Sermon Collections Sermons Pastoral Resources Christianity

Free download of hundreds of vintage sermons delivered by great preachers of the past. A number of sermons by contemporary preachers are provided as well. Most files are in mp3 format.

    Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Christianity: Pastoral Resources: Sermons

Sermon Collections

  • Sermons-2-go - Collection of sermon manuscripts searchable by text, biblical book, Sunday pastoral resources in the church year, or keywords.
  • Words on the Word - Sermon texts by Milton Stanley, New York Avenue pastoral resources Church of Christ, Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
  • The Gospel Defender - Text, audio and video sermons and presentations (mp3, mpg, PowerPoint).
  • Abide in Christ - Extensive collection of sermon manuscripts by Wil Pounds.
  • From The Pulpit - Sermons preached "From The Pulpit" of St. George\\'s sermons Anglican Church, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, in the sermons 8am service by Ken R. Anderson OblOSB sermons Nov.
  • Sermons of Rev. Dennis Marquardt - Sermons preached by Rev. Dennis Marquardt (Assemblies of pastoral resources God).
  • Eagle Vision Ministry - More than 350 teaching sermons from a preacher sermon collections whose sermon collections breakthrough came after one year of praying sermon collections 6-8 hours sermon collections daily and another 6-8 hours reading sermon collections the Bible daily.
  • Sermons for the Road - Offers free-use sermons from the ministry of Pastor pastoral resources Michael pastoral resources D. Stover.
  • Seekers Sermons - Any member of our community (Seekers Church, Washington, pastoral resources DC) may be called upon by God to pastoral resources give us the Word. This site collects for pastoral resources study and reflection drafts of sermons prepared in pastoral resources electronic form.
  • Sermondesk - A regularly updated UK bank of Christian sermons, from Anglican pastoral resources Reader David Funge. Many sermons are suitable for any time pastoral resources of year.
  • The Rock - Messages by Pastor Pete Haynes of Long Green pastoral resources Valley Church of the Brethren. Organized by topic pastoral resources and lectionary verse.
  • Sermon Audio - Features mp3 files of numberous sermons, most from sermon collections a fundamentalist point-of-view. Paid subscription necessary for some sermon collections features in the site.
  • Fresh Fire Ministries - Presents recorded audio sermons from Fresh Fire Ministries.
  • Abundant Life Sermons - Practical and scripturally sound sermons that inspire faith pastoral resources and sermon collections Christian growth, preached by Pastor Jim Mooney pastoral resources at the sermon collections Crenshaw Church of God, Crenshaw, Mississippi.
  • On-Line Sermons - Ginghamsburg United Methodist Church presents streaming audio and video recordings pastoral resources of "seeker driven" sermons by Michael Slaughter.
  • Hope Central Home Page - Page contains recordings of sermons preached at Hope pastoral resources Central, sermons organized by month and the name of pastoral resources the sermon sermons series.
  • The Reformer's Fire - Offers expository sermons on Deuteronomy, Psalms, Isaiah, Minor sermon collections Prophets, sermons Mark, Romans, Peter, and Revelation. Doctrinal and sermon collections ecclesiastical sermons sermons as well. (Presbyterian Church in America)
  • The Reformed Sermon Archives. - The site offers an archive of sermons from pastoral resources the time of the Reformation and the Puritan pastoral resources Reformed movement.
  • Moore's Chapel United Methodist Church Sermons On-Line - A collection of sermons in mp3 format by sermons Rev. Jack Cohen of Moore\'s Chapel United Methodist sermons Church.
  • Online audio sermons - Sermons from Ebenezer Evangelical Church in Bristol, England pastoral resources available sermon collections for listening in mp3.
  • The Seed - The Seed is a text archive of Reformed sermons from several different denominations.
  • Pastor Bill's Nuggets of Truth Ministries - A collection of inspirational sermons and teachings for sermon collections spirit-filled Christian living. Assemblies of God.
  • Prophetic Journal - Features mp3 recordings of sermons by R.S. Neaville.
  • Bible Sermons Online - Reformed Christian sermons available free online in audio sermons and text format. Also features catalogue of sermons sermons available on audio cassette. Most sermons are preached sermons by Rev. Maurice Roberts, Inverness.
  • Audio Sermons Online - Free download of hundreds of vintage sermons delivered by great sermons preachers of the past. A number of sermons by contemporary sermons preachers are provided as well. Most files are in mp3 sermons format.
  • Sermons from Church for Life - Audio file of the weekly sermons from Church sermon collections for pastoral resources Life, Santa Maria CA.
  • Sermons and Writings of Victor Shepherd - Sermons and Wesley scholarship by Dr. Victor Shepherd, sermon collections pastor sermons of Streetsville United Church and occupant of sermon collections Canada\\'s only sermons Chair of Wesley Studies at Tyndale sermon collections Seminary
  • Till He Comes - Expository sermons by Jeremy Myers in audio (mp3) and text sermon collections formats.
  • Sermons and Bible Studies by Paul Wallace - Sermons, Bible studies, and weekly devotional thoughts (via sermon collections Word 98 files to download) from a non-denominational sermon collections perspective.
  • Abiding by Faith Ministry - Topical audio sermons by Michael J. Greene.
  • F. W. Robertson - Sermons from this nineteenth century English preacher, famous as the father of the two point sermon. He profoundly influenced the teaching of homiletics and the popular preaching of his day.
  • Monergism - A collection of expository sermons from a variety of historical and contemporary preachers on texts from Genesis to Revelation.
  • Father Mike Online - Archived messages from Father Michael Maslowsky, a Portland, sermon collections Oregon sermons priest.
  • Sermons of Douglas Norris - Compiles more than ten years of sermons delivered by Rev. sermons Douglas I. Norris, a retired United Methodist minister.
  • Sermons by Dr. Russell Metcalfe - Free, scripturally indexed sermon archives of Dr. Russell sermons Metcalfe, Jr. Other materials also available (articles and sermons texts). Nazarene.
  • LivingWeb Lectionary Project - Links to sermon texts offered under a variety of categories: seasonal preaching, evangelistic preaching, and bible and lectionary based preaching.
  • Sermon of the week - This sermon is from Emmanuel Pentecostal Church, Accrington
  • Country Preacher Reads "Letters From Hell" At Sunday Service - Streaming audio sermons from a non-denominational preacher from pastoral resources Athens, Tennessee.
  • Sermon Resources - Original sermons based on the Revised Common Lectionary and links sermon collections to sermon and lectionary resources. Site is edited by a sermon collections United Church of Canada minister.
  • Discovery Papers by Doug Goins - Expository sermons indexed by book of the Bible.
  • Focus On God Sermons - Full content manuscript sermons. Expository and topical sermons, sermon collections Bible sermon collections studies, available for free download.
  • Homilies of a Russian Orthodox Priest - Audio files of homilies in the Russian Orthodox sermon collections tradition.
  • Sunday Sermons - Sunday Sermons by Rev. David Martyn at First sermons United Church, sermon collections Kelowna, BC (United Church of Canada)
  • Visual Sermons - Full-text sermons by a UK Cambridge scholar illustrated sermons with ready-to-project pictures. Topics include Christmas, ethics, family, sermons evil, Lord\\'s Prayer, money, Bible lives, creed, and sermons prophecy.
  • Gospel Chapel sermon outlines - The Gospel Chapel Sermon Notes and Outline Index is made pastoral resources available as a help to pastors, ministers, and Christians who pastoral resources are students of the Word, who desire assistance in their pastoral resources study and daily Christian walk.
  • The Liberty of the Spirit - Contains the text of an old nineteenth century sermons sermon. Salvation and deliverance: surrendering one\\'s life sermons to Jesus Christ: a short commentary by Rev. sermons John Alison(1835-1902), Doctor of Divinity, an anointed Scottish sermons pastor.
  • Waynesboro Church Of God - Sermons in mp3 format for streaming audio or download.
  • Sermon Central - A collection of thousands of full text sermons sermons and outlines, pastoral resources indexed by Bible chapter.

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