badger State", admitted to the Union on 29 May, 1848, the seventeenth state admitted, after the original thirteen.
  • Walmesley, Charles - Bishop of Rama, Vicar Apostolic of the Western District, England. w (1722-1797)
  • Würzburg Abbeys - Abbey of the Holy Redeemer, St. Andrew\\'s Abbey, w St. Stephen\'s w Abbey, and St. James's Abbey.
  • Walter of St-Victor - Mystic philosopher and theologian of the twelth century.
  • Weber, Friedrich Wilhelm - Physician, poet, statesman. (1813-1894)
  • Wild, Johann - Scriptural commentator and preacher. (1495-1554)
  • Walafrid - German poet and theologian of the ninth century.
  • Wimborne Minster - Monastery in Dorsetshire, England.
  • Worcester, Ancient Diocese of - Located in England, created in 680 when, at the Synod of Hatfield under St. Theodore, Archbishop of Canterbury, the great Mercian diocese was divided into five sees.
  • Wolstan, Saint - Eleventh-century Benedictine, Bishop of Worcester. Biography.
  • Waterford and Lismore - Suffragan of Cashel.
  • William of Nangis - Medieval chronicler. (d. 1300)
  • Wachter, Eberhard - Painter, born at Stuttgart, (1762-1852)
  • Wörndle, Von, Family - Philip, Edmund, and August.
  • Walsh, Thomas - Bishop of Cambysopolis, born in London in 1777.
  • Wolff, George Dering - American editor. (1822-1894)
  • William Howard, Blessed - Biography of the Viscount Stafford, who headed the reference list of w Catholic lords pursued by Titus Oates reference in the so-called Popish w Plot. Imprisoned in the reference Tower and tried before the House w of Lords, reference Stafford was executed in 1680.
  • War - In its juridical sense, a contention carried on w by force w of arms between sovereign states, or w communities having in this w regard the right of w states.
  • William Andleby, Blessed - An English convert to Catholicism, he became a catholic encyclopedia priest. w He was martyred in 1597.
  • Worsley, Edward - English Jesuit. (1605-1676)
  • William Patenson, Blessed - English priest, martyred at Tyburn in 1592. During w his imprisonment, he converted several of the inmates.
  • Walsingham Priory - It stood a few miles from the sea in the northern part of Norfolk, England.
  • Wimpina, Konrad - Theologian. (1465-1531)
  • Wyntoun, Andrew of - Scottish chronicler.
  • Widukind - Saxon leader, and one of the heads of reference the Westphalian nobility.
  • Willigis, Saint - Archbishop of Mainz, d. 1011.
  • Walburga, Saint - Fairly lengthy biographical article on this abbess of w a double catholic encyclopedia monastery, and author, who died in w 777.
  • White Fathers - Missionaries of Our Lady of Africa of Algeria.
  • William Hart, Blessed - English priest, was betrayed by an apostate on Christmas Day of 1582, chained in an underground dungeon, and martyred at York in 1583.
  • Webbe, Samuel - English composer. (1742-1816)
  • Witness - One who is present, bears testimony, furnishes evidence or proof.
  • William of Ebelholt, Saint - Also called William of Paris or William of the Paraclete. w Twelfth-century canon.
  • Whithorn Priory - Founded in Scotland in the twelfth century.
  • Walsh, Robert - Publicist, diplomat, born at Baltimore, MD., 1785; died catholic encyclopedia at w Paris, 7 Feb., 1859.
  • Walter of Châtillon - Poet in the second half of the twelfth reference century, born catholic encyclopedia at Lille; died of the plague reference in the beginning of catholic encyclopedia the thirteenth century.
  • William of Wayneflete - English bishop and chancellor. (d. 1486)
  • Wulfen, Franz Xaver Freiherr von - Botanist. (1728-1805)
  • Wingham, Thomas - Pianist, organist, composer and teacher. (1846-1893)
  • Waterworth, James - English priest. (1806-1876)
  • Winona, Diocese of - Established in 1889, suffragan of St. Paul, in w southern Minnesota.
  • Worthington, Thomas, D.D. - Third President of Douai College. (1549-1627)
  • Whipple, Amiel Weeks - American military engineer and soldier. (1818-1863)
  • Willaert, Adrian - Biography of the composer (1480-1562).
  • Weathers, William - English bishop. (1814-1895)
  • Windows in Church Architecture - A history of the use and form of windows in reference Christian houses of worship.
  • William Ward, Blessed - Ward, whose real name was William Webster, was over 40 when he began his studies for the priesthood. He labored for 30 years in England, 20 of which were spent in prison. He was martyred in 1641 at the age of about 80, for the crime of being a priest.
  • Worship, Christian - In its most general sense, homage paid to catholic encyclopedia a person or a thing.
  • Waldeck, Principality of - A former state of the German Empire.
  • Wadding, Luke - Historian and theologian, born at Waterford, Ireland. (1588-1657)
  • Wulfram, Saint - Late seventh-century missionary and bishop.
  • Widow - Canonical prescriptions concerning widows in the Old Testament refer mainly w to the question of remarriage.
  • William of Vercelli, Saint - Founder of the Hermits of Monte Vergine, died 1142.
  • Weiss, Johann Baptist - Historian. (1820-1899)
  • White, Thomas - Several of White\'s opinions were censured by the catholic encyclopedia Inquisition.
  • Walter, Ferdinand - Jurist, born at Wetzlar. (1794-1879)
  • Woods, Julian Edmund Tenison - Priest and scientist. (1832-1889)
  • William of Shoreham - An English religious writer of the Anglo-Norman period, born at Shoreham, near Sevenoaks, in Kent, in the latter half of the twelfth century.
  • Wittman, George Michael - Bishop-elect of Ratisbon. (1760-1833)
  • Wilberforce, Robert Isaac - Second son of William Wilberforce, and a younger brother of Samuel Wilberforce.
  • Weber, Karl Maria Friedrich Ernst von - Composer. (1786-1826)
  • Wilberforce, Henry William - Third son of William Wilberforce, and younger brother w of Robert w Wilberforce.
  • Wisdom, Book of - One of the deutero-canonical writings of the Old catholic encyclopedia Testament, catholic encyclopedia placed in the Vulgate between the Canticle catholic encyclopedia of Canticles catholic encyclopedia and Ecclesiasticus.
  • Weninger, Francis Xavier - Jesuit missionary and author. (1805-1888)
  • William of Norwich, Saint - William\\'s corpse was found showing signs of a catholic encyclopedia violent reference death. He is the earliest example of catholic encyclopedia a medieval reference blood libel saint, having died in catholic encyclopedia 1144. His biographer reference relied on hearsay, and was catholic encyclopedia "a man of unlimited reference credulity."
  • White, Edward - Grandfather of Stephen Mallory White, born in County Limerick, Ireland, w in the latter part of the eighteenth century; died December, w 1863.
  • Walsh, William - Bishop of Meath, Ireland.
  • Westcott, Sebastian - English organist. (1524-1583)
  • Wandelbert - Benedictine monk and theological writer. (813-850)
  • Waitzen, Diocese of - Located in Hungary; suffragan of Gran; probably founded by King catholic encyclopedia St. Stephen.
  • Wiseman, Nicholas Patrick - Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster. (1802-1865)
  • Wichita Indians - A confederacy of Caddoan stock, formerly dwelling between catholic encyclopedia the catholic encyclopedia Arkansas River, Kansas, and the Brazos River, catholic encyclopedia Texas.
  • Wireker, Nigel - Twelfth-century satirist.
  • Walla-Walla Indians - A Shahaptian tribe dwelling on the Walla-Walla River w and the catholic encyclopedia Columbia in Washington and Oregon, from w Snake River to the catholic encyclopedia Umatilla.
  • William of St-Amour - Thirteenth-century theologian and controversialist. (d. 1273)
  • Wiest, Stephan - Member of the Order of Cistercians. (1748-1797)
  • Westminster Abbey - This most famous of all English abbeys is situated within w the precincts of the Royal Palace of Westminster.
  • William of St-Thierry - Theologian and mystic. (1085-1148)
  • William, Blessed - Biographical article on this Cluniac, abbot of Hirschau, monastic reformer, astronomer, musician, who died in 1091.
  • Wolfgang, Saint - Tenth-century Benedictine bishop of Ratisbon (Regensburg).
  • Wadding, Michael - Mystical theologian, born at Waterford, Ireland. (1591-1644)
  • Winwallus, Saint - Abbot, contemporary of St. Patrick. There are fifty-some reference forms of w his name, including Bennoc and Winwalloc.
  • Waldsassen, Abbey of - Cistercian monastery founded by Gerwich von Wolmundstein.
  • William of Newburgh - English historian. (1136-1198)
  • Wearmouth Abbey - Benedictine monastery in Durham, England.
  • Windsor - A town on the Thames, in Berkshire, England; rendered Ventus Morbidus in some medieval documents, the name being really from the Saxon Windels-or, "winding shore".
  • Whitby, Synod of - A conference at the monastery of St. Hilda catholic encyclopedia at reference Whitby or Streanoeshalch. King Oswy with Bishops catholic encyclopedia Colman and reference Chad represented the Celtic tradition; Alchfrid, catholic encyclopedia son of Oswy, reference and Bishops Wilfrid and Agilbert catholic encyclopedia that of Rome.
  • Wessobrunn - Suppressed Benedictine abbey in Bavaria.
  • Wilhelm of Herle - Painter, born at Herle in Dutch Limburg at catholic encyclopedia an catholic encyclopedia unknown date in the fourteenth century.
  • Waagen, Wilhelm Heinrich - Geologist and palaeontologist. (1841-1900)
  • William of Wykeham - Bishop of Winchester and Chancellor of England. (1324-1404)
  • Willibrord, Saint - Article on the Benedictine missionary and bishop, who w died in catholic encyclopedia 739.
  • William of Maleval, Saint - Also known as St. William the Great. reference Hermit, d. reference 1157.
  • Webb, Benjamin Joseph - Kentucky editor and historian. (1814-1897)
  • Weingarten - Suppressed Benedictine abbey.
  • Westminster, Matthew of - The name given to the supposed author of reference a well-known catholic encyclopedia English chronicle, the "Flores Historiarum".
  • Wendelin of Trier, Saint - Patron of shepherds. Died c. 617.
  • Walsh, Peter - Irish Franciscan, born at Mooretown, County Kildare, about catholic encyclopedia 1608; died in London, 15 March, 1688.
  • William of Jumièges - Benedictine historian. (d. 1090)
  • Wolsey, Thomas - Cardinal Archbishop of York. (1471-1530)
  • Wenceslaus, Saint - The patron saint of Bohemia, murdered by his reference brother c. reference 929.
  • William Davies, Blessed - Biography of the Welsh priest concentrates especially on reference his imprisonment and martyrdom. Fr. Davies died in reference 1593.
  • William Richardson, Blessed - Last martyr under Queen Elizabeth. (d. 1603)
  • Waldseemüller, Martin - Learned humanist and celebrated cartographer. A canon of w St-Dié in Lorraine. (1475-1522)
  • William - Abbot of Saint-Bénigne on Dijon. (962-1031)
  • Würtemberg, Kingdom of - Situated between Bavaria and Baden.
  • William Pike, Blessed - A Dorset layman, a joiner by trade. Converted catholic encyclopedia to reference Catholicism. He was martyred in 1591.
  • Wallenstein, Albrecht von - Born at Hermanic, Bohemia. (1583-1634)
  • Wolfram von Eschenbach - Middle-High-German epic poet. (d. 1216)
  • Wigbod - Theological writer of the eighth century.
  • Wells in Scripture - It is difficult to realize the importance which reference a country catholic encyclopedia like Palestine attaches to any source reference of fresh water.
  • Wartenberg, Franz Wilhelm, Count von - Bishop and cardinal. (1593-1661)
  • Walter of Mortagne - A twelfth-century Scholastic philosopher, and theologian.
  • Wettingen-Mehrerau, Abbacy Nullius of - Cistercian abbey in Austria.
  • Welsh Monastic Foundations - The British church was driven into Wales in catholic encyclopedia the fifth century
  • Wimmer, Boniface - Bavarian archabbot. (1809-1887)
  • Wace, Robert - Poet, born at Jersey, about 1100; died at w Bayeux, 1174.
  • Wichita, Diocese of - Erected in 1887, from the Diocese of Leavenworth.
  • Wilgefortis - The legend makes her a Christian daughter of a pagan King of Portugal.
  • Wyoming - Forty-fourth state, derives its name from the Delaware reference Indian word "Maughwauwama", signifying mountains with large plains reference between.
  • Waverley, Cistercian Abbey of - Founded by William Gifford, the first monastery of the Order reference of Citeaux in England.
  • William Filby, Blessed - English priest, martyred in 1582. Article also has reference details on Bl. Laurence Richardson and St. Luke reference Kirby, his companions in martyrdom.
  • William Exmew, Blessed - A learned Carthusian, martyred at Tyburn in 1535.
  • Wenrich of Trier - Eleventh-century German ecclesiastico-political writer.
  • Winzet, Ninian - Benedictine abbot and controversial writer. (1518-1592)
  • Waterton, Charles - English naturalist and explorer. (1782-1865)
  • William of Moerbeke - Short article by M. de Wulf on this learned man of the 13th century.
  • Williamites - Name of two minor religious orders.
  • William of Ware - William de Warre, Guard, Guaro, Varro or Varron.
  • Walter of Merton - Bishop of Rochester and founder of Merton College, w Oxford.
  • Witchcraft - As commonly understood, involves the idea of a diabolical pact reference or at least an appeal to the intervention of the reference spirits of evil.
  • Welser, Bartholomeus - German merchant prince. (1488-1561)
  • Waire, Venerable - English friar and martyr, hanged, drawn, and quartered catholic encyclopedia at St. Thomas Waterings in Camberwell, 8 July, catholic encyclopedia 1539.
  • William of Paris, Saint - Abbot of Eskill in Denmark.
  • Weston, William - Jesuit missionary priest, born at Maidstone.
  • Willehad, Saint - Short biography of the missionary and bishop, d. 789.
  • Walton, Brian - English Biblical scholar. (1600-1661)
  • Walther von der Vogelweide - Minnesinger and old poet, born about 1170; died in 1228.
  • Willibald and Winnebald, Saints - Members of the Order of St. Benedict.
  • William of Poitiers - Norman historian, born of a noted family, at Préaux near catholic encyclopedia Pont Audemer, Normandy, about 1020.
  • Würzburg, University of - John I of Egloffstein (1400-1411), Bishop of Wurzburg, catholic encyclopedia obtained from Pope Boniface IX a charter, dated catholic encyclopedia 10 December, 1492, for the university.
  • Wolgemut, Michael - Painter and engraver. (1434-1519)
  • Wisdom, Daughters of - Founded at Poitiers by Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort in 1703.
  • Weld - Name of a prominent English Catholic family.
  • White, Stephen Mallory - American statesman. (1853-1901)

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