Saints Sergius and Bacchus Saints People Christianity
Sergius and Bacchus were soldiers, martyred in the Diocletian persecution in about 303. Universally venerated in the East. Feast day: 7 October.
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Saints Sergius and Bacchus
- Catholic Encyclopedia - Sergius and Bacchus were soldiers, martyred in the s Diocletian persecution s in about 303. Universally venerated s in the East. s Feast day: 7 October.
- The Passion of SS. Serge and Bacchus - John Boswell\\'s translation from the Greek. The saints story of their martyrdom, illustrated with an ikon.
- Military Martyrs - Information on the cultus of the late Roman saints martyrs SS. saints Sergius and Bacchus. Includes a translation saints of the Passion of saints SS. Sergius and Bacchus saints from the Acta Sanctorum. Also ikon, saints bibliography.
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